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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.我过去怕黑。第一 Section A (1a-2d)一、 。() 1. Mario, you used to be short,? Yes, I did, but now I m tall.A. did youB. didn tyouC. werentyouD. arentyou() 2. Every year a lot of visitors travel to Hainan, because itsisland.A. so a beautifulB. so beautifulC. a such beautifu

2、lD. such a beautiful() 3. My brother is a basketball fan, now he isour city basketball team.A. inB. onC. withD. for() 4. I used tocoke, but now I m used tomilk.A. drink; drinkingB. drink; drinkC. drinking; drinkingD. drinking; drink() 5. She used to playtennis, but now she likes playingpiano.A. /; /

3、B. the; theC. /; theD. the; /二、根据句意,用括号中所 的适当形式填空。6. He used to(go) to school by bike. But now he is used to(walk) to school.7. Paula wasntvery outgoing in the past. She was never brave enough(ask)the teachers any questions in class.8. It(be) three years since we last saw our primary school classmat

4、es.9. She is a shy girl. Shes always(silence) in class.10.Hes always very(help) to his mother.三、将下列句子中 部分 成英 ,注意使用适当的形式。11.The Greens eat out. ( 常 )12.Did he use to? (戴眼 )13.I used tohigh places. (害怕 )14.He used to be shy and quiet, and his face alwayswhen he talked togirls. ( 变红 )15.Shes a really g

5、ood student. She studies hard and alwaysin hisexams. (取得好成 )第二 Section A (3a-4c)一、 。() 1. When did Mo Yanhis writing career( ;生涯 )? Sorry, I don tknow, either.A. make upB. take upC. look upD. put up() 2.A number of peoplewaiting in line to buy tickets and the number of themabout 200.A. are; isB. is;

6、 areC. are; areD. is; is() 3.Because of the bad weather,fruit got bad on the farm.A. manyB. a lotC. lot ofD. tons of() 4.Shes afraid of the dark. She doesntdareout alone at night.第 1页A. goesB. goingC. to goD. go() 5. You can never imagine how difficult the roadsuccess is.A. forB. withC. ofD. to二、根据句

7、意,用括号中所 的适当形式填空。6. Are you still afraid of(fly) in an airplane now?7. Mike is a(Europe) boy. He comes from Germany.8. I know nothing about(Africa) culture.9. Sally is really worried and doesn tknow how to deal with her(shy).10.Tom, could you give a(speak) on how to study English next week?三、将下列句子中 部

8、分 成英 ,注意使用适当的形式。11.She helps us with our English. (一直 )12.Now, Emily readssix books a year. (至少 )13.Can you tell me how tothese problems? ( 理; )14.Smoking isn tallowed. ( 在公共 所 )15.As a famous person, you have towhat you say or do. ( 小心 )第三 Section B(1a-2f)一、 。() 1. Chinese astronauts can also walk

9、in space. Yes, theyreour nation.A. proud ofB. pleased withC. known forD. the pride of() 2. Little Amy went to schoolit rained heavily yesterday.A. even thoughB. ifC. butD. since() 3. He seldom helps his mother with the housework,?A. doesn theB. does heC. hasntheD. is he() 4. My mother always takes p

10、ride inthat I do.A. everything wellB. well everythingC. everything goodD. good everything() 5. I havecousin. Hes in a primary school.A. a 8-years-oldB. a 8-year-oldC. an 8-years-oldD. an 8-year-old二、根据句意,用括号中所 的适当形式填空。6. It s very important for parents(be) there for their children.7. At last, they h

11、ad to make the(decide) to send their daughter to the US.8. The doctor advised her(rest) for three days at home.9. Li Wen felt lonely and unhappy. His(unhappy) began to influence hisschoolwork.10.“Dontbe(worry) about me, I m able to take good care of myself ”, the boysaid to his parents.三、将下列句子中 部分 成

12、英 ,注意使用适当的形式。11.My parentsme. ( 有很大的影响)12.Finally, Li Wen s parents made the decision to send him to a.(寄宿学校 )13.I think you should talk with your son. ( 自 )14.My parents love me. Theyalwaysme. ( 感到自豪 )15.John is a really good boy. He neverfor himself. ( 惹麻 )第四 Section B(3a-3b) & Self Check第 2页一、 。(

13、) 1. It s helpful to take a knife with you when you go to the forest.A. usefulB. carefulC. wonderfulD. beautiful() 2. We are in trouble now. We require your help.A. inviteB. mailC. needD. hope() 3. It seldom snows in my hometown.A. oftenB. hardlyC. almostD. never() 4. I m sure you can deal with your

14、 problems well by yourself.A. help withB. start withC. do withD. come up with() 5. The work of the artist leaves me cold because I can hardly understand it.A. can tinterest meB. cantthank meC. cantthink of meD. cantforget me二、 。() 6. That British teacher is very. He always tells us interesting jokes

15、.A. seriousB. humorousC. patientD. quiet() 7. He used toin a small village, but now he has been used toin abig city.A. live; livingB. living; livingC. live; liveD. living; live() 8. Jack thinks math is difficult for him. So he wants to.A. give it awayB. give it backC. give it upD. take it away() 9.

