四下Unit3 Storytime——.ppt

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《四下Unit3 Storytime——.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四下Unit3 Storytime——.ppt(36页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 My day,Our aims (我们这节课的目标),用英语大声读出你看到的单词或数字,看谁读得 最准、最快、最多。,Play a game,morning,breakfast,lunch,afternoon,dinner,evening,7,7:40,40,school,home,when,do,get up?,you,I usually get up at 6:30. (通常),I usually get up at .,When do you get up?,I get up at 6:30,I watch TV at 6:30 in the evening. (看电视),i

2、n the morning.,I usually at 6:30.,get up,at 7:00 .,I go to school at 7:00 in the morning.,I do my homework (做我的家庭作业),at 7 in the evening.,I usually have lessons at 8:20 in the morning.,I usually do my homework at 8:20 in the evening. 做我的家庭作业,8:20,My day,What do you think of my day? 你觉得我的一天怎么样?,Guess

3、 (你能猜猜迈克一天做了哪些活动吗?),Watch and tick (看动画,在迈克的活动后面打 ),My day,Watch and tick (看动画,在迈克的活动后面打 ),My day,Ask and Answer,如果你是Mike,你能接受访问吗? Reporter:Hello, Mike. When do you get up? Mike: I get up at seven. ,要求:一人当记者, 同桌当Mike,选择其中的一个时间段进行准备。,1.How many lessons does Mike have a day? A.4 B.2 C.6 2.When does Mi

4、ke go home? A. At 4. B. At 4:40. C.At 5:30 3.What do you think of Mikes day? 你觉得迈克的一天过得怎么样?(你可以用中文回答),Think and Discuss (想一想,议一议),Learn to read(跟读课文并注意语音语调),Read the text in different ways in groups (选择自己喜欢的方式在四人小组内朗读课文),Ticking time (自我评价),My day,假如你是Mike,你可以选择一个时间段,也可以选择两个时间段, 还可以选择三个时间段。 两人小组可以一人

5、说一句,可以一人说一段,也可以小组齐说。,In the morning,In the afternoon,In the evening,假如你是Mike,你可以选择一个时间段,也可以选择两个时间段, 还可以选择三个时间段。 两人小组可以一人说一句,可以一人说一段,也可以小组齐说。,Ticking time (自我评价),My day,In the morning,In the afternoon,In the evening,Learning tips:学习小提示,不要忘了加上我哦 !,Hi!Im .This is my day. In the morning, I get up at. I

6、usually .at. In the afternoon,I. .,Ticking time (自我评价),Enjoy every day. 享受生活每一天,Cherish our colourful life. 珍惜我们的美好生活!,1. Read and try to recite the text with actions.边做动作边朗读课文并试着背诵。,Talk to your partners about your day. 和搭档谈论自己一天活动安排表。,3. Preview Fun time and Cartoon time. 预习Fun time和Cartoon time。,Homework,In the morning,In the afternoon,In the evening,


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