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1、Unit 7 At school知识梳理一、 Words:1school 学校2office 办公室 3busy 忙碌的,繁忙的4computer 计算机,电脑5many许多6.library图书馆,图书室7playground操场8classroom 教室 9toilet厕所二、 Phrases:1teachers office教师办公室2 computer room 电脑教室3many computers 许多电脑4 many books 许多书5a big playground一个大的操场6 our school 我们的学校三、 Sentences:1Welcome to our sch

2、ool.欢迎来到我们学校。2Look! Miss Fang is busy now.看!方老师现在很忙。3There are many books in it那里面有许多 书。4We can run and play there.我们能够在那里跑和玩。来源 : 学|科| 网重点点拨1Whats the matter? = Whats wrong with you?一般用来询问身体的健康状况,我们需要注意的是matter 前面要加定冠词the; wrong 前面则不需要。2Letsrun!让我们一起跑! lets的完全形式是 letus,后面一般跟动词原形。3Im first! first是序数

3、词,意思是“第一” 。第一到第十的序数词我们需要牢记: first,second, third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth, tenth.4There be句型的用法, be 动词的一般现在式有:am,is ,are; there is+名词单数或不可数名词,there are+名词复数。如: 2 1 c n j yeg: There isa book on my desk.There issome water in the cup.There aremany pens in my schoolbag.我们需要注意的是 There be 句型

4、的就近原则, be 动词后是名词单数或名词, be 动词就用 is ;be 动词后面是名词复数, be 动词就用 are 。如:eg:There isa penciland two rulers on the table.There are two rulers and a pencil on the table.单词播音员大声朗读下列短文,体会粗写单词中字母o 的发音 / ? / 来源 :学&科& 网Owen holds a photo. The photois old .Owenlikes thephotos.The photo第 1页of arose. www-2-1-cnjy-com训

5、练大本营核心模块一看图,选出适当图片,把字母写在单词前的方框里。二. 选择填空,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。() 1. This is theroom.A. teachersB. teachersC. teachers() 2. Therea library in our school.A. areB. amC.is() 3. We canand dance in the music room.A. singsB. singC. singing()4. Therefiveclassrooms and a playgroundin the school.A. isB. areC.am()

6、5.Let sand see the animals.A. goB. goesC. going三选择合适的Be 动词补充短文。isareThisourschool.Thereabig playground in our school.There_a library. Theremany books in it. Theretwocomputerrooms.We playcomputergames there.Therethirtyclassrooms and six teachers offices. Look! Our teacher is writing. She is busy now.

7、四. 选择填空,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 来源:() 1. I likeand.A. painting, readingB. painting, readC. paint, reading() 2. Whatsmatter, Mr Zhang?A. canB. theC. a来源 : 学_科_ 网Z_X_X_K() 3. I run very fast. Im.A. oneB. firstC. two() 4. - How is the weather?- ItsA. windB. windyC. winds() 5. - Who is?- He is my father.A. he

8、B. himC. his五看图读一读填空,把句子代码填在正确的横线上。A. Theres a blackboard in it. There are eighteen desks and eighteen chairs in it.第 2页B. There are threebooks in it.C.Theresa ruler.D.Theresa biglibraryA: Whats in your schoolbag?B:A: Whats in your school?B:This is my schoolbag.This is my classroom.六. 根据所给情景选出适当的问句或

9、答语。() 1. - Whats in your schoolbag. -A. There a book.B. Thank you.C. Im fine.() 2. - Lets go shopping! -A. OK.B. Go.C. Welcome.() 3. - Whats in the library?-A. There are many books in it.B. Thats OK.C. Oh dear!() 4. - What can we do in the playground? -A. Im thirsty.B. We can run and play.C. I can n

10、ot find my book.() 5. - How many computers are there in your school? -A. There are 200 computers.B. There is a book.C. There is a toilet.七. 选词填空。officemany busy inareis good1.Welcome to our school. This is the teachers.2.Our school library is big. There arebooks in it.3.Look! Miss Fang is painting.

11、She isnow.4.Therea big playgroundmy school.5.Theremany animals in the forest.6. Mingming is not apupil. He climbs trees after school.综合模块一根据所给情景选出适当的问句或答语。() 1.- Heres a photo frame for you, Mum.-A. You are welcome.B. Thank you, Sally. C. Im happy, Sally.() 2.- What is the matter? -第 3页A. I am sad.B

12、. I can swim.C. Thats not true.() 3.- Listen! What can you hear? -A. I can see Gu Dong!B. I can hear a cat.C. I can see a cat.() 4.- Whats in your school? -A. I like my school.【来源B. Theres a playground. C. This is a toilet.() 5.- What does your father do, Jill? -A. He is a teacher.B. She is a teache

13、r.C. I am a teacher.二连词成句。1. are / many / computers / room / the / there / in / computer (.)2. can / and / run / play / I / there (.)3. no / classrooms / are / in / the / school ! there (.)来源:ZXXK三下列句子中画横线的单词出现了错误,请改正在横线上。1. What do your mother do? - She is a nurse.2. There is a animal school in the

14、 forest.3. We has a computer room.4. There are many book in the library.5. There is five birds in the tree.四. 判断下列画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。() 1.A. holdB. photoC. rose() 2. A. happyB. sadC. name() 3.A. pigB. pinkC. with() 4.A. tenB. sevenC. she() 5.A. redB. deskC. pet五补全对话,把序号写在横线上。A. We sing and da

15、nce in the music room.B. No, there isnt.C. Is there a gym (体育馆 )?D. But we have a big playground.第 4页E. We play computer games there.A: Is there a music room in your school?B: Yes.A: Is there a science lab (科学实验室 )?B: But we have a computer room.A:B: No, there isnt.We can run and play there.六. 读下面的表

16、格,判断句子正( ) 误( ) 。classroom(s) library(ies) teachersoffice(s) playground(s)toilet(s)Anns2415l8schoolTims2826110school( ) 1. There are twenty-eight classrooms in Timsschool.( ) 2. There are three libraries in Anns school.( ) 3. There are six teachers offices in Anns school.( ) 4. There is one playgrou

17、nd in Tims school.( ) 5. There are ten toilets in Tims school.七. 观察图片,用 There be 句型介绍图片。(不少于 3 句话)参考答案核心模块I. b c b aII. BCBBAIII. is, is, is, are, are, areIV. ABBBAV. 1. C2. D3. B4. AVI. AAABAVII. 1. office 2. many 3. busy4. is, in 5. are 6. good综合模块I. BABBAII. 1. There are many computers in the com

18、puter room.2. I can play and run there. / I can run and play there.3. There are no classrooms in the school.III. 1. does 2. an 3. have 4. books 5. are IV. V. ABECDVI. VII. A. This is my classroom. There are 18第 5页desks and chairs in it. There is a boardin it, too. I like my classroom.B. This is Mollys case. There are two pensin it. There are 4 pencils in it. There is aruler and a rubber in it, too.第 6页


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