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1、2019 高考英语(人教)一轮预热自练题必修5U1 及答案* 阅读理解。City Year UK is founded on the belief that young people can change the world. As同等的人 ) ” role models and tutors, our volunteers support pupils from disadvantaged backgroundsto enjoy themselves and succeed at school. But thats not all. Over the course of their City

2、 Year,they also have the opportunity to develop as leaders, with the passion, values, experience andskills to go on to lead change in their communities long after their year of service.Our GoalOur mission is to inspire the role models to help children in need succeed in school:* We give our voluntee

3、rs the training and personal development they need to become powerful and effective leaders.* We show the power of individual action to drive collective impact.Our ValuesPROGRESSION: we are devoted to the personal and professional development of all.ACTION: we dont just talk, we do. We are always re

4、ady.EXCELLENCE: we struggle for nothing less, no matter where we start.Our Future PlansWe believe that cumulative ( 累积的 )effect of the work of many devoted people andorganizations can have a great impact. We are committed to increasing opportunities for youngpeople to“ act ” and to create more hope.

5、Our ambition is that, by 2020, 10 years after launching in the UK, we will have at least 500young people a year serving around 40, 000 children across five cities.Our HistoryClick here for further information about our history, development and achievement.1.Who will probably benefit from City Year U

6、K?A.Young people hoping to build up their body.B.School kids lacking good living conditions or education.C.Teachers who need professional and personal training.D.Leaders trying to make great changes in their communities.2.What will you do if you work for City Year UK?“ near peer第 1页A.Help young peop

7、le to stand out with hope.B.Manage to raise education funds for five cities.C.Take in more volunteers to enlarge the community.D.Do some housework for old and disabled people.3.The underlined word“ they” in Para. 1 refers to“ _ ”.A.the leadersB.the pupilsC.the volunteersD.the researchers4.What type

8、of writing is this passage?A.A news report. B.An exhibition guide. C.An official document.D.An organization instruction.参考答案:1.B; 2.A; 3.C; 4.D解析:1. 事 判断 。根据第一段: As“near peer ” role models and tutors, our volunteerssupport pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to enjoy themselves and succeed at scho

9、ol和 OurGoal 部分 :Our mission is to inspire the role models to help children in need succeed in school可得答案。 2. 理解 。根据Our Future Plans 部分 :increasing opportunities for young people to“ act ”and to create more hope 可得答案。 3. 猜 。根据第一段:our volunteers support pupils from disadvantagedbackgrounds to enjoy an

10、d succeed at school. 和 .long after their year of service 可推出 指代的 象。 4. 推理判断 。根据文章内容可知,本文主要介 了一个公益 的概况,故 是一个机构介 。 * 句 法填空1 Only when he arrived _the meeting begin.答案: did “only状 (从句 ) ”位于句首,句子要部分倒装。由 状 从句 when he arrived 可知, 用一般 去 ,故填 did。2 Neither I nor John _(be) tired of the speech. It is interest

11、ing.答案: isneither . nor . 接两个并列主 , 的数遵循“就近一致 ”原 ,故第 2页填 is。3 _(absorb) in writing a letter, he didnt even look up when I came in.答案: Absorbedbe absorbed in . 全“神 注于”,此 分 作状 ,故填Absorbed 。4 That you _(expose) to the sunlight for too long will be harmful to your skin.答案: are exposedbe exposed to . 暴露“于

12、 ;接触 ”。5 There is no sense in _(worry) about the future.答案: worryingThere is no sense in (doing) sth.做 )某事“(是没有意 的”。6 While _(attend) to the central task, we should unfold the work in other fields.答案: attendingattend to “理;照料 ”,从句的主 和主句主 一致,且 部分含有 be 的相 形式 , 可省略从句中的主 和be , 充完整 : While we are attendi

13、ngto .,故填 attending。7 The bank manager was really _(blame), though he tried to put it on a clerk.答案: to blamebe to blame “受 ; 承担 任”, 主 形式表示被 意 。8 Mr Reed made up his mind to contribute all he had to _(set) up some schools forpoor children.答案: settingcontribute . to . 为 “奉献 ”,其中 to 介 ,其后 用名 、代 或 名 形式

14、,故填setting。9 My parents tend to accept any idea _(put) forward by experts on TV.答案: putput forward提“出 ”,此 用 去分 短 作后置定 ,修 名 idea。10 I recognized her voice _moment I picked up the receiver.答案: thethe moment “一 就”。* 完形填空。【 明文】 (2019 山 省 中学高三第一次模 考 )My daughter(now 18)was born with a hemangioma tumor(血管

15、瘤 )by her eye.At first it wassmall, and hardly _1_.After five months,it became the _2_ of a coin._3_ I took her out ,people could not _4 _ their comments to themselves.“ Who?”,hit“herIsthat a bug bite? ” Inever could think of a(n) _5_ response for these people.I was _6_ to be kind and understanding,

16、 and assumed that other people had also been taught these _7_.One day I was atthe _8_,with my 3- year-old son ,my daughter,and at this time pregnant with my third child.Awoman _9_ me, I thought here we go _10_.She said that God must not have wanted my daughter to _11_ him ,as he left her with a第 3页_

17、12_.She went on to say that _13_ with these kisses were always surrounded by angels.I wasastonished.What a _14_, more loving approach to someone with a problem!My daughter will _15_ this year from High School.She is beautiful.Her early years werespent in and out of _16_.Finally the tumor was removed

