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1、Unit 6 Comic and Welcome to the UnitI. 根据 或首字母提示写 完成句子。1. _( 天 ) have white feathers and a long thin neck.2. The bridge isn tb_( 的 ) enough for two trucks to go through.3. _( 鹤 ) have long necks and legs.4. Many _( 罕 的 ) animals are at the edge of extinction.5. I see some girls with _( 翅膀 ) flying i

2、n the picture.6. Let s go to the m_. I want to buy some food.7. Tom is going b_ tomorrow. The birds are very nice.II. 用括号中所 的适当形式填空。1. They gave the children _(describe) of the birds.2. There are only fifteen _(type) of cranes in the world.3. He is _(show) some interesting pictures of birds to us.Un

3、it 6 Reading AI. 。()1. Parents _ good conditions _ us.A. provide; toB. provide; forC. provide; withD. protect; for()2. Some people waste food _ others haven tenough.A. asB. sinceC. forD. while()3. It s no use fishing for trout(鲑鱼 ) in this river, because there are none _.A. leftB. leavingC. to leave

4、D. leave()4. What can we do to _ bird flu from spreading?Try not to buy or eat chickens that have not been checked.A. preventB. causeC. discoverD. provide()5. Twenty _ the students agree with her at the meeting.A. per centsB. per centC. per cent ofD. per cents ofII. 根据 意思及英文提示翻 句子。1. 我 所有人都想 个世界 得更美

5、好。(make)_2. 个小男孩病了,他几乎哭了一整夜。(keep)_3. 你有足 的 来完成 工作。(have to )_4. 他根本不知道 件事情的重要性。(the importance of)_5. 会 致野生 物的生存空 越来越少。(lead to)_短文填空。Yancheng is a city in the n1of Jiangsu. It s famous for its wetlands. Thebiggest wetland there has an a2of more than 450,000 hectares. It s aperfect s3for many endan

6、gered birds. There are 590 kinds of insects and490 kinds of p4in the wetland. They p5birds with enough food.As many as 379 kinds of birds live there, i6red-crowned cranes. Everywinter, up to 1,200 red-crowned cranes stay there.Wetlands are not only homes for birds and animals, they can also p7disast

7、ers(灾害 ). For e8, when there is too much rain, wetlands can hold water.Then there will be fewer f9.Scientists say we must protect our wetlands. If we don10 t, it will be ito see many endangered birds in the future.第 1 页1._2._3._4._5._6._ 7._8._9._10._Unit 6 Reading BI. 英汉互译。1. be in danger _2. Natur

8、e Reserve _3. Birdwatching Society _4. 一个重要的湿地_5. 保护野生动物_II.单项选择。()1. Why is the river a good home for fish? Because it provides clean water and enough food _ them.A. toB. forC. withD. in()2. How beautiful the cranes look! Words can t_ their beauty.A. understandB. describeC. reportD. write()3. The g

9、overnment is doing a lot to _ people from hunting wild animals.A. encourageB. preventC. protectD. provide()4. We must make more people _ that they can and they should dosomething for birds.A. understandB. to understandC. understandingD. to understanding()5. Not all people coming here are real bird l

10、overs.Yeah. Some try to make the place a better area _ others just bring trouble.A. soB. becauseC. whileD. moreoverUnit 6 GrammarI. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Mother asked us _(not play) with fire.2. What makes you _(think) so?3. Our English teacher encourages the students _(speak) English more.4. Mr Wu agreed

11、 _(let) Jim _(join) the club.5. Most people take a camera _(take) photos.6. We often go to the market _(watch) birds.II. 翻译句子。1. 他建议我们不应该在湿地喊叫。_2. 他同意了让我们加入观鸟协会。_3. 为了省一些钱,他计划走路去学校。_4. 随身带个笔记本以便把你看到的写下来。_5. 这个学生把结果记录下来以便展示给他父母看。_III. 单项选择。()1. Our English teacher encourages us _ part in all kinds of

12、 after-class activities.A. to takeB. takeC. takingD. to taking()2. Please tell the students_ quiet in class.A. keepB. keepingC. to keepD. kept()3. I want to_ the children _ clothes.A. provide; toB. provide; forC. provide; withD. provide; at()4. James, I m too. Lettired s stop _ a rest.A. havingB. ha

13、veC. to havingD. to have第 2 页()5. Mary dances best in our school. I agree. I ll never forget_ her dance for the first time.A. seeingB. to seeC. seeD. seen()6. Richard turned off the computer after he had finished_ the email.A. writeB. to writeC. writingD. wrote()7. While I was walking along the lake

14、, saw some fish _ out of the water.A. jumpedB. to jumpC. jumpingD. are jumping()8. _ English well is not easy.A. To learningB. To learnC. LearnD. For learning()9. Boys and girls, attention, please. Now let me tell you _ to the Bird Island.A. how to getB. what to getC. whom to getD. where to get()10.

