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1、1,Section B,-By David,仁爱英语九年级下册,Unit 6 Entertainment and Friedship,Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.,2,Aims and demands,1. Master some useful phrases: maybe, star sign, under Cancer, in surprise, be ready to do/for , 2. Learn how to describe ones own star sign and characteri

2、stics. 3. Learn 12 star signs and talk about it.,3,TV shows,电视节目,Which kind of programs do you prefer, comedies or quiz shows?,Revision:,Do you like watching TV?,4,What do you think of comedies?,I think comedies are very funny.,Lets watch TV!,5,QuizShow开心辞典,gameshow知识竞赛节目,What do you think of Quiz S

3、hows?,6,Lucky 52,Law Today,Cartoon City,Sports Online,Outlook,Half The Sky,7,Tellitlikeitis实话实说,talkshow访谈节目,What other TV programs do you know?,news report新闻联播,8,soap operas,game shows,What other TV programs do you know?,9,sports shows,cartoons,What other TV programs do you know?,10,Animal World 动物

4、世界,Man and Nature 人与自然,What other TV programs do you know?,11,A: Which kind of program do you prefer, or ? B: I would rather watch than.,Pairwork:,comedies,soap operas,talk shows,sports shows,game shows,childrens programs,12,What do star signs mean?,Lead in:,13,Find your star sign.,(1) 21 Dec.20 Jan

5、. 20 Capricorn 魔蝎座 (2) 21 Jan.19 Feb. Aquarius 水瓶座 (3) 20 Feb.20 Mar. Pisces 双鱼座 (4) 21 Mar.20 Apr. Aries 白羊座s,/ k p r k : r n /,/ k we r s /,/ e r i: z /,/ p a s i: z /,14,(5) 21 Apr. 21 May Taurus 金牛座 (6) 22 May 21 Jun. Gemini 双子座 (7) 22 Jun. 22 Jul. Cancer 巨蟹座 (8) 23 Jul. 22 Aug. Leo 狮子座,Find you

6、r star sign.,/ t :r s /,/ d e m n /,/ k n s /,/ i: /,15,(9) 23 Aug.22 Sept. Virgo 处女座 (10) 23 Sept.22 Oct. Libra 天秤座 (11) 23 Oct.21 Nov. Scorpio 天蝎座 (12) 22 Nov.20 Dec. Sagittarius 射手座,Find your star sign.,/ v : r g /,/ i: b r /,/ s k : r p /,/ s d t e r s /,16,1. Why does Maria look tired today? 2.

7、 When was she born? 3. What are her characteristics?,1a,Listen read and say,Read 1a and answer the following questins:,ans,17,1. Why does Maria look tired today? 2. When was she born? 3. What are her characteristics?,1a,Listen read and say,Read 1a and answer the following questins:,Because she watch

8、ed TV too late last night.,She was born on July 12th.,She is kind and always ready to help others. She loves her family and she never wastes anything.,18,1b,Pair work,Check your star sign just for fun.,Example:,A: When were you born? B: I was born on A: What are your characteristics? B: I am,I was b

9、orn on I am and He/She was born on He/She is and,两人一组对话,然后按照 下列形式进行汇报。,19,Read and understand,2a,A Short Story About Scorpio,20,Check the questions , fill in the blanks with T or F. ( )1. All the people have the same sign. ( )2. Its said that the same star sign shares similar characteristics. ( )3.

10、Orion was the son of the mother of the land. ( )4. The scorpion died but the hunter didnt in the end. ( )5. If your birthday is on Nov. 10th, your star sign is Scorpio.,F,T,F,F,T,Exercises:,21,Exercises,1. There are 12_(星座)and I am interested in them very much. 2. Mr lee is a _(有力量的) person and has

11、lots of _(精力). 3. Miss Jiang doesnt like to keep _(秘密),star signs,powerful,energy,secrets,HOM,22,4. She is speaking in a low _ (嗓音). 5. His death was very _(突然). 6._(从前)there. was a beautiful princess. 7. It _(取决于)your health. 8. Mr Zhang is carrying his child on his _(肩膀).,voice,sudden,Once upon a time,depends on,shoulders,30,23,1. Studying Case.导学案。 Unit 6Topic 1 Section B 2. Recite 1a after class. 课后背诵1a 课文。 3. Finish test paper for Unit 6 Topic 1. 完成 笔答部分。,Homework:,24,Good bye!,Class is over.,


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