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1、2012 届高考英语最后冲刺写作常用词组汇编表示情感的词组一1.我们真诚的希望it is sincerely hoped that2.不惜一切代价at all cost3.不知所措be at a loss4.绝望地in despair5.渴望be eager to dobe desperate to doHave a strong desire for doing sth6. 对。很感兴趣 be enthusiastic about Be crazy aboutBe fascinated by7.处在最好的状态be at one s best8.情绪高涨be in high spirits9.

2、没有做。的心情 be in no mood to do10.用心做be engaged in doing sth11.经理痛苦磨难go through pains12.反思reflect on13.使。生气make sb annoyed14 处于。状态in a state of15.渴望long for16.直截了当的说come straight to the point that17.很容易地with ease18.对。感到吃惊be amazed at19.对。表示同情feel sympathy for20. 对。产生重大影响 have a tremendous impact on Have

3、 a great influence onHave a strong effect on21.加深感情deepen one s affection22.使。流泪bring tears to one s eyes23.突然有了一个好主意 A good idea flashes across one s mind24.努力没有白费one s efforts pay off25.面对be exposed to26 付出代价pay a high price for27.耐心地with great patience28.心满意足地to one s heart s content29. 昧着良心做事do

4、sth against one s conscience30坚持不懈地追求目标persist in pursuing one s goal31怀有对。的激情have great passion towards32认真接受某人忠告take one s words to heart33深受鼓舞be much motivated byBe much inspired by34泪水涌上。的眼睛tears well up in one s eyes用心爱心专心- 1 -35 。的行 承担 任pay for one s action36. 提高 保意 highlight the conciousness

5、of environment protection37激 灵感spark ones inspiration for38 。 生 面影响 have a negtive influence on39培养 造力和 新精神train one s creativity and innovation40被社会潮流所淘汰be thrown out of the tide of the society41激励个性 展encourage one s individuality42把理 和 践 合起来 combine theory with practice43做某事是 的 / 的 be right/wrong

6、in doing sth44. 展 个人的特 和 采 display personal talent and charm45丰富社会 enrich one s social experience46确保生活幸福ensure sb a happy life47 守原 stick to the principle48集中精力be concentrated on49参加运 take exercise50养精蓄 accumulate energy to do sth51 表 点present one s ideas52增 意 heighten one s sense of53 得提倡be well w

7、orth promoting54号召。做appeal to sb to do sth55减 担lighten/lessen/ease ones burden of56 来便利bring sb more convenience57形成持久良好的关系 form a lasting constructive bond58 天 地it is considered a celebration if59竭尽全力去做go all out to do60无法达到 期目 fall short61完善自己complete sb perfectly62 予。 极的人生 give sb a positive outl

8、ook on life63做的不好mess up64 梦想努力 work hard to accomplish sth65在价 和文化背景上有极大的不同vary vastly on values and cultures66 。施加 力put great pressure on67提供 服 offer excellent services68聚焦于cast focus on69享有。的 力have an access to70 。惊 和敬畏 be amazed and awed by71在。方面做 be wrong in doing sth72以失 而告 end up in failure表示

9、情感的 二1.辛苦得到了回 Ones efforts have paid off.2. 傲地with great pride3.追求目 pursuit one s goal4. 色于fade next to5. 于gain advantage over 用心爱心专心- 2 -6.被授 做be awarded the authority to do sth7. 得提倡be well worth promoting / encouaging8.吸引某人appeal to sb / attract sb9.开 布公地与某人 关于talk openly with sb about sth10. 理想l

10、ive out / realize ones dreams / get there11. 很有价 count for much 没有价 count for nothing12. 快 而 do it just for fun13. 口无言become speechless14. 化心灵purify one s mind15.有力量 / 能力去做gain the power of doing sth16. 理所当然take as something natural17.相信 be convinced that18.减 内疚感relieve ones guilt19.毫不留情without merc

11、y20. 做有独特的方式have a unique way of doing sth21.无 可 be at a loss for words22.彼此互 complement each other23.使惊 的是to the amazement of sb24.增 知 expand one s knowledge25. 好developa hobby ofdoing / have a great love for 26.对 越来越感 趣Ones interest in grows.27.因激 而两眼 亮Ones eyes brighten with excitement.28.行 人 所不耻

12、Such behavior is severely frowned upon.29.在做或上左右 be torn between doing and doing30.引起 的关注capture the attention of sb31.兼 工作和学 balance work and learning32.言 意明be straightforward and to-the-point33.享有的 利have access to34.增 的 increase awareness of35.造成 的短缺cause a critical shortage of36.受到的喜 gain one s g

13、round among sb / be popular among sb37.想干什么就干什么get one s way / do as one likes38.渴望做 be desperate to do sth / be dying to do sth / have a strong desirefor doing sth39.号召做appeal to sb to do sth40.目前presently / at present / nowadays41.根据的要求upon o nes request42.合适于be right for43.太想做stress so much about

14、 doing sth44. 某人一个改 的机会cut sb a break45.抓住机遇seize / catch the opportunities46.以我 核心become self-centered47. 眼界broaden one s horizon48.内疚涌上心 Guilt begins to sink in.用心爱心专心- 3 -49.有 制地做put a limit to doing sth50.心情沉重Ones heart is heavy.51.逼着某人做pressure sb into doing sth52.反思reflect on sth53.有一个重要的共同点ho

15、ld something important in common54. 某人一个惊喜give sb a great surprise55.徒 be in vain56.以开放的心 be open to57.出乎某人意料out of one s expectation,58. 了 多起起落落go through many ups and downs59.因而著名have a good reputation for60.意 一致be on the same page / be of the same opinion61.情况 化Things have got tough./Things have

16、got worse and worse.62.出于好奇out of curiosity63.沉醉于be involvedin /be addictedto . / be occupiedby 64.反复无常be as changeable as the moon65. 上露出微笑Ones face breaks into a smile like the sun through theclouds.66.求同存异find the common ground and put aside the differences67.需要 一步的完善need further improvement68.求新

17、求异pursue unique and new things69.看得更高更 set one s sights high70.把想成理所 当take as something natural71.使不同于set apart from72.瞧不起look down upon / think nothing of73. 正 行 right the wrongs74.有 任做have an obligation to do75.精通have a good command / knowledge of76.提高解决 的能力improve problem-solving skills77.喜 have

18、a taste / appetite for78. 小 大做make a fuss about79.是 心悦目的be a feast for the eye80.成 become a reality81.克服困 overcome setbacks / difficulties82.忍受痛苦bear great pains83.引起 的关注capture / catch / draw / attract ones attention84. 兼 工作和学 balance work and learning85. 多成功和失 go through many ups and downs86.履行 言p

19、erform one s promise87.遵章守法observe regulations and laws88.是不可或缺的部分be an integral part of89.与某人合作work cooperatively with sb90.感同身受feel the same way用心爱心专心- 4 -91. 持到底keep going / hold on92. 大 野expand one s view of93.探索新的方式来做某事explore new ways to do94.促 互相的理解promote the understanding of each other95. 造

20、良好的条件create favorable conditions for96.致力于be devoted to sth / doing sth97.提高 的 raise one s awareness of98.消除隔 smooth rough edges99. 足需求satisfy ones demands100.有利于做contribute to doing / be beneficial to doing101.关注focus one s attention on102. 用良好的心 迎接每一天 approach every day in a good mood103. 缺点并存Advantages and disadvantages go side by side.104. 决定成 Details decide whether we will succeed or not.105.感到 力feel stressed out解决 ( 少 ) 力handle (reduce) one sstress106.塑造个人形象shape one s image用心爱心专心- 5 -


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