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1、Unit 1 Section B一、知 点1. put a _ on 包扎_ it under water水下冲put your head down2. sick ,ill 生病共同点 He is _. = He is _.不同a _boy (不能用 _)3. get hit _ the head 被撞了4. tell sb _(not do)ask sb. _(not do)5. take sb _ the hospital _(get) an X-ray6. mountain _登山运 mountain _(登山者 )7. have problems (in) _(do)做某事有困 = h

2、ave trouble= have difficulty.8. be interested in _(do)be good at _(do)do well in _(do)9. use 用,使用 (useful有用的)(1) use sth to do sth 用做 We use a knife to cut.(2) be used to do sth被用来做 .(被 )A knife is used to cut by us.(3) be used to doing 于做 (4) used to do去过.常常做 My father used to _(play) basketball, b

3、ut now he is used to _(play) soceer.10. because of, becausebecause of +_because_11. Sb find it adj _(do) sth考点:( 1) _ (2) _ It s adj for sb to do sth12. run out , run out ofHis water _.He _his water.13. He had to do something _(save) his own life.14. knife _(复数 )17. be(get)ready _(do)15. cut _切除cut

4、_切碎16. so that, so that .so that因此so形容 that 句子如此 以至于 .17. seem It seems that 句子seem + adjseem _(do).18. the _重(要性 ) of _(do)19. decide _(do) make a _决(定 ) _(do)20. be in control of控制,掌控24. keep on _(do) 持keep_(do)21. give up 放弃give up _(do)22. die, death, dead_动词_ 名 dead 形容 死亡的His dog _ last year.He

5、 feels sad because of his dog s _.23.doing 做伴随状 I hurt my knees playing soccer.I walk along road, _(sing) and _(dance).24. after _(do)before _(do).二、 1. What do you _意(思 ) by this word?第 1页2. I want to know the _(重要性 ) of the meeting.3. You can make a _决(定 ) whether to go or not.4. He didn t go to t

6、he party because he had to look after his生病的( ) mother.5. As a mountain c_, he goes to the mountains every week.6. You may have a fever, first you should take your t_.7. She helps doctors in a hospital, she is a n_.8. He felt so sad because his dog s 死亡 ).(三、适当形式1.After that, Aron climbed down the m

7、ountain _(find ) help .2.He kept on(work) through his leg hurt.3.He can stay there for ten hours without _ (move).4.He told me_ (not wait) for him.5. Let me tell you the importance of _(read) English every day.6. So he used his knife _(cut) off half his right arm .7. As a mountain climber, he is use

8、d to(take) risks.8. They have some trouble _(finish) the work.9. Are you ready _(have) the math test?10. I heard a girl _(sing) in the classroom when I passed by.11. Jack hurt his leg _(play) soccer last weekend.12. He almost lost his life because of _(climb) accidents.四、语法填空An interesting thing hap

9、pened to me last Sunday. The weather was so fine that I decided _ (drive) inthe country. _my way home, my car stopped. It ran out of gasoline(汽油 ). I decided to walk alongthe road until I found someone who could sell me some gasoline. I walked a long way _ (find) abig house near the road. I was happ

10、y_ (see) it because it was getting dark. I knocked at the doorand an old lady come out She said,“ I ve been waiting for you for a long time. Come in, please. I got teaready for you.” I was very _ (surprise).“ Oh, Tony! You used to _(love) tea.I ”told hermy car ran out of gasoline, but she didn t see

11、m to hear me. She(talk) so strangely that I wantedto leave. As soon as she went to get the tea, I went out of the house as quickly as possible.I was so happywhen I saw other house by the road. When I told the man _the old lady, he said,“ Oh, thatShe lives by_ (her) in that big house.五、阅读理解Trump smok

12、ed heavily. He got lung cancer when he was sixty years old. He only had six months to live. His第 2页chance for recovery was 1 in 500. He lived in Baldwin Street, in New Zealand, a very special street in the world. What he did with cancer was also special.He could see the worry, depression and anger i

13、n his life. He wondered, “ Ifillness can be caused bynegativity(消极性 ), can wellness be created by positivity(积极性 )?”He decided to make an experiment of himself. Laughing was one of the most positive activities he knew. He watched all the funny movies he could find. He read funny stories. He enjoyed

14、talk shows and cross talks. He asked his friends to call him whenever they said, heard or did something funny. And he also toldjokes to his friends and his family. He even built a club called“ Laugh and life”At first, his pain was so great that he could not sleep. Then, he found laughing for 10 minu

15、tes couldrelieve the pain(减轻疼痛 ) for several hours so he could sleep.He fully recovered from his illness and lived another 20 happy and healthy years in the end. He thoughthis success was because of the love of his family and friends, and laughing.So, if you like laughing, do it as often as you can

16、in your life. If you dont like laughing, then take yourmedicinelaugh anyway.()1.Where did Trump live?A In Baldwin Street. BIn New Street.CIn Wall Street.()2.From the passage we know TrumpA drank too muchBwas very handsomeChad a strong will()3. “ Laugh and life” is aA school BclubC company()4.How old

17、 was Trump when he died?A 61. B70.C80.()5.What does the passage mainly tell us?A Enough sleep is important.B Laughing is the best medicine.CActivities are useful.六、任务型阅读Two friends are going through the forest(森林 ), one friend says to the other, If any beast(野兽 ) comes out from behind the trees, I w

18、ill stay with you and help you. The other friend says, I will help you too, if any beast comes near you. After a little time there is a great noise , and a big bear(熊) comes out from behind the trees, At once one of the friends runs and gets up in a tree. The other friend is fat; he can not get up i

19、n a tree. He lies down at the foot of the tree. He says to himself, The bear will think I am dead. The bear第 3页comes near him; it puts its nose down and smells( ) him. It thinks the man is dead, so it goes away. The other friend comes down from the tree, and says, What did the bear say to you when i

20、t put its mouth so near to your ear? ” The friend answers, the bear said, if a friend runs away from you when you need his help most, he is not a real friend. 1. Where are the two friends?_2. What does the thin friend do when a big bear comes out?_3. What does the bear think after it smells the fat

21、man?_4. Are they real friends?_5. What friends are real ones?_七、 填空want , do , like , year , other , activity , she , much , worry, doA lady has a problem with her daughter:My nine-1. _-old daughter, Linda, is in Grade Three. Every evening we got into homework battles(争执 ).Three afternoons a week, s

22、he has2. _after school and by the time she gets home, homework is thelast thing she feels3. _doing.The4. _two days, she got home early and we argued aboutwhether she should do her homework. She seems 5. _me to help her all the time. I do want to helpher, but I m sure that she is going to be able6. _

23、it on7. _own. And in fact, most of thetime I have other things to do. It seems that children these days have much8. _homework than we did,and some of it is really beyond(超越 )their abilities( 能力 ).As you can see, I m really9. _about herhomework and I really don t know what I should10. _.八、 面表达近年来,中小学

24、生健康 日益引起人 的关注。 你用英 就 你的看法。提示1. 列 中小学生面 的健康 。( without breakfast, play computer games, watch TV, smoke, exercise).2. 怎 才能保持健康( good habits, eat breakfast, less time for computer games and TV, rest, sports )Everyone wants to keep healthy today, so do our students. But we don t know the importance of keepin第 4页healthy.第 5页


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