15、 What are you going to do when you grow up? A singer, but my parents wish me _ a teacher.A. amB. to beC. will beD. beUnit 6 Integrated skillsI. 根据汉语意思填空。1. Rainforests _( 覆盖 ) six per cent of the Earth(表s面surface).2. I _( 清晰地 ) remember the day when my little brother was born.3. The _( 丹顶鹤 ) is snow

16、 white with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head.4. You can take a pair of _( 望远镜 ) to watch the birds.II. 从方框中选择合适的选项完成句子。a kind ofkinds ofkind of1. This apple I ate just now is _ sour.2. _ little car may some day take the place of today s ones.3. People have all _ id

17、eas about what it should be.III. 根据汉语意思翻译句子,每空一词。1. 我认为父母应该多带孩子去旅行。I _ parents _ _ children to go on a journey.2. 你最好和我们一起去观鸟。_ _ _ _ with us.3. 你们为什不采取措施保护这些鸟呢?_ _ _ take action to protect the birds?Unit 6 Study skillsI. 给下列词加上合适的后缀构成表示人物的名词。1. speak _2. act _3. report _4. dance _5. win _6. piano _

18、7. art _8. write _II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Qian Xuesen was a famous _(science).2. There are many _(tour) visiting Yancheng every year.3. My brother is one of the best _(run) in his school.4. The two _(visit) are working on the farm.Unit 6 TaskI. 根据汉语意思写单词完成句子。1. Linda was upset because the leader refused

19、her _(申请 ).2. They gave us each a _(表格 ) to fill in.3. Let me write down his _( 地址 ) and telephone number.第 3 页4. All of us should do what the _( 主席 ) said at the meeting today.5. This feeling seems to be _( 自然的 ).II. 根据汉语意思翻译句子。1. 我认为他受到惩罚是对的。I think _ _ _ _ _ punished.2. 你应该先把她介绍给我。You should _ _

20、_ _first.3. 他当着大家的面用英语作了个自我介绍。He _ _ in English in front of everyone.4. 如果我成为观鸟协会的一员,我会感到很开心。I _ _ very happy _ I can become a member of Birdwatching Society.5. 我对学习钓鱼很感兴趣。I _ pretty _ _ fishing.Unit 6 Self-assessmentI. 用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。be interested in, important, while, describe, different kinds

21、 of, provide. for, write down1. Do you realize the _ of this question?2. When I was a little girl, I _ learning about different kinds of plants.3. Youd better _ what the teacher said in class.4. You can see _ animals in the zoo.5. The police caught the thief according to the _ of him.6. He says he l

22、l _ some money _ the poor child.7. Mum is cooking in the kitchen, _ Dad is reading books in the study.II. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The shopkeeper told the children _ (not touch) the glass.2. The teacher made me _ (clean) the classroom.3. It s time for them _ (have) lunch.4. I m new hererst,.Fi let me _ (i

23、ntroduce) myself to all of you.5. He is inviting Jim _ (come) for his birthday party.6. It will be unable _ (see) the birds again if we don t protect them.7. We come here _(see) you.8. She is a famous _(act) with big bright eyes and long brown hair.9. Thousands of _(tour) come to Beijing every year.

24、10. Both her father and her mother are _(farm).Unit 6 Comic and Welcome to the Unit参考答案:I. 1.Swans2. broad3. Cranes4. rare5. wings6. market7. birdwatchingII. 1. descriptions2. types3. showingUnit 6 Reading A参考答案:I. 1.B2. D3. A4. A5. CII. 1. All of us want to make the world better.2. The boy was ill

25、and kept crying almost all the night.3. You have enough time to finish the work.4. He doesntknow the importance of this thing at all.5. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife.当堂小测1. north2. area3. shelter4. plants5. provide第 4 页6. including7. prevent8. example9. floods10. impossibleUnit

26、6 Reading B 参考答案:I. 1. 处于危险中2.自然保护区3. 观鸟协会 4. an important wetland5. protect wildlifeII. 1. B2. B3. B4. A 5. C当堂小测1. A2. C3. B4. CGrammar参考答案:I.1. not to play2. think3. to speak4. to let, join5. to take 6. to watchII. 1. He suggested that we should not shout in the wetland.2. He agreed to let us joi

27、n the Birdwatching Society.3. He plans to walk to school in order to save some money.4. Take a notebook to write down what you see.5. The student recorded the results in order to show it to his parents.当堂小测1. A2. C3. C4. D5. A6. C7. C8. B9. A10. BUnit 6 Integrated skills参考答案:知识巩固I. 1. cover2. clearl

28、y3. red-crowned crane4. binocularsII. 1. kind of2. A kind of3. kinds ofIII. 1. think; should take2. Youd better go birdwatching3. Why dontyouUnit 6 Study skills 参考答案:知识巩固I. 1. speaker2. actor3. reporter4. dancer5. winner6. pianist7. artist8. writerII. 1. scientist2. tourists3. runners4. visitorsUnit

29、 6 Task参考答案:知识巩固I. 1. application2. form3. address4. chairperson5. naturalII. 1. it right for him to be2. introduce her to me3. introduced himself4. will be; if5. am; interested inUnit 6 Self-assessment参考答案:知识巩固I. 1. importance2. am interested in3. write down4. different kinds of5. description6. provide; for7. whileII. 1. not to touch2. to clean3. to have4. introduce5. to come6. to see7. to see8. actor9. tourists10. farmers第 5 页


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