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1、PEP 小学四年级下册英语期末精品试题听力部分一、 这一大题中有8 幅图画,请你仔细听录音,根据录音的先后顺序给下面的图画从 1 到 8 标上序号。每个句子连读两遍。 (8 分)()()()()()()()()二、 下列每小题中有三个单词,你将听到其中的一个。请把你听到的单词的字母标号写在题前的括号里。每个单词连读两遍。( 5 分)() 1. A. cheapB. chickenC. chair() 2.A. lambB. lampC. like() 3.A. henB. helpC. hot() 4.A. windyB. windowC. weather() 5.A. sandalsB. s

2、lippersC. sneakers三、 听录音,在天气状况图标与相应的图画之间连线。每个句子只读一遍。(10 分)四、听录音,在相应的时间与图画之间连线。每个句子连读两遍。(5 分)7:00 a.m.7:00 p.m.9:30 a.m.3:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.五、听录音,在相应的图画与单词之间连线。每个句子连读两遍。(8 分)pinkyellowpurple and whiteblueexpensiveprettycolourfulcheap六、听录音,给下面的物品标上价格。每个句子只读一遍。(4 分)_ yuan_ yuan_ yuan_ yuan七、下面你将听到Amy 介绍自

3、己学校的一篇短文,请仔细听,判断下面的陈述是否正确。若正确,在题前的括号里划“”表示;反之,划“”表示。短文连读两遍。(10 分)() 1. Amys school is big.() 2.The teachers office is on the second floor.() 3.The library is on the second floor, too.() 4.They can see many flowers in the garden.() 5.Amys classroom is big. Its on the first floor.笔 试 部 分八、下面每小题中有4 个单词

4、,其中有一个单词的划线部分发音与其它三个不同,请找出这个单词,将其字母标号填入题前的括号里。(5 分)() 1.A. cakeB. bagC. snakeD. grape() 2.A. w eB. heC. bedD. she() 3.A. homeB. noseC. goD. box() 4.A. duckB. busC. studentD. cucumber() 5.A. bikeB. riceC. kiteD. f ish九、这一大题共有5 个小题,每小题中有4 个单词,其中有一个跟其它三个不同类,请你找出这个单词,将其字母标号填入题前的括号里。( 5 分)() 1. A. cantee

5、nB. libraryC. fiveD. garden() 2.A. EnglishB. carrotC. musicD. math() 3.A. bootsB. sneakersC. cloudyD. slippers() 4.A. tomatoB. sheepC. goatD. cow() 5.A. onionB. carrotC. potatoD. sweater十、读一读,根据提示填上所缺单词,每条横线上只填一个单词。( 7 分)1. Look at my new my new2. - How many- I can see seven.- Look at the- What are

6、these?- These are. I like them very much. And this is. Its pretty.can you see?. They have pink eyes!. And those are.3. Look at ourroom. Its not big. Look!One, twoand six. Look at theon the wall.It s colourful and pretty.4.- Can I help you?- Yes. I want six apples, eight,tenand one big.How much are t

7、hey?- Thatstwenty yuan.十一、下列每小题中有一个问句和两个答句,其中只有一个答句是正确的,请你仔细读题,选出正确的答句,将其字母标号写在题前的括号里。( 8 分)() 1. Where is the art room?A. It s on the second floor.B. Theyre on the second floor.() 2. How many pears do you have?A. They re ten yuan.B. I have ten.() 3. Is this your shirt?A. Yes, it is. It s your shirt

8、.B. No, it s not my shirt.() 4. Whatsthe weather like in Beijing?A. It s warm.B. It sten oclock.() 5.What are those?A. They re horses.B. It s a horse.() 6.Mom, can I wear my new dress?A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, you can.() 7.Whose skirt is this?A. It s Amys.B. Theyre Amys.() 8.Are these onions?A. Yes, the

9、y are.B. Yes, they arent.十二、把下列每小题中所给的单词和标点符号组合成句子写在相应的四线格里。(10分)1.theymuchhoware( ? )2.timeartit sclassfor( . )3.colourisjacketyourwhat( ? )4.timeitiswhat( ? )5.footballplaylets( . )十三、读一读,根据首字母完成所缺单词,使语意完整。( 5 分)1. What colour are the bananas? Theyre y_.2. What colour is the sky? Itsb_.3. The toma

10、toes are round(圆的) . The cucumbers are l_.4. It s c_ today. Put on your sweater and coat, please.5. It s nine oclock. It s time for C_ class.十四、选出正确的表达方式,将其字母标号填入题前的括号里。( 10 分)() 1. 假如你想知道体育馆在哪里,你应该怎样问别人?A. Is this a gym?B. Where is the gym?() 2. 上课时,你想回答老师的问题,你应该怎样对老师说?A. Can I have a try?B. Can I

11、help you?() 3. John 想知道 Tom 叔叔的农场上有多少头绵羊,他应该怎样问Tom?A. Hi, Uncle Tom! How many sheep do you have?B. Hi, Uncle Tom! How many sheeps do you have?() 4. 天气越来越热了, Mike 想穿他的新短裤,他应该怎样请求妈妈的允许?A. Mom, can I wear my new shirt?B. Mom, can Iwear my new shorts?() 5. 你想知道现在是什么时间,应该怎样去问别人?A. What colour is it?B. What time is it?


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