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1、2019 高考英语(人教)一轮预热自练巩固题必修4U3 及答案* 阅读理解。I love to read before I go to sleep.It usually makes me feel calm.But a big part of this depends on what I read.I love to read Oor Wullie and The Broons.Very often Im smiling before I go to sleep.I decide to write about this in a blog because I find that so many

2、 of us go to sleep withstress.Before we go to sleep,we may run over the day in our minds ,and worry about tomorrow.Wealso may watch the news on TV ,read the news on our smart phones or tablets,or even answer workemails.But the news is rarely proclaiming( 宣告 )all the good thats happening in the world

3、 and workemails make us feel that were still at work.All these things may leave us a stressful sleep.Oor Wullie and The Broons are not the only things I ever read at night.I sometimes read novelsbut,with the odd exception ,I mostly avoid anything that is too mentally taxing or stimulating late atnig

4、ht unless its something that inspires me or is clearly helpful in my life.And even if I do read something mentally stimulating,when I feel myself getting tired I lay thatbook down and pick up a trusty old Oor Wullie or The Broons for the last 10 or 15 minutes.Doing this makes my mind quiet and helps

5、 ensure I get a peaceful nights sleep.Reading about Wullie or Maw and Paw Broon is like a comfort blanket for me.Id suggest you find light- hearted reading as a comfort blanket at bedtime ,especially if you findyourself stressed or depressed a lot of the time,or if you find difficulty winding at the

6、 end of a day.Itis the thing that can gently turn your attention towards lightness and ease.If your material makes you laugh , then you may feel even better.Several studies show thatlaughter boosts happy chemicals in the brain ,it strengthens the immune system , its good for theheart, and it is most

7、 definitely good for mental health.It even helps us improve our relationships.And if you do happen to pick up a copy of Oor Wullie or The Broons, I hope you find it just asentertaining as I do.1 What can we learn about Oor Wullie and The Broons?A They make people run over the past days.B They are th

8、e best books to be read before people sleep.CThey are extremely popular with young people.D They make people feel relaxed and happy.第 1页2 What can we know from the text?A Oor Wullie and The Broons are the authors favorite books.B A comfortable blanket makes people go to sleep easily.CThe author some

9、times reads something about inspirations.D Reading something stimulating at night helps get a peaceful sleep.3 What is Paragraph 6 mainly about?A What material brings us laughter.B How laughter affects our health.CWhat benefits laughter brings to us.D Why laughter is good for us.4 Whats the main pur

10、pose of the text?A To show the importance of reading before sleeping.B To prove the importance of a good mood before sleeping.CTo tell us how to make ourselves stay relaxed before sleeping.D To explain how to choose a book worthy to be read before sleeping.【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过叙述自己睡前的一些阅读习惯,告诉人们如何减

11、少睡前的压力以及睡前保持好心情的重要性。【难句分析】I love to read Oor Wullie and The Broons.Very often Im smiling before I go tosleep.分析:第二个句子中包含before 引导的时间状语从句。译文:我喜欢阅读Oor Wullie 和 The Broons 。睡前 (读这两本书时)我常常会 ( 带着 )微笑入睡。1D考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“ I love to read Oor Wullie and The Broons.Very oftenIm smiling before I go tosleep 可”知

12、 Oor Wullie 和 The Broons 这两本书会使人们感到放松和快乐。2C考查推理判断。 根据第三段最后一句中的“ I mostly avoid anything that is too mentally第 2页taxing or stimulating late at night unless its something that inspires me or is clearly helpful in mylife 可”推知,作者有时候会阅读一些鼓舞人心的书。A 项内容文章未涉及,故排除;根据第四段最后一句 “ Reading about Wullie or Maw and P

13、aw Broon is like a comfort blanket for me可知,”作者只是打比方,故排除B;根据第四段第一至二句可排除D。3 C考查段落大意。根据第六段第一句“ If your material makes you laugh, then you mayfeel even better 及该段”的描述可知,该段的主题是笑带给我们的好处。4B考查写作意图。 根据第一段中的“ I love to eadr before I go to sleep.It usually makes mefeel calm 及”第四段第二句“ Doing this makes my mind

