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1、基础夯实与纠错考点3阅读下列各句,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。1. We would rather our daughter _ (stay) at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.2. Millions of people are struggling _ survival.3. _ (regret), mounting costs have forced the museum to close.4. Progress so far has been v

2、ery good. We are, _ ,confident that our work will be completed on schedule.5. If you get _ (hunger), there is still some cold chicken in the fridge.6. We have reached our goal of $50.000 thanks _ the generosity of the public.7. He has built _ his family firm into a multinational company(跨国公司 ).8. Th

3、e rapid _ (expand) of cities can cause social and economic problems in the long run.9. I prefer to work here because salaries are higher here than _ in my country.10. At the year-end press conference, he refused to comment _ the presidential elections early next year.11. Above all, you should keep t

4、he wound free _ dirt.12. The Chinese government will focus _ economic development, advance reforms and open further to the outside world.13. Computer technology makes _ possible for many people to work from home.14. _ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.15. He thanked the nurses from the b

5、ottom of his heart, who had cared _ him when he was in hospital.16. New types of computers are smaller in size and _ addition theyre simpler in operation.17. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances _ (develop) in the past years.18. It was sleeping late in the morning that led

6、_ his being late for work.19. The gentleman about _ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.20. The course is designed to equip students _ a career in nursing.21. The two girls are so alike that the strangers find _ difficult to tell one from the other.22. The book has helped me greatly in my dai

7、ly communication, especially at work _ a good impression is a must.第 1页23.What are you two whispering _ over there?24.When it comes to birds, the facts show a decline in populations, and the _(fail) to breed( 繁殖 ).25.He came _ (direct) he got my message.26.She was too _ (drink) to remember anything

8、about yesterday sparty.基础夯实与纠错考点4I. 阅读下列各句,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。1. Coaches and athletes are _ (convince) of the positive effect of some warming up procedures in achieving a good performance.2. Overcome _ homesickness after separation from her family for months for the first time, the girl c

9、ontacted her mum almost every day recently.3. This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can pick _ my father.4. He was in hospital for six months, He felt as if he was cut _ from the outside world.5. 2009 was a difficult year for many people, in _ those facing the continuing effects of

10、 the badeconomy.6. He gave a clear _ (explain) of his idea using a simple language, which made it easy for us to understand.7.The football player reacted _ the judgeision by withdrawing(sdec退出 ) from the match.8.The house was near a park, but there was a road _ between.9.We ll be content _ a respect

11、able result in tomorrow s football match.10. The school is badly _ for teaching equipment.11. _ (fortune), no water has been found in materials returned from the surface of the moon.12. She entertained the kids _ stories, songs and drama.13. It was said that Eastwood _ (star) in The Good, the Bad an

12、d the Ugly( 黄金三嫖客 ).14. Prisoners were allowed visits from their families _ occasion.II.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。On keeping a Diary in EnglishKeeping a diary in English is one of the _1_ (effect) ways to improve our English writing ability._2_ (compare) with other forms of writing, it is

13、 shorter and takes _3_ (little) time. It can help us todevelop the habit of thinking in English. _4_we persist in this practice, gradually we lllearn how to第 2页express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many _5_(difficult). In the first place, _6_ often

14、happens that we have trouble _7_ (find) appropriate words andphrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomaticways of saying things inChinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.As _8_ as I am concerned, my suggestion is that we should always h

15、ave a notebook and aChinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in ournotebook and then consult our dictionary, We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. Inshort, I believe that it is _9_ great use to keep a diary for _10_ development of our writing skills.第 3页


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