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1、2012 届高考英语必考词汇90 天复习案:第82 天I 重点 1.decline vt.使下降; ,拒 vi.下 ,下降 c u下 ,下降; 衰退;衰落2.demand vt. 要求,需求; , c 要求;要求物u c 需求, 要求3.discount c u折扣 vt. 打去(若干)折扣;看 4. discourage vt.使泄气;使 失5.discrimination u歧 ;辨 ; 率6.disrespectful adj.失礼的,无理的7. distribute vt.分 ,分配;分散,分布8.dominate vt. /vi.支配;占 9.dynamic adj.( )力的; 的

2、;有生气的10.drunk adj.醉的11.educator n.教育工作者,教育家12. efficient adj.效率高的,有效率的13.endurance n.忍耐; 持久14.en/inquire vt.询问15.enquiry n. ;打听; 16.equlity u相等;相同;平等17.evident adj.明 的;清楚的;明白的18.explicit adj.清楚的;明确的; 的II 重点短 1.delay doing sth.耽 做某事2.without delay立刻, 上3.meet one s demands 足 .需要4.at 15 discount打八五折5.d

3、iscourage sb. from doing阻止某人做 .6.do everything in one s power to竭尽全力做 .7. racial equality种族平等8.It s evident that(很)明 9.hold an enquiry into a case 一 案子 行 10.make enquiries of sb. about sth.向某人 某事11demand sth. of/from sb.向某人要求 西III 佳句 析1.I offer to give them a lift but they decline.2.At first, in spi

4、te of disliking him, she did not discount his affection, and was sensitive to the pain she was going to cause him when she declined his offer of marriage3.He demanded that the task be finished in time.4.But there will also be a rise in the demand for health care professionals.5.We discourage you fro

5、m smoking except in specific area.6.Thank you for your enquiry(enquiries) about my health.IV 词汇练习1.He was _(明 的 )about an affair.用心爱心专心12.The hardship she faced _(使 泄气 ) her.3.The old man _ (分发 )sweets to children.4.We had a _ (充满活力的 ) English teacher.5.She divided the cake into four _(平均 )parts.6.S

6、he politely _ (拒绝 ) their invitation.7.There is no time to _ (拖延 ).8.She politely _(拒绝 )their invitation.V 短语练习1.Johnwas lateforthebusiness meeting because hisflight had been_ by a heavystorm.A. keptB. stoppedC. showedD. delayed2.The opposition have demanded that all the facts _ make public.A. makeB

7、. are madeC. be madeD. should make3.Since last year, the crime in Chicago has sharply _.A. declinedB. lessenedC. descended D. slipped.4.The students _ the teacher, but he couldn t remember the exact examresults of everyone.A. enquired at B. enquired afterC. enquired into D. enquired for5.The secret of his success is that he does everything_.A. efficientlyB. curiouslyC. anxiouslyD. sufficiently6. If we canourpresentdifficulties,theneverything should be all right?A come acrossB get overC come overD get off答案explicit 2.discouraged 3.distributed 4.dynamic 5.equal 6. declined 1-5 DCAAAB用心爱心专心2


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