14、quiet and helps ensure I get a peacefulnights sleep 可知”,作者写这篇文章的目的是证明睡前有一个好心情的重要性。* 语法填空。Tyler Thompson is _1_ unlikely star in the world of Peking opera. The 15-year-old fromOakland has fascinated audiences in the US and China with his ability _2_ (sing) pitch-perfectMandarin ( 普通话 ) and perform th

15、e ancient Chinese art form. The teen,_3_ is black and onlyspeaks some basic Chinese, has been praised by teachers since he _4_ (pick) up the music as akindergartener.“ As soon as he opens5(he) mouth and sings in Chinese, the Chinese are verysurprised and they feel very proud of him ,” said his music

16、 teacher.“ When he puts on the costumeand all the acting, you can see that he is pretty good.”Tyler has learned to sing several well- known pieces of Peking opera, a centuries- old form ofmusical theater _6_ (know) for its highly structured costumes, changing gongs (锣 ) andcymbals ( 钹 ), wide- rangi

17、ng voices and highly stylized _7_ (move). Tyler got _8_ (stand)cheers when he performed _9_ Justice Bao, a famous Song Dynasty judge who foughtcorruption, from the Chinese classic BaoQing Tian.“ The music is very beautiful, and its verypassionate, ” said Tyler“. Its made me _10_ (want) to know more

18、about the world outside ofAmerica or California or Oakland.”1 _2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。 文章主要介绍了一个擅长表演京剧的外国青少年的故事。1 an考查冠词。 star 是可数名词,且第一次在文章中出现,故用不定冠词修饰,表泛指;形容词unlikely 的读音以元音音素开头,故用an。2to sing考查非谓语动词。ability to do sth.做某事的“能力”,为固定搭配,故用不定式作后置定语。3who考查定语从句的引导词。所填关系词引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词

19、Theteen,且关系词在从句中作主语,故填关系代词who。第 3页4picked考查动词的时态。since 意为 “自从 ”,引导状语从句,从句常用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。5his考查代词。根据语境mouth 和主语 he 可知,此处应用形容词性物主代词his 修饰名词 mouth,在句子中作定语。6known考查非谓语动词。 know 和句子谓语之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词, 且 know和其逻辑主语Peking opera 是动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。7 movements考查词性转换。根据and 可知,此处与名词voices 呼应,应用所给词的名词的复数形式,即movem

20、ents。8standing考查形容词。由空后的名词cheers 可知,此处应用形容词修饰名词,standing意为 “站着进行的 ”,表示 Tyler 得到了 ( 观众的 )起立欢呼。9as考查介词。此处as 意为 “作为 ”,后跟名词、代词或动名词,与performed 呼应,表示扮演的角色,符合语境。10want考查非谓语动词。make sb. do sth. 让某人“做某事”,应用不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语,故填want。* 完形填空。(2019 北四地七校联考湖)I was driving to the grocery store on a warm morning in May

21、.I smiled as I watched the golden sunshine _1_ off the leaves.It was such a _2_ and heavenly time.My calm was broken , _3_, as I rounded a curve(拐弯处 ) A huge U- Haul truck wascoming my way several feet over the center line.I swerved as far onto the side of the road as I could to _4_ it.It was follow

22、ed by not one but two other U- Haul trucks just as _5_.I wondered if all the stuff inside of them _6_ the same person.I slowed down my car and waited for my heart rate to _7_.It was then that I _8_ a self- storage business along the side of thehighway ,building new units for all the people who could

23、nt fit their _9_ into their houses.I sawa(n)_10_ couple carrying boxes into one of the units.It seemed _11_ that a couple just out of their teens could already have too much stuff.I lost my own _12_ for owning stuff when a house fire in the middle of the night destroyedeverything my family owned.The

