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1、小学四年级英语上册第三单元测试题班级 姓名一、找出不同类的单词,把序号写在括号里。(15分)( )1.A. long B. short C. shirt( )2.A. black B. teacher C. student( )3.A.friends B.strong C. thin( )4.A.she B. he C.its ( )5.A.long hair B. quiet C. short hair二、选择正确的答案。(30分)( ) 1. I _ a new friend. A. have B. has C. am ( ) 2. Wu Yifan _ big eyes and smal

2、l mouth. A. have B, has C, had( ) 3. This _ Chen Jie. A.is B.are C.am( ) 4. _ name is Amy. A. His B. Her C. She( ) 5. He has short _. A. hair B.hairs C. a hair( ) 6.I have a friend. -_? -. Yes.A. Yes? B.A boy or girl? C.A girl?( ) 7.Mike _ strong. A.is B.has C.are( ) 8._ have a friend. A.I B.My C.me

3、( ) 9.You are right. A.is B.are C.am( ) 10.My shoes_ black. A.is B.are C.has三、想一想,选择正确的答案。(15分)( )1. 妈妈想知道你的新朋友名字,她该怎么问: A.Whats your name? B.Where is he? C. Whats his name?( )2. 当你想告诉别人Mike 有大眼睛、小嘴巴时: A. Mike is big eyes and a small mouth. B.Mike has big eyes and a small mouth.C.Mike is big eyes an

4、d a small mouths. ( )3.当你想告诉大家你们的新老师又高又瘦时: A.Our new teacher is tall and thin. B.Our new teacher is short and thin. C.Our new teacher is tall and strong.( )4.当你向别人表示感谢时: A. Right. B. Thank you. C. Sure.( )5.当你想告诉你妈妈你有 一个新朋友时: A. Mom, I have a new friend. B Mom, I have a friend. C. Mom, I has a new f

5、riend.四、根据问句,选择答句。 (15分)( ) 1. .Wheres my book? A. Her name is Amy.( ) 2 How are you? B. Its red.( ) 3 What colour is it? C. Hes John.( ) 4. Whats her name? D. Its on the desk.( ) 5. Whos the boy? E. Im fine.五、选择正确的选项补全对话。(10分)A.Yes.Youre right.B.A boy or girl?C.Who is she?D.Is she Amy?A:I have a friend.B:1_A:A girl.B:2_A:Guess.Shes quiet.She has long hair.Whats her name?B:3_A:_六、连词成句。(15分)1.his what is name(?)_2.she long has hair(.)_3.is Amy quiet(.)_4.his are blue shoes(.)_5.tall he strong and is(.)_


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