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1、“花费王子”各有所好spend, pay, cost, take这四个动词都能够表示“花费”,但用法不同。1.spend指花费时间或金钱,句子主语必须是人。常用于“Sb. spends some time/ money on sth./ in(可省略)doing sth.”结构。如:Mr. Zhao spent¥839 on the TV set.买这台电视机花了赵先生839元。His parents were worried that he spent too much time chatting on line.他的父母担心他在网上聊天方面花费的时间太多.2.pay只能指花费金钱,主语也是

2、人,常与介词for连用。常用于“Sb. pays (sb.) some money for sth.”或“Sb. pays for sth.”结构。如:How much did you pay for the dictionary?买这本字典你花了多少钱?Have he paid for the book?那本书他付钱了吗?3.cost主要指花费金钱,主语通常是“物”或“事”。常用于“Sth. costs sb. some money.”或“It costs (sb.) some money to do sth.”如:The dress cost her¥66.这件连衣裙花了她66元钱。It

3、will cost him¥586 to fly to Hangzhou from here.乘飞机从这儿到杭州将花费他586元钱。4.take多指花费时间,常用于“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”结构,其中it为形式主语,句子的真正主语是to do sth.。如:It often takes us two hours to do our homework.做作业经常花费我们两个小时。How long will it take the workers to build the bridge?建这座桥将会花费工人们多长时间?链接中考(1)What beauti

4、ful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive.No, they only10 yuan.(河南省)A. spentB. took C. paidD. costWhat a nice MP3! Is it yours?Of course. I _ 180 yuan on it.(海南省) A. cost B. took C. spent D. paidItthe Chinese people eight years to build the Three Gorges Dam(三峡).How great!(福州)A. spendsB. costsC

5、. paid D. tookHow much did youpay forthe sweater?(遵义) A. costB. spend onC. takeThe computer is expensive. Itme about 8,000 yuan.(玉林)A. took B. spentC. cost D. paidWhat a beautiful sweater! How much did youfor it?198 yuan.(南京)A. takeB. costC. payD. spendHow much did this CDyou, Sally?I got it for 5 dollars.(广州)A. useB. spendC. takeD. costUncle Rick spent the whole afternoon f our broken bikes.(潍坊)Keys: 1. D2. C3. D4. B5.C6. C7. D8. ixing


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