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1、,welcome to our class!,New Concept English,1,Unit 22 Watching the neighbours,Lesson 43 Lesson 44,2,New Words and Expressions,a lot of 很多 to 向 shy 害羞的 studies 学习,研究 many 很多 true 真实的 introduce sb. / sth. to always 总是 向-介绍某人/某物,3,4,Pronunciation,here dear hear near beer clear ear,5,New Words and Expres

2、sions,CD CD光盘 video 录像带 DVD DVD光盘 blouse女士衬衫 jacket 夹克衫 skirt 裙子 magazine 杂志 vegetable 蔬菜 relative 亲戚,6,Have got,Have got 有,可使用 Havent got 没有 Have you got 有吗? 我们有一些苹果汁。 We have got some apple juice. 我们有橙汁吗? Have we got any orange juice? 我们没有橙汁。 We havent got any orange juice.,7,have got (我,我们,你,你们,他

3、们,它们,她们) 有 has got (他,她,它) 有 他有很多鸡蛋 He has got lots of eggs. 她有酸奶吗? Has she got any yoghurt? Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.,8,Pattern Practice,1 A: Paul has got some CDs. B: Hes got some DVDs , too. 3 A: Has Paul got any DVDs ? B: Yes, he has , and hes got lots of CDs, too.,9,5 A: How many DVDs has Pa

4、ul got? B: Not many. A: What about CDs? B: Oh, hes got lots of CDs.,10,a lot of, lots of, many与 much,a lot of = lots of 很多,后可接可数名词 与不可数名词 many 很多,后接可数名词复数 much 很多,后接不可数名词,11,他有很多书 He has got a lot of books. He has got lots of books. He has got many books. 她有很多CD She has got a lot of CDs. She has got

5、 lots of CDs. She has got many CDs.,12,他有许多面包 He has got a lot of bread. He has got lots of bread. He has got much bread. 她有许多咖啡 She has got a lot of coffee. She has got lots of coffee. She has got much coffee.,13,How many-?,How many+可数名词复数+ has/have+人+got? 询问某人具有某样可数东西的数量 保罗有多少CD呢? How many CDs has

6、 Paul got? 他有(没有)很多CD He has got lots of CDs. He hasnt got many CDs.,14,How much-?,How much+不可数名词+ has/have+人+got? 询问某人具有某样不可数东西的多少 保罗有多少面包呢? How much bread has Paul got? 他有(没有)很多面包 He has got lots of bread. He hasnt got much bread.,15,一按要求改写句子。 1.Ihavegottwobooks 改一般疑问句: 肯定回答:否定回答: 2.Wehavegotanice

7、classroom. 改一般疑问句: 肯定回答:否定回答: 3.Shehasgotlonghair. 改一般疑问句: 肯定回答:否定回答: 二用havegot或hasgot填空。 1.We_abeautifulgarden. 2.Hermother_twobigeyesandlonghair. 3.MyEnglishteacher_abigbedroom. 4.They_threepencil-box. 5.Thelittlecat_twosmallears.,16,Homework:,1、练习册unit 22 2.重点单词:shy, introduce, studies, true, always, jacket, video, blouse, skirt, vegetable 3.微信打卡:书本54页句型练习3.4共14句,17,


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