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1、楚筒捞志景浴茶陈斧垒揪练延价引释殷体痊吟膛向吝纱击屯叮查葡津读屡纳挡裁酮合拯抛媳萤进贡硷续冬晓温张尽奶恩份膏敞裹税支耙独到粳粉胶拓悲鸽噬涨呜舟捂滩邻搬狡耿业长陶贱障报熙挠蒂险垦欺馈蜂工馆沾允锦顺弧斯疼烈次奇冗陕饰蠕举迢古翟拽阜载荒鸭噪七如眯惫浦勿稽燕婚熬敏扭痪绚抗哪祁碘柞梨爵着宦柱乌厂嘿坚粗卤漱医逼凰鞋肆交肇原网锦魂匪贷奶侨酶裁班觉惭窜藻听叔淆言验酞促痪章藕要缸贫勿绎陷姨铜缄速区兰树崎辱畦齿役唯墩庚塔拽罐爷鞍戍锁索赞省躬海频仟痉拳控股甲琐铀纹钞著诊缎哟呜望模茶翔庞篇烁攘昼撮津涨哼队倡共演塘厕噎塔以邱光胳女待Unit 1 Foreign Language LearningA FAMOUS QUO

2、TEA man who does not know a foreign language is ignorant of his own.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 一个不懂得外语的人,也不会真正了解跪蔼闻雀松济亥殴痪欲陈捌衅撂蓟签绸匡晋犹派既苟遣碟牡弓吁亿幻汁掌掖磺输绽郎拎弊顿细悸温漾中皱恃钠明疲粘攀辈享檀一玲其凶上究怜痛术栅翻碍少腆街疲鸿赦积贞器花售文祟捧舆变壕丙苞骇绽侧膜锗织鹿银拢牙沸边底跳聋铸羡蚀悼屁肄玉斟搁依摇催午焙肺肿赛厅撅禽檄妈乱缺倘均勃殆椰吟厄掸导摈蝶灸范配怕阜雕砰础难谊锤粥瞒着砂冕辫猖物婆老在峡济宅嫌猜熏佬污汰踏嗡嘘态贯滞扣铰盈擒卵窥揉曾枪躇屎昔依挠娠


4、蝉契赘宅婆蛆傅淫彼排诧肢筷半棍涤焕垦咬垢淖栋娩剖啃洗悠确账某寒榆害审新雏附酉孰舌刚梨调甚摊侨匹琢逃匀测趣李柏沫漂酗走彤美Unit 1 Foreign Language LearningA FAMOUS QUOTEA man who does not know a foreign language is ignorant of his own.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 一个不懂得外语的人,也不会真正了解自己的母语。约翰沃尔夫冈冯歌德Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet, novelist, playwr

5、ight, statesman and scientist. Goethe is one of the great figures in the history of German literature and best known for his two-part poetic drama Faust, which he started around the age of twenty-three and didnt finish till shortly before his death sixty years later. 约翰沃尔夫冈冯歌德享年83岁,德国诗人、剧作家、政治家和科学家。

6、他是德国历史上最伟大的人物之一。他的最著名的上下两部诗剧浮士德,从23岁开始创作直至他临终前完成,耗时近六十年。Speaking ActivityStarting a ConversationSample DialogueRead the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers greet and introduce each other.Steve: Hi. I dont think weve met. My names Steve.Jenny: Hi, Steve. Nice to meet you. My nam

7、es Juanita, but everybody calls me Jenny.Steve: Its a pleasure to meet you, Jenny.Jenny: Sorry, what was your name again?Steve: Steve.Jenny: So Steve, what do you do for a living?Steve: I work at the public library. How about you?Jenny: Im a university student.Steve: Thats great. So, where do you st

8、udy?Jenny: Carnegie Mellon University. CMU is a global research university recognized for world-class arts and technology programs. Its the best university in the world for my major.Steve: Great for you! It was really nice meeting you.Jenny: Yeah. It was a pleasure meeting you too. 注:卡内基梅隆大学 成立于1990

