教案 3 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar.doc

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《教案 3 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教案 3 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?The third period: Section B 1a-3b.Step 1 Revision Task 1.Ask some questions about can you ? What club do you want to join?Task 2: ask the students to give the ad. Four students a group. Ask one of them to be the boss. And others are the interviewees. Guide them to use

2、kids, can you help the kids with ?Step 2 Presentation1a Ask the students to guess the music instrument by listening the music one by one.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)The music instruments are guitar, trumpet, drums, violin and piano.Ask the students to read after the teacher when they are

3、looking at the pictures on PowerPoint.Ask the students to match the words with the pictures of the book. The right answers are 3, 1, 4, 5, 2 Step 3 Practice1b. ask the students to ask and answer questions about the instruments with the help of the PowerPoint. (PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)T

4、hey can ask and answer the questions like this. The teacher goes round the class and gives help if necessary.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. Can you play it well? No, I cant. Can he play the violin? Sorry, I dont know. Can she play the drums? Yes, she can . She can play it well.After the practi

5、ce, the teacher can ask some pairs to act it out in the front. And the students answer the questions of the teacher after listening to the dialogue.Ask the students to practice more dialogues with the picture of playing chess, singing, dancing, swimming, painting, speaking English. Mix with playing

6、the guitar, playing the violin, playing the drums. Tell the students there are something differences between playing chess and playing the guitar. Ask them to pay attention to it. (PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)Then ask more pairs to act the dialogues out in front of the class.Step 3 Listeni

7、ng Practice2a and 2b. Ask the students to read the words in the box first and ask them to listen to the recording for the first time. And play it for the second time and ask the students to circle the words they hear. The answers are sing, dance, drums, piano.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)W

8、ith the same step, ask the students to do the exercise of 2b. Fill in the chart with the words in the box. Before doing this, tell the students to write down what can Bill do , what cant Bill do and so on.personcanCantBillPlay the guitarsing JenniferSing, play the drumsPlay the pianoVictorPlay the p

9、ianoSing, danceStep 4 Pair work2c. Ask the students to read the information in the box. And do the pair work to tell what Bill, Jennifer and Victor can and cant do.They can practice it like this: A: Can Bill play chess? B: No, he cant. But he can play the guitar. And he can play it well.A: Can Bill

10、dance? B: No, he cant. But he can sing. And he can sing very well.Ask the students to work in groups. Ask and answer like this:-What can you do?-I can,but I cant (I canand, but I cantor)(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)Then act it out in front. If you can ,you must show(展示)it for your classmat

11、es. 3a. Ask the students to read the ad from the school magazine. The teacher can teach the students how to read the first part: musicians wanted for school music festival.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)Ask the students to underline the things they want people to do for the school music fest

12、ival. Ask the students to read once more and think about whether he or she can be the musician.3b. ask the students to complete the following poster with the words in the box. They can use 3a for help.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)The answers are: play, guitar, Can, sing, Can, play, drums.H

13、omework:Task 1:3c. Ask the students to write their own poster for a sports day. The teacher can give some information to the students: play basketball, play volleyball, swim, jump, and so on. New and more information can be given to the students and they can also look up in the dictionary. They can also demonstrate their poster.Task 2:workbook


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