24、 only thing I had left was the underwear I was wearing.Yet, ourwhole family had awakened _13_ to escape.In the weeks that followed friends and family gave us a lot of stuff to get us back on our feet , but none of it seemed as _14_ any more.What wasimportant was seeing Moms smile , giving Nana a hug

25、 and a kiss , and watching Dad snooze( 打盹) in his chair _15_ a hard days work.What was important was the stuff of _16_, not thestuff of this world.Since then I have tried to limit the things I would _17_.I didnt want too第 4页much stuff to _18_ my life.I wanted to only buy what I needed and to spend m

26、y days inlearning , growing , and _19_ my family and others.I assumed that only by doing so could I make my _20_.1 A.appreciatingB reflectingC admiringD releasing2 A.refreshingB delightfulC peacefulD dynamic3 A.thoughB tooC anywayD instead4 A.missB rejectC ignoreD desert5 A.usefulB largeC newD good6

27、 A.turned toB referred toC reacted toD belonged to7 A.beatB pulseC accelerateD follow8 A.noticedB thoughtC didD established9 A.furnitureB boxesC possessionsD materials10 A.oldB youngC middle- agedD small11 A.curiousB apparentC certainD obvious12 A.hopeB talent第 5页C faithD taste13 A.in returnB in tur

28、nC in timeD in vain14 A.affordableB significantC beneficialD practical15 A.beforeB inC afterD during16 A.mindB handC headD soul17 A.purchaseB donateC wasteD need18 A.put upB crowd upC bring upD set up19 A.helpingB abusingC lovingD affecting20 A.nameB dayC worldD way【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述驾车途中的所见所感,并联

29、想到自己家中曾经的火灾事件对他自身观念的影响,由此阐述了自己的感受:世上最重要的东西不是物质占有量,而在于精神世界的丰富,只有这样人才能感到快乐。1B根据 “ the golden sunshine 1_ off the leaves 可知,”此处意为 “树叶反射出金色的阳光 ”。reflect 反“射 ”符合语境。 appreciate 感“激, 欣赏 ”;admire “钦佩,赞赏 ”;release 释“放,发行 ”。2C根据空前一句中的“ smiled和”空后的 “ heavenly及”下文中的 “ calm可”知,作者当时的心情是平静愉快的,故peaceful 符合语境。 refre

30、shing 使“人精力充沛的”; delightful讨“人第 6页喜 的,令人愉快的”; peaceful 平“静的,宁静的”;dynamic “ 力的,有活力的”。3 A根据空前的 “ My calm was broken 可知”,空 所在句与上文构成 折关系,故though “是,不 可 ”符合 境。 too “太,也 ”;anyway “不管怎 ,无 如何”; instead 相“反 ”。4A根据空前一句中的“ truck was coming my way several feet over the center line 可知,”作者尽量把 子往路 开来 开卡 。miss “避开,

31、 开 (不好或 的事) ”;reject 排“斥, 丢掉”; ignore “ ,不理睬忽 ”; desert “弃, 弃 ”。5 B根据上文可知,一 卡 越 了中心 几英尺向作者的方向 来, 合 境可知, 大卡 后 跟着另外两 同 大的(large) 卡 ,故 B 。6 D根据 境可知,作者不知道三 卡 上的 西是否属于(belonged to) 同一个人。belong to属“于 ”; turn to “向,求助于 ”; refer to 参考“,提到”; react to “ 作出反 ”。7D根据 境可知,作者放慢 速来平静心情 整心率。故follow 跟“随,追赶 ”符合 境。 bea

32、t “打 ,拍打 ”; pulse 跳“ ,搏 ”;accelerate 加“速,增加 ”。8A 句中的 It was then that 是 句型,意思是 “就在那 ”。作者在平静心情 注意到路旁的一个自助存 公司。notice 注“意到 ”; establish 建“立, ”。9 C根据 境可知, 些 是 那些无法把所有物(possessions)存 到自己的房子里的人而建的。 possession 所“有物, 财产 ”符合 境。 furniture家“具,设备 ”;material 材“料 ”。10 B根据空后一句中的“ a couple just out of their teens可