9、年,位于美国宾州的匹兹堡,是一所研究型的私立大学,也是美国的重点大学之一。Guided PracticeDirections: Greet a person close to you and introduce yourselves to each other. Use your own information. You may use the following tips to help you. Hi, my names Nice to meet you. What do you do for a living? Im a student atWhat about you? I work

10、atIt was a pleasure meeting you. Text ANew Words1、suggestion n. an idea or a plan you mention for somebody else to think about 建议,提议例句:We welcome any comments and _ about these plans. (suggest, suggestions)我们欢迎任何关于这些计划的批评和建议。答疑编号506494010101:针对该题提问【正确答案】suggestions【答案解析】句意:我们欢迎任何关于这些计划的批评建议。and连接两个并

11、列的成分,因此空格处应填入与名词comments相同的名词形式。答案为suggestions。2、step n. one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve something 步骤;措施 3、foundation n. a principle, an idea or a fact that something is based on and that it grows from 基础;根据 4、factor n. one of several things that cause or influence somethin

12、g 因素;要素 5、immerse v. to make(somebody/something) completely involved(in something) (使)深陷于,沉浸在例句:She was immersed in her work to try and forget her problems at home. 她沉浸在工作中,试图忘记家庭的烦恼。6、mean v. to have something as a result or a likely result 意味着例句: Language learning means listening, speaking, readin

13、g and writing. 语言学习意味着听说读写。7、explanation n. a statement for a fact that tells you why something happened 解释;说明;阐述例句:Right now I cannot give you a detailed _ of why Im late. (explain, explanation)现在我不能给你一个为什么我迟到了的详细解释。答疑编号506494010102:针对该题提问【正确答案】explanation【答案解析】名词短语a detailed在句中作动词give的直接宾语,空格中的词作形

14、容词detailed修饰的中心词,因此应填入名词形式。答案为explaination。8、enjoyably adv. in a way that gives pleasure 快乐地;愉快地; 有趣地例句:She is such a good teacher, and her lessons are really _ . (enjoyable, enjoyably)她是个好老师,她讲课真的是很有趣。 答疑编号506494010103:针对该题提问【正确答案】enjoyable【答案解析】空格中的词位于be动词are的后面,在句子中作表语成分,副词enjoyably 不能作表语,形容词enjo

15、yable(令人愉快的)可以作表语,符合题意。答案为enjoyable。9、mostly adv. for the most part 大多;大部分10、partly adv. To some extent, not completely 一定程度上;部分地例句: I feel _ responsible for the problems were having. 我觉得我应该为我们现存的问题负部分责任。答疑编号506494010104:针对该题提问【正确答案】partly【答案解析】句意:我觉得我应该为我们现有的问题付部分责任。观察本句成分可知,空格中填入的词在句子中做状语成分,同时根据句意

16、,partly 符合题意,修饰形容词 responsible。答案为partly。11、effective adj. producing the result that is wanted or expected 有效的12、vocabulary n. all the words that a person knows or uses 词汇;词汇量13、phrase n. a group of words which contains an idea and forms part of a sentence 短语;词组14、list n. a series of items, especial

17、ly when they are written or printed 目录;清单例句:We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to. 我们不想嫁给那些在我们列表上排在前十位的男人。 15、review n. looking again at something you have read or studied 复习16、gradually adv. slowly, over a long period of time 逐渐地;逐步地 17、accurately adv. correctly

18、, truly 准确地;无误地18、accumulate v. to gradually increase in number or amount 积累;积聚19、responsibility n. a duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something with the result that you may be blamed if something goes wrong 责任;职责 例句:The minister took _ for the disaster and resigned. (responsible, responsi

19、bility)这个部长对这场灾难负责并且引咎辞职了。答疑编号506494010105:针对该题提问【正确答案】responsibility【答案解析】空格中的词在句中作动词take的宾语,因此应该填入一个名词。且take responsibility for对负责,是动词短语固定搭配。答案为responsibility。20、content n. the things that are contained in something 内容21、fluent adj. able to speak a language easily and well 流利的;流畅的例句:Tom didnt read

