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1、专题一非谓语动词阅读下面材料。在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。1. (2019, 重庆, 11 改编 ) Group activities will be organized after class _ (help) children develop team spirit.2. (2019, 福建, 27 改编 )_(spend) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.3. (2019,福建, 30 改编 ) For those w

2、ith family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in staying_ (connect).4. (2019, 江西, 26 改编 ) When it comes to _ (speak) in public, no one can match him.5. (2019, 江西, 31 改编 ) _(spend) nearly all our money, we couldn t afford to stay at a hotel.6.(2019,江西, 34 改编 ) He is t

3、hought _(act) foolishly. Now he has no one but himself to blame forlosing the job.7. (2019, 浙江, 14 改编 ) Amie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _(appoint) to guard her.8. (2019,北京, 25 改编 ) Last night, there were millions of people_(watch) the opening ceremony live on

4、 TV.9. (2019,北京,28 改编 ) There are still many problems _(solve) before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.10. (2019, 北 京 , 35 改 编 ) The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without_(recognize).11. (2019,山东, 6 改编 ) There s a note pinned to the door_(say) when the shop will o

5、pen again.12. (2019,山东 ,9 改编 ) It s standard practice for a company like this one _(employ) a security officer. 13.(2019, 陕西, 12 改编 ) It s quite hot today. Do you feel like _(go) for a swim?14. (2019,湖南, 21 改编 ) Children, when _(accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.15. (2019

6、, 湖南, 23 改编 ) _(understand) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.16. (2019,湖南, 27 改编 ) There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland;_(stare) at the night sky.17.(2019, 湖南, 35 改编 ) _(free) our

7、selves from the physical and mental tensions, we each need deep第 1页thought and inner quietness.18. (2019,四川, 5 改编 ) The manager was satisfied to see many new products_(develop) after great effort.19. (2019,全国大纲, 23 改编 ) Today there are more airplanes _(carry) more people than ever before in the skie

8、s.20. (2019,天价, 5 改编 ) Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only _(find) it didn t fit.21. (2019,天津, 7 改编 ) Clearly and thoughtfully_(write), the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.22. (2019,安徽, 32 改编 ) While waiting for the opportuni

9、ty to get_(promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty.23. (2019,重庆, 5 改编 ) The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras _(return) to our shop for quality problems.24. (2019,湖南, 25 改编 ) The sun began to rise in the sky, _(bath) the mountain in golden light.25. (2019, 湖南, 31 改编 ) _(stay)

10、warm at night, I would fill the wood stove, then set my alarm clockfor midnight so I could refill it.26. (2019,全国课标 I ,35 改编 ) The sunlight is white and blinding, _(throw) hard-edged shadows on the ground.27. (2019,全国课标 II , 5 改编 ) I got to the office earlier that day,_(catch) the 7:30 train from Pa

11、ddington.28. (2019,北京, 24 改编 ) _(find) the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.29. (2019,重庆,30 改编 ) When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, _(tell) me stories till I was asleep.30. (2019,山东, 29 改编 ) I stopped the car_(take) a short break as I was feeling tired.31.

12、(2019,山东, 33 改编 ) _(eat) at the cafeteria before, Tina didn t want to eat there again.32.(2019,安徽,32 改编 ) _(found) in the early 20 th century, the school keeps on inspiring children sof art.33. (2019,江西, 34 改编 ) If_(ask) to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.34. (2019,四川,

13、 8 改编 ) _(know) which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.35. (2019,江苏, 24 改编 ) Lionel Messi, _(set) the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is第 2页considered the most talented football player in Europe.36. (2019, 江苏 ,31 改编 ) Shortly after suffering from a massive ea

14、rthquake and _(reduce) to ruins, the city took on a new look.37. (2019 ,浙江 , 19 改编 ) There are some health problems that, when _(treat) in time, can become bigger ones later on.38. (2019,湖南, 29 改编 ) You cannot accept an opinion _(offer) to you unless it is based on facts.40. (2019,北京, 21 改编 ) Volunt

15、eering gives you a chance _(change) lives, including your own.41. (2019,天津, 10 改编 ) In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words _(use) in daily conversations.42. (2019,山东, 25 改编 )The room is empty except for a bookshelf _(stand) in one corner.43. (2019,陕西, 14 改编 )The witnesses _(question)

16、 by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight.44. (2019,四川, 10 改编 ) The airport _(complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area.45. (2019,辽宁, 28 改编 ) Laura was away in Paris for over a week. When she got home, there was a pile of mail_(wait) for her.46. (2019,北京,

17、 29 改编 ) When we saw the road _(block) with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.47. (2019,重庆, 34 改编 ) The engine just won t start. Something seems _(go) wrong with it.48.(2019, 福建,22 改编 ) _(know) basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.49.(2019, 江西, 33 改编 )

