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1、课时作业 ( 三)Module 1Unit 3(20 分钟50 分). 用所给词的适当形式填空(5 分)1. There_(be)a pair of gloves on the desk.2. _(she)favourite subject is science.3. My mother wants_(buy)some vegetables, but she can findt her wallet.4. These aren tclothestheir. _(their)are over there.5. Can you help me_(look)after my baby? . 介词填空

2、 (10 分 )1. Look! The little boy is getting _ the bus.2. It is dark. The child runs home _ a hurry.3. There are a lot _ sheep on the hill.4. Welcome _ our class, Tom!5. Are you looking _ your eraser?6. _ the moment, the students are having lunch in the dining hall.7. There are hundreds _ pigs and duc

3、ks on his farm.8. Many people are waiting _ the train.9. Don t talk _ me! I am doing my homework.10. Every day each panda can eat fifteen kilos _ bamboo(竹子 ). . 单项填空 (10 分 )第 1页1. There are many things in the _ and _ box.A. lose; findB. lost; foundC. losing; findingD. lost; finding2. _schoolbag is n

4、ew. But _ is old.A. My; JimsB. Mine; JimsC. Me; JimsD. I; Jims3. _are in the same class. We are good friends.A. Her and meB. She and IC. Me and sheD. I and her4. Is that _ hat?No, it s not. Its.A. your; my; TomsB. your; mine; TomsC. yours; mine; TomD. yours; mine; Toms5. I like fruit, _, I often eat

5、 bananas in the evening.A. such asB. likeC. for exampleD. as well . 完成句子 (10 分 )1. 在失物招领处有一只鸭和两只狗。There _ a duck and two dogs _ the lost and found office.2. 这是谁的手表 ?_ _ is this?3. 莉莉 , 帮我接一下电话。第 2页Lily, please _ _the phone.4. 我最喜爱的颜色是紫色。_ colour is _.5. 李晓明知道许多西方食品 , 如汉堡、炸薯条。Li Xiaoming knows lots o

6、f western food, _hamburgers andFrench fries. 补全对话 , 每空一词 (5 分)A: Is this1camera, Lucy?B: No, it s2notcamera.3is at home.A: Whose camera is it?B: Perhaps it s Helen s. Let me see. It must4. Thisbe is her favourite styleand colour.A: Helen, is this camera 5?C: Yes, it s my camera. Thank you.A: Not at

7、all.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _. 任务型阅读 (10 分 )有几位学生遗失或捡到了一些物品, 请根据以下信息为他们写寻物或招领启事。Peter: I lost a gold watch. If you find it, call me at 780-732.Jim: I found a computer game. My phone number is 523-889.Henry: I lost a set of keys. Who found them, please call 456-3599.第 3页Sam: I found a notebook with the na

8、me “ KevinClark ”My. phone number is555-0237.FoundIs this your computer game?Please call Jim.Phone number: 1. _Lost2. _. My name is Henry Cooper. Please call me at 456-3599.LostA gold watch. My name is 3. _. My phone number is 780-732.FoundIs this your 4. _? Please call me at 5. _.Sam答案解析. 答案 : 1. i

9、s2.Her 3. to buy4. Theirs5. (to)look. 答案 : 1. on/off2. in 3. of4. to 5. for6. At 7. of8. for 9. to10. of . 答案 : 15. BABBC. 答案 : 1. is; at2. Whose watch3. help me answer第 4页4. My favourite; purple5. such as. 答案 : 1. your2. my3. Mine4. hers5. yours . 答案 : 1. 523-889. 2. A set of keys 3. Peter4. notebook5. 555-0237第 5页


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