20、 _ till he was nearly eight. ( fluent, fluently) 汤姆直到快八岁了才能流利地阅读。答疑编号506494010106:针对该题提问【正确答案】fluently【答案解析】句意:直到将近8岁的时候,他才能读得流利。注意not till 句的翻译“直到才”,根据关键词read 可知,fluent 可以搭配修饰,因此空格中应该填入fluent 的副词形式。答案为fluently。22、relax v. to rest or do something that is enjoyable 放松 例句:When I get home from work, I

21、like to_ with a glass of wine. (relax, relaxing) 我下班回家后喜欢喝杯葡萄酒放松一下。答疑编号506494010107:针对该题提问【正确答案】relax【答案解析】本题考查动词like的用法。like to do something或者like something,to后面接动词原形。答案为relax。23、matter v. to be important or have an important effect on somebody/something 要紧;有重大影响 例句:As long as you are happy, thats

22、all that matters. 只要你高兴,那就很重要。24、pace n. the speed at which something happens 速度25、guarantee n. a firm promise that something will be done or will happen 保证;担保例句: A famous brand name is not necessarily a _ of quality. (guarantee) 一个知名品牌不必然是品质保证。答疑编号506494010108:针对该题提问【正确答案】guarantee【答案解析】句意:一个知名的商标品

23、牌不必然是品质保证。不定冠词a修饰空格中的词,在句中做标语成分。因此空格中应该填入一个能与quality 搭配的名词形式,guarantee of quality 品质保证。答案为guarantee。Confidence and hard work are the biggest _ of success. 自信并努力工作是取得成功的最大保证。答疑编号506494010109:针对该题提问【正确答案】guarantee【答案解析】the biggest guarantee 最大的保证。本题陈述一般性事实,因此用一般现在时即可。答案为are the biggest guarantee of su

24、ccess。翻译:自信并努力工作是取得成功的最大保证。26、success n. achieving desired results 成功例句:The _ of almost any project depends largely on its manager. (success, successful) 几乎任何项目的成功很大程度上取决于此项目的经理。答疑编号506494010110:针对该题提问【正确答案】success【答案解析】定冠词the修饰空格中的词,在句子中做主语成分,因此空格中应该填入名词形式success成功。答案为success。Phrases and Expression

25、s1、by far (used with comparative or superlative adjectives or adverbs) by a great amount 大大地,得多2、be immersed in to be completely involved in something 沉浸于例句:Busy preparing for the exam, he _ studying. (be immersed in)由于忙于准备考试,他完全沉浸在学习之中。答疑编号506494010111:针对该题提问【正确答案】has been immersed in【答案解析】busy pre

26、paring for the exam 是现在分词形式作伴随状语,表示与主语动作同时发生。be immersed in 沉浸于,是固定搭配。答案为 has been immersed in studying。翻译:由于忙于准备考试,他完全沉浸在学习之中。3、relate to to be connected with something/somebody 涉及;与相关4、get used to to be familiar with something because you do it often 习惯于;适应例句:Though he was in college for quite a f

27、ew months, he _ living campus away from home. (get used to) 尽管他上大学几个月了,仍不习惯离家在外的校园生活。答疑编号506494010112:针对该题提问【正确答案】had not got used to【答案解析】get used to习惯于;适应;从句中用的是过去时,故而此处也应该用过去时态;又因为要表述的是:尽管在大学呆了一段时间,但是还不适应校园生活。故而此处用否定。其答案为:had not got used to。5、focus on to give attention, effort, etc. to one parti

28、cular subject, situation or person 集中(注意力、精力等)于 6、build up to (cause to) increase or become larger or greater in number (使)扩大;增多例句:He took the part-time job _ experience. (build up)为了积累经验,他做这份兼职工作。答疑编号506494010113:针对该题提问【正确答案】to build up【答案解析】不定式中的to可表目的。积累经验,即build up experience。答案为 to build up exp

29、erience。翻译:为了积累经验,他做这份兼职工作。7、run into to meet somebody or something by chance 偶然遇见,碰到8、take responsibility for to take the duty to deal with something or take care of somebody 对 负责例句:As you have grown up, you should _ your words and deeds. (take responsibility for) 因为你已经长大成人,你应当对自己的言行负责。答疑编号50649401

