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1、 五年级 英语教案教学单元Unit3课题Unit3 On Vacation 教学内容Words:have a picnic visit relatives help Dad take photos play with friends make models surf the Internet read booksSentence pattern:what are you going to do during the vacation ? Im going to.Where is she/he/going to do there?she/he is going to教学目标1. Can read

2、 the eight phrases .2. How to speak English that choice the communication media3. use the sentence patter to make dialogue with their partners.教学重点教学难点1. How to use the sentence pattern and answer the questions.2. what are you going to do during the vacation ? Im going to.Where is she/he/going to do

3、 there?she/he is going to教学准备ppt . word cards教学过程二次备课Step1. Warming up.1. Greeting.2.free talkT: What are you going to do during your vacation?S: I am going toStep 2: Presentation.Learn the eight new wordsT: Lisa and Gogos vacation is coming,now,lets go to their cavation .Write the words: have a pic

4、nic visit relatives help Dad take photos on the blackboard.And practice the stenceses: Where is she/he/going to do during the vacation?she/he is going to Do you want to know what can I do on my vacation?Write the words: play with friends /make model/ surf the Internet read booksAnd practice the sten

5、ceses: what are you going to do during the vacation ? Im going to.T: can you tell me about your vacation? Practice the sentences with your partner6. 句型结构:主语+am, is, are+ going to +其它+during your vacation/there?。Be动词要根据人称来变化。如: What are you.?What are they.? What is he? What is she.?Step3. Practice1.H

6、avethestudentsreadtheexampledialogue.2.learn to target:T: What are you going to do during your vacation?S: Im going to,T: Where are you going to do there?S: Im going to .l.3. Explain the sentences of meaning.4. Read after the tape .5.pair workStep 4.ConsolidationFinish the pageP30 Ask two groups to

7、show their resultStep 5.Summary.Step 6.Homework.1. Copy the vocabularies.2.Read the target. Blackboard Writing: Unit3 On Vacation Words:have a picnic visit relatives help Dad take photos play with friends make models surf the Internet read booksSentence pattern:what are you going to do during the va

8、cation ? Im going to.Where is she/he/going to do there?she/he is going to 教学反思黄奇珍: 本课时内容相对来说比较多,8个词组和四个句型。由于前面第二单元学过询问打算做某事,所以学生在句型的操练上就简单了许多,主要还是单词的读音掌握不够到位,特别是visit relatives的发音,学生总是会读错,还有take photos学生受四年级的影响总是读成了taking photos.总体来说三个班级的学生都不分彼此能够基本掌握本课时的教学目标。 小榄吉安学校 五年级 英语教案执教时间: 2015年4月14日 总第 二课时主

9、备人:黄奇珍 二次备课教师:教学单元Unit3第二 课时课题Unit 3 On Vacation教学内容Story 教学目标1. Look through the story and lets students answer my questions .2. Lets students express their vacation and how to use English to ask. about Others vacation教学重点教学难点1. How to read the story.2. new words: during eat Great Wall tai chi教学准备p

10、pt . word cards教学过程二次备课Step 1.Warming up:1. Greetings 2. Sing a songStep 2.Presentation.See a video about the Great Wall and tai chi补充知识:了解长城的建成历史及作用和太极拳的历史和作用T: Gogo and Jenny are talking about their vacation?do you know what is Go go going to do during the vacation?S1: I dont know.T: do you want t

11、o know what are they going to do during their vacation?S2: YesT: now lets scan the story and answer my three questions.1.when is vacation?2.What is Jennny going to do during the vacation?3.What is Gogo going to do during the vacation?4. read story follow the tape4.Let students read story together.St

12、ep 3.practice.1.Practice the story (use all kinds of ways to practice to practices)2.pracitce the page313.students practice in groupsStep 4. Homework.1. read the story Blackboard Writing: Unit3 On vacationduring eat Great Wall tai chi教学反思黄奇珍:本课时的教学目标是使学生能读懂故事的意思,并能流利的进行朗读课文,能根据文章的内容来回答老师所提出的三个问题。学生在

13、本课时能基本达到教学目标的要求,但是在用自己的语言复数故事的过程中学生还是掌握不好。课堂中我也加入了部分文化知识的讲解,如长城的历史、作用和太极拳的好处等等,使学生开拓了视野。 小榄吉安学校 五年级 英语教案执教时间: 2015年4月15日 总第 三课时主备人: 二次备课教师:教学单元Unit3第三 课时课题Unit3 On Vacation教学内容Reading and writing教学目标1. Know some reading of skills2. Can make a postcard教学重点Write a postcard教学准备ppt . 教学过程二次备课Step1. Warm

14、ing up.1. Greeting 2.have a dictionStep 2. PresentationT: Kevin and Da Gang are good friends,kevin write a postcard to Da Gang,tell him about his vacation1. lets read the postcard 2. tell the students about the form of the postcard3. Translate the passage and know more it .4. presentation my postcar

15、d to the SsNow lets think about the questions 1 and 2T: 1.如何区别汉语和英语的写信格式? Step 3. Practice. 1.students write their postcard.Step 6. Homework.Make a postcardBlackboard writing: Unit3 On Vacation How to distinguish the difference of the letter about Chinese and english. 教学反思黄奇珍:本课时主要是使学生能够学会英语书信的书写格式,

16、能正确区分英语、中文的书信格式有什么区别,并能根据所学的内容进行自己写信给自己的朋友。学生在课堂中还是缺乏学习积极性,不大愿意动脑子去想问题,轮到自己写postcard的时候学生有些自己的名字都写错,部分学生在写收信人地址一栏写错,主要是由于拼音还不过关,还需要不断地练习。但是学生在设计明信片环节积极性非常的高,都涉及的非常好。 小榄吉安学校 五年级 英语教案执教时间: 2015年 4月 16日 总第 四课时主备人: 二次备课教师:教学单元Unit3第四课时课题Unit3 On vacation教学内容1. can read pronunciation of / f/and/tr/2. rea

17、d the words: phone photo elephant train tree travel教学目标By the end of this lesson, Ss should be able to:1) read the sounds/ f/and/tr/2) read the words and chant with/ f/and/tr/3) hear the words and find the sounds/f/and/tr/教学重点教学难点1. How to pronounce the sound/ f/and/tr/2. How to chant.教学准备ppt .教学过程二

18、次备课Step1. Greetings 1、have a dictationT: Where is the elephant going to do during his vacation?.S:hes going to .Step2. Warming up. Play the tape and ask Ss to find the same points of the words in it.Step3. Presentations. An elephant is traveling by trainHe takes photos with his phoneHe sees trees ou

19、tside the windowHe takes photos with his phoneOf the trees putside the train1.Underline the words: phone photo elephant train tree travel2.Read these words and hear it pronunciation.3.read the tape of all words.Step 4. Homework.1.read the words2.find the more words with y sounds /f/and/tr/Unit3On Vacation/f/and/tr/ phone photo elephant train tree travel 教学反思 黄奇珍:本课时主要是学习音标/f/and/tr/的发音,并能在文章里找到含有该发音的单词,学生在操练chant的过程中还是感觉有点吃力,但是在音标和单词的操练过程中就掌握的比较好。


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