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1、湖北省麻城市集美学校七年级英语下册Unit 10 Id like somenoodles Section A导学案(无答案)人教新目标版课型: New一教学目标: Teaching aims1. 知识目标: Order food2. 能力目标: 1)听能目标: 能听懂以 what 引导的特殊疑问句为中心的话题的相关词组和对话。2)说能目标:能以 What would you like为话题展开对话交际。3)写能目标:能围绕餐馆的特色食物,写一篇 70 词左右的广告短文。3.过程与方法:通过反复操练what would you like这个句型来熟练运用所写的知识。4.情感态度与价值观: 本单元

2、通过互相询问和谈论彼此所熟知的食物,学会健康饮食并了解不同国家的生日饮食习惯。二教学工具:多媒体三教学重难点:重点: 1. 本单元应掌握的生词和短语2. 学习目标中的重要句型的运用难点: 1. 可数名词和不可数名词的区别及用法。2. 情态动词 would 的用法和 what 引导的特殊疑问句。四教学过程Section AStep1Warming-up and revision让学生观察单元标题,猜测单元的主要话题。提问: What kind of food do you like?What syour favorite food?根据学生的回答边展示食物图片,边学会生单词。Step2.Pres

3、entation(Section A 1a)1. Match the words with the people in thepicture. (1a)学习课本的第一部分P551a先看图片,然后搭配图片和相关的食物的名词。Now pleaselookatP55, Use the letterstomatch the peopleinthe picturewithone of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word.留 2-3 分钟读写 1a 中的单词、句型。2. 学生分组就图中的食物互问互答并练习听力,巩固目标

4、语言。反复操练 What would you like? 这一句型。 .Step3 . 知识详解1. order(1) order n.意为“次序 , 命令 , 订单”例: a. The things in the room are in good order.屋里的东西井然有序。b. Carry out order!执行命令1c. Take an order for noodles.接受一份面条的 。(2) order v.意 “命令 , 餐”例: I order a table for four people.我定一个四人桌。2. special(1) special adj.意 “特殊的

5、,特 的”例: a. I have a special friend .我有一个特殊的朋友。b. I will have a special party this weekend. 个周末我将要有一个特 的派 。(2) special n.意 “特色菜 ,特价 ( 商品 ) ”。例: a. Mother makes some specials for us tonight . 今晚 我 做几个特色菜。b. The market are selling specials. 个市 正在推 特价商品。3. drink:判断 drink 的 性 :(1) Would you like somethin

6、g to drink?(2) Would you like some drinks?(3)Do you want to drink coffee or tea?(4)What kind of drinks do you have?总结 : drink v.意 “ ,喝” 后跟名 、 名 做 。drink n.意 “ 料 ,酒” 可做主 、 。4. 吃、喝 用法及区 eat既能“吃”又能“喝”;当喝 ,只能用在“喝 ”, “喝粥”drink只当“喝” ,用于喝 “水、茶、奶、咖啡等。have既能“吃”又能“喝”; 用于 : have +三餐take只表示“吃 ”take medicine5.花

7、pay for the bill结帐Sb. pay钱 for物 :花 例 : (1) He pays 10 yuan for the bike.buy sth. for sb. 某人 某物(2) He buys a bike for his son.(3)spend on 花 金 某物He spends 10 yuan on this bike.spendin (doing)花 做某事He spends ten hours in doing his homework.( 4) .It takes /took sb some time to do sth.做某事花了某人多少 6、点餐常用 :Wh

8、at would you like?I d like noodles.您想点什么 ?我想来碗面条。Would you like a cup of tea?Yes, please.(肯定回答)你想来杯茶 ?No,thanks.(否定回答)2Do you like tea?Yes, I like it.你喜 茶 ?No, I do not like it.Would you like sth?你想来点儿什么 ? ( 用于招待 人,且some不能改 any)例: Would you like some water?Would you like some beer?Would you like pep

9、per?7.你愿意做 ?(1)Would you like to do?Would是情 (2)主 +can +v 原 .情 Can +you+v 原?Can you help me?例: a. Would you like to have BDM?b. Would you like to marry me? 人 ,用 some替代 any.例: (1)你愿意来点茶 ?Would you like to have some tea?或: Would you like some tea?(2) 你愿意去死 (d ie) 吗 ? Would you like to die?(3) 你愿意和我喝 点酒

10、 ?Would you like to have some wine with me?或: Would you like some wine with me?Can you have _ wine with me?Step4. 堂小 Step5. 随堂 :一 . 用所 的适当形式填空。1. Lucy would like some _ (mutton).2. My brother likes to eat _(tomato).3. I d like _(eat) some tofu with vegetables.4. They have some _(special).5. I m not

11、sure_(still).二句型 。6.I d like some oranges.(改 一般疑 句)_you like _ oranges?7.Would you like to go to the zoo with us?(改 同 句 )_ you _ to go to the zoo with us?8.They d like large shoes.( 划 部分提 ) of shoes would they like?9.Would you like some orange?(做肯定回答 )_ _.10.Sally would like a hamburger with beef on it._ _ _ hamburger _ Sally like?Step6. 后反思34


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