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1、Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do?Part A重点单词、词组:take a trip, read a magazine, go to the cinema, this morning, thisafternoon,this evening, next week.重点句子: What are you going to do on the weekend?Im going to visit mygrandparents this weekend.一、 英汉互译( 24 分)1 next week2 thisevening _3this morning4this aft

2、ernoon _5去旅行6去看电影 _7明天8阅读杂志 _二、选出下列单词中不同类的一项. (12 分)()1、A、yellow B、 rulesC、red()2、A、on footB、by planeC 、 by()3、A、school B、 ChinaC、 Canada()4、A、fifthB、oneC、fourth三、我会选。( 20 分)()1、My friendsswim tomorrow .Ago toB are going toC are going() 2. What are you going to dotonight?AB onC at() 3. Im going to C

3、anadaplane.A atB byC for() 4. Whatyou going to do this evening ?A isBareC do第 1页() 5.are you going to do tonight ?A WhatB HowCWhere()6. Im going to the museumSunday.A byBinC on()7. He is goinghis friend.A toBandC with()8. What are you going to dothe weekend ?A atBonC in四、 连词成句。(14 分)1weekendtoyou ar

4、e what going do this?_2. visit this weekend Im going to my grandparents_3. train Im by going_4. have Im to going weekend a busy ._5. you are going what to on do the weekend ._6. going is to she some buy new books ._7. is going he to TV watch._五、写答句( 15 分)1.What are you going to do tomorrow?(读杂志 )2.W

5、hat is Mike going to do next week?_ (去旅游 )3.Whataretheygoingtodotonight?_去(电影院 )4.What is Sarah going to do tomorrow?_(探望祖父母 )5.Whatarewegoingtodothisafternoon?_读(书 )六、对划线部分提问。(15 分)1. Im going to watch TV on the weekend.第 2页_ _?2. We are going to visit our teacher next week._ _?3. My parents are go

6、ing to read books tomorrow._?4. Sarah is going to clean the room tonight._ _?5. They are going to the cinema by bike tonight._?小知识Do you know ?你知道吗?在英语中有些单词的发音一样,而拼写与意思不同,这样的单词中同音异形词。如: I-eye, by-bye, be-bee, hi-high, see-sea, no-know.有意思吧!不过可要注意,不要搞混了哦!Part B重点单词、词组: post card, magazine, dictionary

7、, comic book, newspaper重点句子: Whereare you going thisafternoon?I m going to the bookstore.What are you going to buy? I am going to buy a comic book.一、看图写短语( 20 分)。_第 3页二、我会选( 20 分)。( in ,am,what,buy,this ,on,at ,where,with ,is ,busy,magazines)I_ LiuYun.I m goingtohavea _ weekend._ Saturday morning,I

8、m going to buy a new CD and some _in thebookstore. _ theafternoon.I m going to the supermarket_ my mother on Sunday. We are going to _ many things fornext week. Weare going _ 3:00 afterlunch._ aboutyou?_ are you going next weekend?三、 用 are . am . is . at . on填空( 20 分)。1The post office is _ the left.

9、2. What _ you going to do this afternoon.3. See you _ 6 oclock.4. I _ going to plant roses .5. _ the school far from here?四、选择填空( 16 分)。()1.-What are you going to do this afternoon ?- _A Im going to buy a book.B Yes, he is.C Im go to the bookstore.D Im late.( ) 2. -How does he go to the zoo ?-_ABy b

10、us.B No, he doesnt.Cby foot.D Yes, I do.( ) 3. - When do you see a film ?-_A NoB This afternoonC YesD On foot.( ) 4. - Is it fine today ?- _第 4页A Yes, Here you are.B Yes, it is.C No, it is.D It s OK.五、连词成句( 9 分)。1 zoothethe Imtoweekend going on (.)_2. going are this where you evening (?)_3. books Do

11、 have you comic any (?)_六、阅读短文,选择正确的答案(15 分)。My name is Tim, Tomorrow is the weekend. I have no classes. Myparents arentgoing to work. Butwe aregoingtobe very busytomorrow.My mother is going to buy something fornext week. My fatheris going to visitmy aunt and uncle.I am going to play computer gamesw

12、ith my cousin. Tomorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner.After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to havea nice weekend.1.()Today is _.A. SaturdayB. Friday2. ()My mother is_.A. going to go shoppingB. going to the bookstore.3. ()I have_.A. a cousinB. a brother4. ()My fathe

13、r is _ .A. at homeB. going to my uncles home.5. ()Im _ .A. going to the supermarket B. going to the cinema参考答案:Unit 3 What Are You Going to Do?第 5页Part A二、B C A B三、B A B B A C C B四、1.What are you going to do this weekend?2. I m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.3. I m going by train.4. I m going to have a busy weekend.5.What are you going to do on the weekend?6.She is going to buy some new books.7. He is going to watch TV.Part B二、am, busy, On, magazines, In, with, buy, at, What, Where三、on , are , at , am , is四、 A A B B六、B A A B B第 6页


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