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1、Unit4 B Read and write 课堂训练一、根据提示完成句子。1. 我会功夫。I can do some_ _.2. Sarah会跳舞Sarah can_.3. Mike 和 John 都会打篮球。Mike and John can play_.4. 你会说英文吗?_ you _ _?5. 你姐姐会弹琵琶吗 ?Can your sister_ _ _?二、根据中文句子选出与其内容相符合的英文句子,将序号填入括号中。() 1.他会游泳。A. I can cook.B. He can swim.C. She can swim.() 2.她会发邮件。A. Can you send an

2、 email?B. Can you speak English?C. She can send an email.() 3. 他会打篮球。A. He can play ping-pong.B. He can play the basketball.C. He can play basketball.() 4. 我会说英文和中文。A. I can speak Chinese.B. I can speak English.C. I can speak English and Chinese.() 5. 我不会功夫。A. I can do some kung fu.B. Can you do any

3、 kung fu.第 1页C. I cantdo any kung fu.三、小情景。() 1. 当你想问别人会些什么时,你会说:_A. What can you do?B. How are you?C. Where is she?() 2. 当你饿了时,你会说:_A. Let sgo.B. I m hungry.C. You are welcome.() 3. 朋友问你会弹琴吗,你不会,你回答说:_A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I cant.() 4. 你问 Sarah会不会说中文,你这样问:_A. How about you?B. Can you sp

4、eak Chinese?C. Can you sing Chinese song?() 5. 当你想说你能为派对唱英文歌时,你会说:_A. I can do some kung fu.B. I can dance for the party.C. I can sing English songs for the party.四、连词成句,并加上正确的标点符号。1. new Do want friend you a_2. My play the mother can pipa_3. can She not ping-pong play_4. my be Who can friend第 2页_5.

5、 you can I dance for_Unit4 B Read and write 课堂训练参考答案一、1. kung fu2. dance3. basketball4. Can speak English5. paly the pipa二、1. B2. C3. C4. C5. C三、1. A2. B3. C4. B5. C四、1. Do you want a new friend?2. My mother can play the pipa.3. She can not play ping-pong.4. Who can be my friend?5. I can dance for you.第 3页


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