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1、Unit 2 Colour Comic stripVocabulary班级姓名一 .选择()1.Most boys_guns to dolls while most girls_have dolls than guns.A.would rather; preferB.prefer; would ratherC.would rather; would ratherD.prefer; prefer()2.There is_in this star book.A.something interestingB.interesting somethingC.interesting nothingD.ev

2、erything interesting()3.The guide slast words_us that we should bring raincoats or umbrellas.A.recommendedB.remembered C.repliedD.reminded()4. Do you know how many colours_in a rainbow.A.there isB.is thereC.are thereD.there are()5. What do you want to do? I would rather_than go out.A.to stay at home

3、 B.staying at home C.stay at home D.stays at home()6.There are_in the reading room, but many of those books arent_.A.enough books; enough easyB.enough books; easy enoughC.books enough; easy enoughD.books enough; enough easy()7._green or_in a light green room_good for us.A.Wear; sleep; isB.Wearing; s

4、leeping; areC.Wear; sleep; areD.Wearing; sleeping; is()8. Can you tell me_? Two weeks ago.A.when you bought the toys.B.who did you buy the toys for.C.how much the toys costD.how many toys did you buy()9. He was in a bad mood and didnt talk to_.A. somebodyB.nobodyC.anybodyD.everybody()10.The boy look

5、s nice_white and the red sweater looks good_the girl.A.with; onB.in; onC.on; inD.in; with二首字母填空What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape?Do you know how to p 1 yourself? Please read the following passage. Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing w 2 to do during

6、 a fire can save your life. It is important to know the w 3 you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts.From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping t4windows is possible,The second floorwindow is usually not veryhigh from the ground.Tho

7、ugh it s a littledangerous, it is s5to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.Windows are also useful when you are w6for help. Be sure to keep thedoor c7. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head lowat the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than s8that may le

8、aked(渗) into the room.O9a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are thosethat open onto a roof(屋顶 ).From the roof a person can drop to the ground mores10.三 .词汇运用1.When I go to the teachers office, I will feel _(relax).2._(wear) blue clothes is good for the mind and body.3.I hope we can

9、make a _(decide) today.用心爱心专心- 1 -4.This summer, the terrible weather has greatly _ (affect) our moods.5.I like blue and the walls were _(paint) blue in my bedroom.6.Yellow is also the colour of _(智慧 ).7.Nanjing is so hot in summer, I like to live in cooler _.(气候 )8. When I saw the old picture, it _

10、(使想起 )me of my childhood.四完形填空When I was three years old just before my sister was born, my mom asked me what weshould name the new baby. I said,“Let s call16Gravy(肉汁) ! ”You know, we pour gravy over meat and it tastes good! My parents found my 17 interesting, but named the new baby Caroline, instea

11、d.Having a sister18mylife.Whenmy sisterand I playedtogether,we19gotintofights andgot angry with eachother if wedid20wrong. Itsometimes droveour parents crazy. 21 at the same time, we learned to share our things and to forgive (原谅) each other when we got 22 .In NorthAmerica,thereare many kindsoffamil

12、ies,but23familieshave a boyand a girl. Of course, some have three or more. In China, most children24havebrothersor sisters,and they have to learnthose thingsinotherways, which ismore25.When I26awaytouniversity,my sister27meshe wished I stilllivedat28 . She wasn t used to getting all the attention fr

13、om my parents. But Chinese children get all the attention for all their life!Some middle school29 in China wish they had a brother or sister. If you areone of them, I 30agood ideafor you.Treat your friendsand classmates as yourbrothers and sisters!() 16. A. herB. himC. meD. them() 17. A. newsB. idea

14、C. lessonD. story() 18. A. beganB. sawC. changedD. enjoyed() 19. A. neverB. againC. seldomD. often() 20. A. something B. everythingC. anythingD. nothing() 21. A. ButB. SoC. OrD.Through() 22. A. angryB. excitedC. hungryD. worried() 23. A. fewB. severalC. allD. most() 24. A. shouldnt B. dontC. needn t

15、D.wouldnt() 25. A. beautifulB. difficultC. carefulD. friendly() 26. A. tookB. putC. movedD. came() 27. A. askedB. answeredC. toldD. warned() 28. A. homeB. workC. schoolD. family() 29. A. studentsB. teachersC. workersD. lovers() 30. A. giveB. haveC. learnD. make五翻译下列句子。1. 你的电脑没有什么毛病。2. 这条牛仔裤穿在你身上很好看。3. 颜色会影响我们的生活。4. 星期天我宁愿去购物也不愿待在家里。用心爱心专心- 2 -5. 我们生活在充满色彩的世界里。二 Keys:1protect 2what 3ways 4through 5safer 6waiting 7closed 8smoke 9On 10safely用心爱心专心- 3 -


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