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1、 Lesson27 Whats Your advice?导学案学习目标1.熟记并会运用词汇advice, number, opposite2.学会运用以下句型。a. Lets play with my advice diamond.b. This is making me tired. c. Wish you a wonderful future.学习流程【自主学习】英汉互译(1)give sb. some advice _ (2)play with _(3)look inside _ (4)make sb. tired_(5)一个美好的未来 _ (6)再试一次_【合作探究】1.Lets pl

2、ay with my advice diamond.翻译_Play with 意为“_”eg. 孩子们正在玩球。_试着通过以下例句总结play的其它用法。a. He plays football. b. Can you play the violin? c. The students are playing games._2. This is making me tired!翻译_make me tired表示“_”结构为“make +名词/代词+形容词”表示“使.处于.状态”名词/代词充当make的宾语,形容词作宾语补足语,对宾语做补充说明。能够带宾语补足语的词很多。常见的有make, ge

3、t, have等。a. I want to make me happy._b. Two hourswalk made me tired and thirsty.翻译_3. Wish you a wonderful future. 翻译_Wish是及物动词,表示“祝愿,希望”常见用法如下:a. 可接名词或代词做宾语。Eg. Do you wish a pen or a book?_b. 接双宾语表示祝愿。Eg. I wish you success._c. 跟不定式做宾语。Eg. We wish to see the film._【当堂达标】1. My mother made me_ the f

4、uture for_.A. predict, myself B. to predict, me C. predicting, myself D.predicted, me2. I hope_ a good teacher like Miss.Yang. A. being B. to be C. be D. to3. Mr. Black gave us _ on how to learn English well.A. an advice B. many advices C. some advice D. some advices4. I wonder _do next.A. how to B.

5、 where to C. what to D. when to 5. I eat _ noodles and vegetables for dinner.A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too【课外拓展】How to Make an Advice DiamondYou will need a square piece of paper. The steps are as follows.1.Fold the paper into fourths._2.Unfold the paper._3.Fold over the four corne

6、rs, evenly into the middle._4.Fold into fourths again._5.Flip over the paper._6,Fold over the corners on the new side of the paper._7.Fold into fourths one last time._8.Fit your fingers into the slits._9.Open and close._Once your have made the diamond, you can colour each outside section a different colour, put numbers on the inside sections, and put advice on the inside tabs.


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