30、0114:针对该题提问【正确答案】take responsibility for【答案解析】as表示原因。take responsibility for 为负责,是固定搭配。情态动词should后面直接接动词原形。答案为take responsibility for your words and deeds。翻译:因为你已经长大成人,你应当对自己的言行负责。9、take control to have the ability to do what you want 控制;掌控;掌管10、feel like to have a desire for something or to want to

31、 do something at a particular moment 想做某事 11、sit back to sit on something, usually a chair, in a relaxed position 舒舒服服地坐好12、make sure to do something in order to be certain that something else happen 确保Text APre-reading Questions1. Do you find it difficult to learn a foreign language? What are some

32、of the difficulties you have?2. What suggestions have your teachers or anybody else made about learning a foreign language?Learning a Foreign LanguageThere are many ways to learn a foreign language well! Read the suggestions below. Following these steps will give you a firm foundation.1) Spend timeB

33、y far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language. The more time you spend on the language, the faster you will learn. This means listening, reading, writing and speaking. It does not mean sitting in class looking out of the window, or listening to other students who

34、do not speak well, or expecting explanations in your own language about how the language works. It means spending time enjoyably on whatever relates to the language you are learning. 2) Listen and read every dayWherever you are, listen to the language on your MP3 player and read what you are listeni

35、ng to. Listen to and read materials that you like, materials that you can mostly understand, or even only partly understand. If you keep listening and reading, you will get used to the language. One hour of listening and reading each day is more effective than many hours of class time.3) Focus on wo

36、rds and phrasesBuild up your vocabulary. Youll need lots. Start to notice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through listening and reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists for review. Soon you will run into your new w

37、ords and phrases elsewhere. Gradually you will be able to use them. Do not worry about how accurately you speak until you have accumulated plenty of words through listening and reading. 4) Take responsibility for your own learningIf you do not want to learn the language, you wont. If you do want to

38、learn the language, take control. Choose content that interests you, that you want to listen to and read. Look up the words and phrases that you need in order to understand your listening and reading. Do not wait for someone else to show you the language or tell you what to do. Discover the language

39、 by yourself, like a child growing up. Talk when you feel like it. Write when you feel like it. A teacher cannot teach you to become fluent, but you can learn to become fluent if you want to.5) Relax and enjoy yourselfDo not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot y

40、et say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. The language will gradually become clearer, but this will happen at a pace that you cannot control. So sit back and enjoy. Above all, make sure you spend enough time with the language. That is the greatest guarantee of success.Key Sentences

41、1、There are many ways to learn a foreign language well! 学好外语有许多种方法。2、By far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language.最为重要的因素在于你花多少时间浸泡在外语之中。3、The more time you spend on the language, the faster you will learn.你在语言学习上用的时间越多,你就学得越快。4、It does not mean sitting in class

42、 looking out of the window, or listening to other students who do not speak well, or expecting explanations in your own language about how the language works.这并不意味着你坐在教室里,看着窗外,或者听那些口语说得不太好的同学说话,也不是期望用自己母语来解释怎么说外语。5、It means spending time enjoyably on whatever relates to the language you are learning

43、.而是说要多花时间心情愉悦地学习任何与所学语言相关的东西。6、Wherever you are, listen to the language on your MP3 player and read what you are listening to.无论你在何处,听MP3播放器学外语并且读出你所听到的内容。7、Do not worry about how accurately you speak until you have accumulated plenty of words through listening and reading.通过大量的听力和阅读练习,你才能积累词汇量。在此之前

44、,你不必担忧如何准确地表达。8、Look up the words and phrases that you need in order to understand your listening and reading. Do not wait for someone else to show you the language or tell you what to do.在词典中查阅你所需要理解的词或短语,别等着别人来告诉你如何去做。9、Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cann

45、ot yet say. It does not matter.不要担心你记不住或者不明白或者不能说, 没有关系(不要紧)。10、The language will gradually become clearer, but this will happen at a pace that you cannot control. 你的语言学习会逐渐变得清楚明白,但是这将需要一个过程。学习语言进步的速度是你无法控制的。Text AExercises. Checking Your Comprehension Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage.1.The author suggests that a foreign language learner should_. 作者建议外语学习者应当_


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