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1、九年级英语上册Module 8 Sports lifeUnit 3Language in use .备课人:冯淑香课型:复习课课时数:2 课时 第时目标导航: learning aims掌握下列单词、词组和句子:1.Key words: choose选择enter进入;参加hold 举办; 主持discussion讨论stadium 运动场2.Key phrases: well done干得好millions of 数以百万的 find out 查明;找出across the world全世界3. Sentences : (1) It importants to find a club tha

2、t fits you .(2) I ve got no chance of becoming really good at taekwondo in five years . 4. grammer : 被动语态( 2)一般过去时的被动语态I 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.We are so tired that we need( have ) a rest .2.It s useful for children(learn ) some basic life skills.3.Chen Zhong was so happy because she was( choose ) for the na

3、tionalteam .4.His great ability in( jump) helped him win the first prize .5.I have no chance of( get ) the tickets for tonight s performance .II. 完成句子。1. 这项研究做得很好, 不过只持续了六个月。The study was, but it lasted only sid months .2. 你能找出问题的答案吗?Could youthe answer to the question ?3.数千次试实验后,爱迪生发明了电灯。Afterexper

4、iments , Edsion invented the light bulb.4.观众看到这个马拉松运动员摔倒了。The audience saw the marathon renner.5. 比尔正在为期末考试做准备。Bill isthe final esam .语法突破被动语态( 2)一般过去时的被动语态【语境领悟】仔细观察例句并体会句式结构。 Zhang Yining was noticed by coach Wang Bilin. They were invited to his birthay party last weekend . Bob wasn t chosen for t

5、he team last time . How many students were encouraged to make speeches in the contest ?.【知识构建】一般过去时的被动语态 :第 1页含义:表示过去某一时间的被动语态或过去经常醒、习惯性的被动动作。结构: 主语 +was/were + 及物动词的过去分词 +by+动作执行者(一)一般过去时态的被动语态的句式结构。肯定句主语 +was / were + 动词I was invitedto Li的过去分词 +其他Lei s birthday partylast night .昨晚, 我被邀请参加了李磊的生日聚会。

6、否定句主语 +wasn t/ weren The books werent sentt+ 动词的过去分词 +其他to us . 这些书没有被送给我们。一般疑问句Was/Were+主语 +动词的Were the cars mendedin过去分词 +其他the factory ?这些汽车在工厂里被修理过吗?特殊疑问句疑问词 +was/were + 主语Who was chosen for the+动词的过去分词 +其他basketball game ?谁被选入篮球队了?(二)被动语态的几种特殊形式1. 带双宾语的动词的主动语态与被动语态。谓语动词带双宾语时,既可将间接宾语转化成主语,也可以将直接

7、宾语转化成主语。 当用直接宾语作主语时,要根据动词的习惯搭配,在间接宾语前补上介词 to或 for.(直接宾语指物,间接宾语指人) 。 例如:She gave me a book . I was given a book by her . A book was given to me by her .2. 带有复合宾语的动词变为被动语态。宾语加上宾语补足语构成复合宾语。变被动语态直接把宾语变为被动语态主语,宾语补足语保留在原处,变成主语补足语。例如:I heard Jane playing the piano in her room .Jane was heard playing the pi

8、ano in her room 3. 被动语态后动词形式的选择。主动句中在感官动词see, hear , watch ,feel , notice等,及使役动词 let ,make , have等后跟省略 to的不定式,变为被动语态时,应加上不定式符号to.Last Sunday we heard them sing Peking Opera in the theatre. They were heard to sing Peking Opera in the theatre last Sunday .【学以致用】I, 将下列句子变为被动语态。第 2页1. He made me do that

9、 for him.Ido that for him .2. Did Li Lei give Tom a new pen last week ?a new penTom by LiLei last week ?3. They didntpublish these books last year .These booksby them last year.4.What did the do to improve their English ?Whatto improve their English ?II. 句型转换。1.Sam made me do some shopping改.(为被动语态 )

10、Ido some shopping by Sam.2. My friend gave me some books at my fifteenth birthday party . (改为被动语态 )I some books at my fifteenth birthday party by my friend . 3A volunteer program was set up by many students yesterday改.为(否定句 )A volunteer programup by many students yesterday.4. The head teachers annou

11、nced the result of the competition after they made the final decision (.改写句子,句意不变) .The result of the competition until the head teachers made the final decision .5. The 2019 Olympic Games was held in Beijing. (对划线部分提问 ) the 2019 Olympic Games held?课后延伸复习巩固1. 复习本模块所学内容,记忆基本单词、短语及重点句型。2. 整理课堂笔记, 掌握新词汇,语法知识。3.第 3页


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