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1、Unit 9Wheels (Revision)I. Design of Teaching Objectives教(学目标 )通过复习本单元重点单词,扩大学生词汇量,使学生掌握关键单词和词组的用法,并且使学生能应对短文改错、语法填空题并为书面表达做准备。II. Teaching Important Points(教学重点 )使学生掌握重点单词和词组用法III. Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点 )使学生会使用高考高频单词和词组写出正确句子IV. Teaching Methods(教学方法 )1.Self-learning to make students intere

2、sted in this class(学生自学 )2.Study with the teacher to work out the difficult points(师生合探 )3.More practice to make the students master the contents(巩固练习 )V. Teaching procedures教(学步骤 )Step I.Studying aims (学习目标). Review the important words in this unit. Master some important words and related phrases.

3、Learn to use the words to write sentences Step II. Self-learning(设疑自探 )i .Review some important words in this unit. 重(点回顾 )1.得益,好处v.& n_-有益的 adj._2.承认,供认vt._-许可,门票n._3.方便的 adj._ -方便 n._4.时常发生的adj._-时常地 adv._5.感激,欣赏 vt._-感激,欣赏 n._6.敏感的 adj._-对.敏感 _第 1页7.沉溺于的 adj._-对.有瘾 _8.实际地 adv._- 实际的 adj._9. 占用,使忙

4、于 vt._- 占据,职业 n._10.适合 vt._ -合适的 adj._11.work out _ _ _ _12. pull out _ pull in_ pull over _ pull up_13.迄今为止 ._ =_14. 发生,举行 _ 相当于一个 _动词 ,没有 _语态。就坐,就职 _代替 _ii.Group work (借助字典或参考资料,在小组内讨论重点单词用法)1.Discuss the frequently used phrases of the words above in groups in3 minutes.(小组讨论 )1.benefit2. admit3. c

5、onvenient 4.appreciate5.addicted6.occupy7.suit8.sensitive2.Show your answers in spoken English. 学(生口头展示,教师板书学生讨论的内容)Step .LearnTogether(解疑合探 )(和学生一起讨论自学的内容)牛刀小试:单句改错1.As is known to all ,a balanced diet benefits from ones health.第 2页2.You may come at any time in your convenience.3.He was careless ,a

6、nd as consequence he failed the exam.4.You shouldntbe too sensitive with this topic.5.I would appreciate if you could give me a hand to solve the problem.6.So far ,I didnthave any success, but I will give up.7.Once you have a taste of the fried chicken,you will be addicted in it. IV.Further Study (质

7、疑再探 )i.Discuss the sentences together in groups in 5 minutes, and then write the sentences on the blackboard小.(组讨论 )1.我从阅读中受益良多。(benefit)(2019.江西书面表达)_2.她 17 岁的女儿已被哈佛和耶鲁大学录取。(admit) (2019 广东写作)_3.如果你方便的话,我们希望你能接收我们的邀请。(convenient )(课标)_4.如果你能给我这个机会,我将不胜感激.( appreciate)(2019 上海)_5.那个孩子沉溺于电脑游戏不再想学习。(a

8、ddicted)_6.忙于做作业,他没有时间和我聊天。 (occupy)_7.这个职业很适合我弟弟,但不知怎么他却辞掉了。(suitable)(2019 四川 )_8.最后我终于理解了老师说的话。(sense)_第 3页ii .Write your answers on the blackboard.学(生展示 )V. Consolidation (拓展运用 )Fill in the blanks with one to three words.高(考题型 -语法填空 )Dear Mr. Black,I m writing to tell you the good news that my s

9、on,Peter,_(admit) to Yale University. As you know, I am a farmer._(occupy)myself farming all the year round, I had no time toattend to him and his study. As a _(consequent),he cameto_(addicted) to computer games. Not until he met you did he_(sense)of what was his real goal. Your teaching method was_

10、(benefit) to him.And eventually he realized his dream. In orderto express my _(appreciate), I want to invite you to my home asmy honor guest. I hope you will accept my invitation if it is convenient_ you.I would appreciate _ if you could give me your early reply.YourssincerelyJohn SmithVI.Conclusion (课堂小结 )VII. HomeworkRecite the short passage above.第 4页


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