33、知,此 young” “年 的 ”符合 境。 middle-aged 中“年的 ”。11 A根据 句中的“ could already have too much stuff(可能已 有太多的 西) ”可知,作者 此感到奇怪,故curious 稀“奇古怪的 ”符合 境。 apparent “然的,表面上的”;certain“必然的,有把握的”; obvious 明“ 的, 然的”。12D根据 境可知,夜半 分一 大火 了作者家中的一切,因此作者不再有 有( 很多 ) 西的 趣 (taste)。taste “好, 趣 ”符合 境。 hope“希望 ”; talent 才“能,天 ”;faith

34、信“仰,信念 ”。13 C根据空前的 “ had awakened和空”后的 “ escape可”知,作者全家及 (in time) 醒来第 7页逃了出去。 in return 作“为回报 ”; in turn 反“过来,轮流 ”; in vain 徒“劳 ”。14 B根据空后的 “ What was important was和空前”的 “ none of it可知,”空处所填词与important 意思相同,故significant重要“的,有意义的”符合语境。 affordable 买得“起的 ”;beneficial 有益“的 ”; practical 实用“的 ”。15 C根据生活常

35、识可知,父亲打盹应该是在一天的艰辛工作之后(after)。16 D根据空前的 “ What was important was the stuff of 及空后的 “”not the stuff of thisworld 可”知,空处所填词与“ this world 形成”对比,再结合上文内容可知,作者认为精神世界的丰富更为重要。soul “(人类整体的 )精神状况 ”符合语境。 mind“头脑,智力 ”。17 A根据上文中的 “ not the stuff of this world 可知,作者从”此努力限制自己购买(purchase)东西的数量。 下文中的 “ buy亦”是提示,故选 A

36、。donate 捐“赠 ”;waste 浪“费 ”;need “需要”。18B根据语境可知,此处表示作者不想让太多的物品充斥自己的生活。故crowd up符合语境。 put up 张“贴,搭建 ”; bring up 抚“养,养育,提出”;set up 建“立 ”。19C根据空后的 “ my family and others 可以推”断此处意为“爱我的家人和他人”,故选C。 abuse “滥用 ”; affect 影“响 ”。20 B根据语境可知,此处表示只有这样做作者才能开心。make sb.s day 为固定用法,意为“使某人非常高兴”。* 短文改错。As the saying goes

37、, chance favored the prepared mind. I learned this from one of my experience.I was not chosen as member of the volleyball team of our school. Because of this, I decided to give up play volleyball. Luckily, my best friend stopped me but pointed out that it was my laziness and poor preparation which l

38、ed to my failure. After that, I practiced playing volleyball on every day. When another chance of trying out arrived, I was full prepared and tried my best. As a result, I was selected and became an important player on our school team.From this, I am firmly convincing that we are able to seize a cha

39、nce as long as I get well prepared.答案:As the saying goes, chance favored the prepared mind. I learned this from one of my favors第 8页experience.experiencesI was not chosen as member of the volleyball team of our school. Because of this, I adecided to give up play volleyball. Luckily, my best friend s

40、topped mebutpointed out that it playingandwas my laziness and poor preparation which led to my failure. After that, I practiced playingthatvolleyball on every day. When another chance of trying out arrived, I wasfullprepared and fullytried my best. As a result, I was selected and became an important

41、 player on our school team.From this, I am firmlyconvincingthat we are able to seize a chance as long asIgetconvinced wewell prepared. 分析:第五 : but and考 。本句中,“stopped和”“pointed out共”同作句子的 , 并列关系,故改but 为 and。第六 : which that考 句型。本句中 从句 句,被 的部分是mylaziness and poor preparation; 句型的 构 It is/was . that/who . ,故改 which 为 that。第九 : convincing convinced 考 形容 。 convinced 表示人 “信服的 ”; convincing表示事物 “令人信服的 ”。此 构成 “Sb. be firmly convinced that 从句 ”句型,意 “某人 信”,故改 convincing 为 convinced。第 9页


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