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1、2012-2013 学年度下学期第二次月考高一英语试题【新课标】I 语音及单项填空(共20小题 , 每小题 1 分 , 共 20 分)从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1 nativeA naturalB behaveC anythingD necklace2 honourA courseB journeyC colourD source3 remainA mountainB certainC dailyD dairy4 technologyA angryB glassC messageD government5 excuseA expensi

2、veB textbookC extraD examine6 Tom missed his footing and fell, but he quickly struggled _his feetA withB atC forD to7 The rainy season makes _impossible to continue with the repair workA/B themC thatD it8 Trees provide _from the sun I mean, they are _from the sunA a shelter;a shelterB shelter;shelte

3、rC a shelter;shelterD shelter;a shelter;9 How I regretted _the hours in the forest, _I should have studied hardin the classroomA to waste, whenBtowaste,whereC wasting, when D wasting, where10 Mrs Green thinks that _, the situation would have got worseA if not dealing with carefullyB if having not de

4、alt with carefullyC if not having been dealt with carefullyD if having not been dealt with carefully11 It wasn t long _the broken windows were repairedA beforeB afterC whenD since12 Since the mid-1980s growing numbers of Asians have settled in New Zealand, andthey _about 6% of the total populationA

5、take upB pick upC make upD hold up13 A shipsank 20 miles_thecoastofFrance and more than 60 peoplelosttheirlivesA atB onC offD to14 After3monthsofsailingeastwardstheyarrivedatAustralia,aplace_westerners had never beenA whichB thatC whereD /- 1 -15 The farmer keeps 12 _of cattle The cattle _fed on gra

6、ss and cornA heads, isB head, areC heads, areD head is16 On the other side of the street stand more than 180 houses, _are in poorcondition nowA of which halfBwhichhalfofC half of themD of them half17 Radioactivematterisdangerous to work withbecause ithas a bad effect_theblood A toB forC inD on18 - W

7、hat does PO _?-Poster order, I guessA call forB wait forC prepare forD stand for19 -Are you going to London for a holiday?-_A That all dependsB That s nothingC It doesn t matterD If you like20 It was not until dark_ he found _he thought was the correct way to solvethe problemA that, whatBthat,thatC

8、when, whatD when thatII 完形填空 (共 20 小题 , 每小题 1 5 分 , 共 30 分)Plants don t have legs to run or arms to throw a ball, but that doesnt21thatplantscant 22at all Ifyou watch closely,you willsee 23 plantsbend theirstems and flowers toward the sunlight every day 24are plants able to move 25they don t have bo

9、dies like animals do?Plantscells 26 chemicalscalledauxins(植物生长素) to27 themto moveTofindouthow chemicals28, thinkofa plantoutsideina garden Becausethesunrisein the east in themorning, the 29side of theplantstemis in thelight Butthe west side of the stem is in the _30 So the cells in the shaded side o

10、f thestem31 to make auxins, which make that side of the stem grow32while the sideof the stem33 the sun grows much slower When the shaded side grows faster,it makes thewhole stem 34 towardthesunlight,and35leavesand flowerson thestem face the 36 too When the sun moves to the west in the afternoon, the

11、 37thing happens and the stem bends toward the light again38is areasonwhy theplantproduceschemicalsthatmake stems39thesun Leaves40 sunlight to make food for the plant So it is important for stemto get as much light as they can21 A tellB promiseC showD mean22 A growB goC moveD stand23 A mostB fewC ta

12、llD short24 A whyB HowC WhereD When25 A becauseB althoughC ifD as soon as26 A makeB acceptC keepD send- 2 -27 A pushB bringC helpD stop28 A formB workC flowD look at29 A westB brightC oppositeD east30 A shadeB lightC darkD garden31 A stopB beginC continueD help32 A fastB slowlyC upD badly33 A nearB

13、towardC againstD in34 A bendB fallC turnD walk35 A someB allC fewD no36 A stemB westC groundD sun37 A commonB strangeC sameD different38 A ThisB ThatC ItD There39 A followB circleC catchD pull40 A receiveB haveC useD reduce 阅读理解(共 20小题 ,每小题 2分 , 共 40 分)AWill it matter ifyou don t take your breakfast

14、? Recently a test was givenin the United States Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to83 During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, andsometimes they got no breakfast at all Special tests were set up to see how welltheir bodies worked when they had ea

15、ten a certain kind of breakfast The resultsshowed that ifa personeatsa properbreakfast,he orshe willwork withbetter effectthan if he or she has no breakfast This fact appears to be especially true if aperson works with his brains If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk beforegoingto school,hew

16、illlearn more quicklyandlistenwith moreattentioninclass Contrary to what many people believe, if you dont eat breakfast, you willnot lose weight This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat toomuch for lunch, and end up gaining some weight instead of losing some You willprobably los

17、e more weight if you reduce your other meals41 During the test, those who were tested were given _A no breakfast at allB a very rich breakfastC little food for breakfastD different breakfasts or none42 The results of the test showed that _A breakfast has a great effect on work and studyB breakfast h

18、as little to do with a persons workC a person will work better if he has a simple breakfastD those working with brains should have a lot for breakfast43 The passage infers that many people believe that if you don t eat breakfast,you will _A lose weightB not lose or gain weightC be healthierD gain a