16、Though he isat home, he doesntfeelfor he has many things to do.A. lonely; lonelyB. alone; aloneC. lonely; aloneD. alone; lonely() 10. Hes a reporter from BBC. He s busythe CEO from a big company.A. interviewingB. offeringC. regardingD. reading三、根据句意,用括号中所 的适当形式填空。11.My hometown(change) a lot in the

17、last few years.12.The teacher took pride in(help) his students win the English competition.13.Tara got up late this morning, so she failed(catch) the early bus.14. Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. Good job, honey! Im(pride) of you.15.Her(introduce) is very lively. Lets clap for

18、 her.四、将下列句子中 部分 成英 ,注意使用适当的形式。16.that he failed his English exam. ( 以置信 )17.People are usually required to give a general self-introduction in a.(求 面 )18.I used totests all the time. ( 感到 )19.Dave isn tinterested in studying. Sometimes he.(逃 )20.My brother is good at soccer. He is. (在学校足球 )五、完形填空。W

19、hen I was a child, my mother used to make food for dinner. One night, she had to makefood 21a long and hard day at work.Soon my mother placed the food on the tablea plate of eggs and several pieces of burnedtoast (烤糊的面包 ). I said22. I just waited to see what my father would do. To my 23, hedidn tsay

20、 anything, either. He just ate the toast, smiled at my mother, and asked me24my第 3页day was at school. I don tremember what I told him that night. I25remember that he ateall the toast.When I26from the table, I heard my mother said sorry to my father forthe burnedtoast. And I never forget what my fath

21、er said,“Dear, I27burned toast.”Later that night, I went to kiss my father and asked him if he really liked the burned toast. Heheldme 28hisarmsand said, “Son, yourmotherhas a harddaytodayand shes really29.Besides, a little burned toast never hurts anyone! ”Thats the end of the story. However,it mak

22、es you think: In our30life,therere noperfect things or people. If we choose to accept(接受 ) other peoples faults(缺点 ), the world willbe a better place to live in.() 21. A. beforeB. untilC. afterD. while() 22. A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing() 23. A. surpriseB. joyC. sadnessD. excitemen

23、t() 24. A. whatB. howC. whenD. why() 25. A. easilyB. hardlyC. exactlyD. quietly() 26. A. sat downB. got upC. lay downD. ran away() 27. A. makeB. cookC. hateD. love() 28. A. inB. onC. offD. under() 29. A. worriedB. relaxedC. tiredD. surprised() 30. A. quietB. dailyC. happyD. hard六、阅读理解。It was Mother

24、s Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted the shopkeeper(店主 ) to send the flowers to his mother, who lived two hundred miles away.As he got out of his car, he found a young girl sitting on the road crying.He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I want to bu

25、y a red rose for my mother, but I only have seventy-five cents( 美分 ). A rose costs two dollars. ”The man smiled and said, “Come into the shop with me, and I ll buy you a rose. ”He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mothers flowers. As they were leaving,he offered to drive the little

26、 girl home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.”She brought him to a cemetery( 墓地 ), where she placed the rose on the grave(坟墓 ).The man was moved. He returned to the flower shop, picked up the flowers he ordered, anddrove two hundred miles to his mother s house.Today is the day fo

27、r your mother. Send a flower to your kind and beautiful mother.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A 、B 、C、 D 四个选项中,选出正确选项,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。(共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)() 31. The man went to the shop to _.A. have a restB. help the girlC. buy some foodD. order some flowers() 32. The mans mother lived _ away from him.A. 2 kilom

28、etersB. 75 milesC. 200 milesD. 200 kilometers() 33. The girl was crying on the road because _.A. she was hungry第 4页B. she got hurtC. she didn thave enough money to buy a roseD. she couldn tfind her way home() 34. After the man bought the girl a rose, they went to _ together.A. the cemeteryB. his hom

29、eC. the girl s homeD. his mother s house() 35. We can learn from the passage that _.A. the girl loved flowers very muchB. the girl loved her mother very muchC. the shopkeeper sent the flowers to the man s motherD. the man drove to his mother s house to look after her参考答案第一课时1-5 BDBAC6. go; walking7.

30、 to ask8. has been/is9. silent10. helpful11. from time to time/now and then12. wear glasses13. be afraid of 14. turned red15. get good grades/scores第二课时1-5 BADCD6. flying7. European8. African9. shyness10. speech 11. all the time12. at least 13. deal with14. in public/in public places/in a public pla

31、ce15. be careful about第三课时1-5 DABCD6. to be7. decision8. to rest9. unhappiness10. worried11. have a greatinfluenceon/have had a great influence on12. boardingschool13. inperson 14. are;proud of15. causes trouble/causes any problems第四课时1-5 ACBCA6-10 BACDA11. has changed 12. helping 13. to catch14. proud15. introduction 16. It s hard/difficult to believe17. job interview18. be nervous about19. is absent from classes20. on the school soccer/football team21-25 CDABC26-30 BDACB31-35 DCCAB第 5页


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