18、Having finished her project, she was invited by the school _(speak) to the newstudents.50.(2019, 湖南,31 改编 ) The lecture, _(start) at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of themoon with telescopes.51.(2019, 湖南, 23 改编 ) Time, _(use) correctly, is money in the bank.52.(2019, 湖南, 21 改编 )

19、We ve had a good start, but next, more work needs _(do) to achieve the finalsuccess.53. (2019,重庆, 28 改编 ) We re having a meeting in half an hour. The decision _(make) at the meeting will influence the future of our company.54. (2019,重庆, 23 改编 )_(ask) to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderf

20、ul film.55.(2019, 辽宁, 29 改编 ) This machine is very easy _(operate). Anybody can learn to use it in a few第 3页minutes.56.(2019, 辽宁, 25 改编 ) The old couple often take a walkafter supper in the park withtheir pet dog_(follow) them.57.(2019, 四川, 6 改编 ) Tom took a taxi to the airport, only _(find) his pla

21、ne high up in the sky.58.(2019, 四川, 8 改编 ) I looked up and noticed a snake _(wind) its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.59. (2019,四川, 12 改编 ) Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car _(wash).60.(2019, 陕西, 22 改编 ) If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but _(meet

22、) an even greaterchallenge.61.(2019, 北京, 23改编 ) One learns a language by making mistakes and _(correct) them.62.(2019, 全国 II , 15 改编 ) The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy _(watch)anything that happened to be on.63.(2019, 全国 II , 10 改编 ) Tony lent me the money, _ _(hope) t

23、hat I d do as much for him.64.(2019, 北京, 32改编 ) Birds singing is sometimes a warning to other birds _(stay) away.65.(2019, 全国,32改编 ) Film has a much shorter history, especially when _(compare) to such art forms asmusic and painting.66.( 2019,全国, 32 改编 ) The party will be held in the garden, weather

24、_(permit).67.(2019, 山 东 , 35 改 编 )After completing and singing it, pleasereturnthe form to us intheenvelope_(provide).68.( 2019,山东, 26 改编 ) George returned after the war, only _(tell) that his wife had left him.69.( 2019,福建,28 改编 ) China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Islan

25、d to prevent Chinesefishing boats from _(attack) in the South China Sea.70.(2019.福建, 34改编 ) Pressed from his parents, and _(realize) that he has wasted too much time, theboy is determined to stop playing video games.71.(2019.浙江, 11 改编 ) “ It s such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table_

26、(reserve) for customs72.(2019.浙江, 3 改编 ) No matter how bright a talker youare, there are times when it betters_(remain)silent.73.(2019.江苏, 31改编 ) _(base) an important decision more on emotionthan on reason, youwillregret it sooner or later.74.(2019.安徽,24改编 ) I remembered _(lock) the door before I le

27、ft the office, but forgot to turn off thelights.第 4页75.(2019.全国 II , 15 改编 ) The island,_(join) to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.76.(2019.浙江,3 改编 ) Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some _(have) a life span of around 20years.77.(2019.浙江, 19改编 ) If they win the final tonight, t

28、he team are going to tour around the city _(cheer)by their enthusiastic supporters.78.(2019.湖南, 22改编 ) Dina, _(struggle) for monthsto find a jobas a waitress, finallytook aposition at a local advertising agency.79.(2019.重庆, 34改编 ) Many buildi8ngs in the city need repairing, but the one _(repair) fir

29、stis thelibrary.80.(2009.北京, 34改编 )_(bite) twice, the postman refused to deliver out letters unless we chained ourdog.81.(2009.江西, 22改编 ) _(give) the right kind of training,these teenage soccer players may one daygrow into international stars.82.(2019.江西, 24改编 ) I hear they vepromoted Tom, but he di

30、dnmention_(promote ) when wetalked on the phone.83.(2019.辽宁,27 改编 ) He was busy writing a story, only_(stop) once in a while to smoke a cigarette.84.(2019.全国 I, 25改编 ) -The last one _(arrive) pays the meal. -Agreed!85.(2019. 安徽, 29改编 ) The country has already sent up three unmannedspacecraft, the mo

31、strecent_(launch) at the end of last March.86.(2019.安徽, 29改编 ) John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work_(finish), he gladlyaccepted it.87.(2019.山东, 33改编 ) Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to _(miss)Since the flood hit the area last Friday.88.(2019.广东, 29改编 ) No ma

32、tter how frequently _(perform), the works of Beethoven still attractpeople all over the world.89.(2019.湖北, 26改编 ) _(separate) from other continents for millions of years, Australia has manyplants and animals not found in any other country in the world.90.(2019.江苏, 25改编 ) -Is Bob still performing?- I m afraid not. He is said _(leave) the stage already as he has become an official.第 5页


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