19、lot of weight44 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A Poor breakfasts affect those who work with their brainsB Having no breakfast may cause one to get fatter- 3 -C Having a big lunch and supper is of great value in weight-losingD Eating less for lunch and supper may help to

20、lose weightBLife is difficultIt is great truth because once we truly understand and accept it, then lifeis no longer difficultMostdo notfullysee thistruth Instead,theycomplainabout theirproblemsand difficulties as if life should be easy It seems to them that difficultiesrepresent(代表)a special kind o

21、f suffering especially forced upon them or upontheir families, their class, or even their nationWhat makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problemsisa painfulone Problems,dependingon theirnature,cause us sadness,lonelinessor regret or anger and fear These are uncomfortable f

22、eelings, often as painful asany kindof physicalpain And sincelifecauses an endlessseriesof problems,lifeis always difficult and is full of pain as well as joyYet,itisinthiswholeprocessofsolvingproblemsthatlifehasitsmeaning Problems are the serious tests that tell us success from failure Whenwe desir

23、e to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human abilityto solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve Itis through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn As BenjaminFranklinsaid,“Those things that hurtinstruct”It is for this reaso

24、n that wisepeople learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems45 From the passage, it can be inferred that_A everybody has problemsB we become stronger by meeting and solving the problems of lifeC life is difficult because our problems bring us painD people like to complain about their prob

25、lems46 The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph to _A save spaceB persuade readersC makes readers laughD get readers attention47 The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that _A most people feel life is easyB the writer feels life is easyC the writer likes to complain about his

26、 problemsD most people complain about how hard their lives are48 According to the passage, we give schoolchildren difficult problems to solvein order to _A encourage them to learnB teach them to fear the pain of solving the problemC helps them learn to deal with painD teach them how to solve problem

27、sCIn old times, man considered lightning to be one of the greatest mysteries ofnature In fact, a single flash of lightning 1 6 km long has enough electricity- 4 -to light one million lampsTheAmericanscientist,BenjaminFranklin,was thefirsttosuggestthatlightningisin factelectricityformed between the E

28、arthand cloudshigh above Ithappened in 1752 Inthe same year,he alsobuiltthefirstlightningrod to protectbuildings from being struck by lightningModern science has discovered that lightning is very long and powerful Alightning between a cloud and the Earth may be as long as 13 km, and travels at aspee

29、d of 30 million meters per second Scientists have the opinion that there areabout 2 billionflashesof lightningper year In the United States alone, it killsalmost one person per dayThesafestplaceto be in duringan electricalstorm is a closedcar Outside,one shouldgo closeto low ground forcover and not

30、stopunder a tree Alsoone shouldstay out of water and away from metal fences Inside a house, people should keepaway from open doorways and windows and not touch wires or metal things49 From the passage, we know that lightning is _A one of the great mysterious of natureB electricity high above the Ear

31、thC a kind of lightD the sound from the clouds50 In the USA, _A every person can see lightning every dayB at least one person is killed by lightning every dayC there are about 6 million flashes of lightning per yearD about one person per day dies from lightning51 During a lightning storm, it would b

32、e best if you _A stand under a treeB go outsideC stay in a closed carD stop near windows52 A lightning rod can _A prevent accidents caused by lightningB stop lightningC protect building from being washed awayD delay the coming of lightningDLooking back on my childhood, I get to believe that naturali

33、sts are born andnot made Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisterssoon threw away their pressed flowers and insects Unlike them, I had no ear formusic and languages Iwas not an earlyreaderand I couldnot do mentalarithmeticBefore World War I we spent our summer holidays

34、 in Hungary I have only theunclear memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys Nor do I recallclearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door But I do have a clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birdsand, above all, the insectsI

35、 am a naturalist, not a scientist I have a strong love of the natural world,- 5 -and my enthusiasm (热情) has led me into varied investigations(调查) I lovediscussingmy favoritetopics and enjoyburningthe midnightoilwhilereadingaboutothe r people s observations and discoveriesThen something happens that

36、bringsthese observations together in my conscious mind Suddenly you wonder you see theanswertothe riddle(迷) , because itallseems to fittogether Thishas resultedin my publishing 300 papers and books, which some might honour with the title ofscientific researchBut curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory

37、and enjoyment of the animal and plantworlddonotmakeascientist;oneoftheoutstandingqualitiesrequiredisself-discipline, a quality I lack A scientist requires not only self-disciplinebuthard training,determinationand a goal A scientist,up toa point,can be made Anaturalist is born If you can combine the

38、two, you get the best of both worlds53 The first paragraph tells us that the author _A was born to a naturalists familyB lost his hearing when he was a childC didn t like his brothers and sistersD was interested in flowers and insects54 The author can t remember his relatives clearly because _A he d

39、idn t live long with themB he was fully busy observing nature C the family was too large to rememberD he was too young when he lived with them55 It can be inferred from the passage that the author was _A a naturalist but not a scientistB more a good observer than a listenerC no more than a born natu

40、ralistD a scientist as well as a naturalist56 The author says he s a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he _ A lacks some of the qualities required of a scientistB he couldn t do mental arithmeticC he was brought up in a family of farmersD he was not knowledgeable enoughEWhen I opened my E-mail the other day, a pretty woman named Rachel appearedon my computerscree


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