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1、Unit6基础过关一、根据所给单词的准确形式填空。1.What do you want to _ when you grow up?(be)2. The children kept on computer games.(play) 3. Im going to keep on stories.(write) 4. The boss kept the workers all day.(work)5. Is your father a ?(cook)6. My mother is dinner in the kitchen.(cook)7. He very well.(cook)8. Im doi

2、ng some when you call me.(cook)9. The music sounds .(beauty)10. That a good plan.(sound)11. We had a about the house.(discuss)12. Do you agree with _?(I)13. He agreed to with me.(go)14. Whos the of the watch?(own)15. Dont to others easily.(promise)二、单项选择1Im going to be an English teacher and _ Engli

3、sh every day.APractice BEnter C. do Dkeep 2He promised his father _ all subjects at school.Astudy Bto study Cstudying D. studied3When I _,I am going to be a teacher.Aam elder Bgrow up Cam going to grow up Dgrew up21世纪教育网版权所有4I love music very much,so Im going to learn how to _ the piano this term.Ak

4、eep Bplay Chold Dbuild 5He may come,but Im not sure _ that.Aabout BOn Cwith Dto6Im going to travel abroad(国外)and New York sounds _ my dream Aas Bto be Cas if Dlike 7To _ healthy,you should take 15minute exercise every day.21教育名师原创作品Akeep BTurn Csound Dbuild 8_ are you going to be a basketball player

5、?Im going to practice basketball every day.AWhat BHow CWhen DWhere 9Im going to be a coach _ I grow up.Awhat BWhen Cwho Dwhere 10We are going to _ a basketball match next Sunday.Alook BSee Cwatch Dfind11.Do you agree _ me _ the question?Awith;to Bto;on Cwith;on Don;with12Im going to write articles a

6、nd _ them _ magazines and newspapers.Atake;to Bsend;to Cbring;to Dget;to13When he grows up,hes going to do _.Awhat he wants to do Bwhat does he want to do21cnjyCwhat he want to do Dwhat will he want to do14_ she _ healthy?Shes going to exercise every morning. AHow is;keeping BWhat did;keepCWhat is;g

7、oing to keep DHow is;going to keep15There are many clouds coming. It _ rain soon. A. will B. is going to C. looks like D. likes16. Why did the child _ crying last night?Acame on Bcome on Ckeep on Dkept on17. We are sure _the football match.Awin Bto win Cwinning Dwins18. His plan _ great.Asound Bsoun

8、ds like Csounds Dsounding19. The young man made a _ to his parents that he could study hard.2-1-c-n-j-yAplan BdecisionCpromise Ddiscussion20. This morning,my son promised me _ his homework for an hour.Ado BDoing Cto do Dto doing21. _ the beginning _ this term,he made a resolution.A From;on BAt;of CF

9、rom;with DOn;of22.Is that car _?Yes,its _ car.Ayours;own my Byours;my own Cyour;own my Dyour;my own23.What are you doing there?I am _.Breakfast is OK soon.Arunning BSinging Csleeping Dcooking24. My uncle is a _.He can _ Beijing Duck _us. Acook;cook;to Bcooker;cook;for Ccooker;cooks;to Dcook;cook;for

10、25. What is she going to _ next weekend?She is going to travel to Japan.AHave BhavingCdo Ddoing26. There is going _ a science show this weekend.Ato be Bto haveCto hold Dto see27. When he _,he _ to be a policeman.Agrow up;wantBgrows up;want Cgrows up;wants Dgrow up;wants28. There _a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】Ahad Bis going to be Cwill have Dhas been29. There is going _ a science show this weekend. Ato be Bto haveCto hold Dto see30. Jim,can you help me to wash the dishes?Sorry,Dad.I_to play football. Ago BwentCam going Dhave been


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