18、 , because it _17_ her vision.It is notnoticeable _18_ in the bright sun.She spent this year as the dance scholar for our school.She danced for 4 years on our dance-drill team.She had _19_ many scholarships.Her life is wonderful.The woman in the mall made me a better parent.Perhaps , this _20_ will

19、help makesomeone else a better parent, too.1 A.noticeableB bearableC recognizedD accepted2 A.colourB weightC sizeD width3 A.One dayB Every timeC LaterD Recently4 A.makeB helpC tellD hold5 A.exactB appropriateC rudeD practical6 A.learnedB broughtC consideredD taught7 A.qualitiesB principlesC question

20、sD opinions8 A.partyB officeC mallD meeting9 A.approachedB sawC appreciatedD called10 A.nowB later第 4页C againD quickly11 A.understandB leaveC hateD remember12 A.scarB kissC markD sign13 A.mothersB godsC facesD babies14 A.strangerB clevererC kinderD happier15 A.developB succeedC graduateD improve16 A

21、.hospitalsB schoolsC illnessD sight17 A.blockedB stoppedC injuredD deepened18 A.despiteB exceptC althoughD because19 A.givenB provedC leftD received20 A.lessonB storyC adventureD tumor【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。一个陌生人的暖心话语使作者在女儿的问题上成为了更好的家长,她希望这个故事能够使其他的父母也成为更好的家长。1A考查形容词辨析。根据前面的 “ At first it was small 可知,此”处应

22、指血管瘤刚开始很小,几乎不能被注意到。A 项意为 “明显的 ”,符合语境。B 项意为 “可忍受的 ”; C 项意为第 5页“公 的, 的”; D 意 “可接受的 ”,均与 境不符。故 A 。2C考 名 辨析。上文提到, 开始,血管瘤很小,几乎不能被注意到;由“ Afterfive months 可”知,此 与上文形成 比,指五个月后, 血管瘤 到硬 那 大。C 意 “大小,尺寸 ”,符合 境。 A 意 “ 色 ”;B 意 “重量 ”;D 意 “ 度 ”,均与 境不符。故 C 。3 B考 状 从句。根据 境可知,此 指每次“我 ” 她出去玩的 候;分析句子 构可知,空格 引 状 从句,every

23、 time 意 “每当 的 候 ”,可引 状 从句,符合 意,而其他三 无此用法。故 B 。4 D考 辨析。根据 境可知,此 指人 看到“我 ”的女儿 是无法停下他 的 。 D 意 “停下 ”,符合 境。故 D 。5 B考 形容 辨析。由 境可知,此 指“我 ”从没想出一个适当的回 些人。B 意 “适当的 ”,符合 境。 A 意 “精确的 ”;C 意 “粗 的 ”;D 意 “ 用的 ”,均与 境不符。故 B 。6 D考 辨析。根据下文“ assumed that other people had also been taught these中”的“ taught可”知, “我 ”被教 要善良,

24、要体 人,所以“我 ” 其他人也被 教 。故选 D 。7 A考 名 辨析。根据上文中的“ kind and understanding可知,”此 指他 也被教 的品 。 A 意 “品 ”,符合 境。 B 意 “原 ”;C 意 “ ”;D 意 “ 点”,均与 境不符。故 A 。8C考 名 辨析。 根据最后一段倒数第二句“ The woman in the mall made me a betterparent. 中”的 “ mall可”知,此 指一天 孕的“我 ” 着女儿和3 的儿子在商 西。故 C 。9A考 辨析。 根据下文可知, 此 指有一个女人向“我 ”走来。 A 意 “靠近 ”,符合 境

25、。 B 意 “看 ”;C 意 “欣 ,感激 ”;D 意 “ 打 ”,均与 境不符。故 A 。第 6页10 C考查副词辨析。根据上文人们看见“我 ”的女儿就会进行评论可知,此处指“我 ”想在这里 “我们 ”会再次遭遇同样的经历。故选C 项。11B考查动词辨析。 根据下文内容可知,此处指那个女人说,上帝一定是不想让“我 ”的女儿离开他。 B 项意为 “离开 ”,符合语境。 A 项意为 “理解 ”;C 项意为 “憎恨 ”;D 项意为 “记得”,均与语境不符。故选B 项。12B考查名词辨析。 根据下文中的“ with these kisses were always surrounded by ang

26、els”可知, 此处指上帝在 “我 ”女儿的脸上留下了一个吻。B 项意为 “吻”,符合语境。 A 项意为 “疤痕”; C 项意为 “标记 ”; D 项意为 “迹象 ”,均与语境不符。故选B 项。13D考查名词辨析。 根据语境可知, 此处指有这样吻痕的孩子会永远被天使围绕着。故选 D 项。14 C考查形容词辨析。根据“ more loving可知”,此处指这与那些总是进行评论的人相比是更友善、更有爱意的方式。C 项意为 “更友善的 ”,符合语境。 A 项意为 “更奇怪的 ”;B 项意为 “更聪明的 ”; D 项意为 “更快乐的 ”,均与语境不符。故选C 项。15C考查动词辨析。根据“ from

27、High School 可知”,此处指 “我 ”的女儿今年会高中毕业。 C 项意为 “毕业 ”,符合语境。A 项意为 “发展 ”; B 项意为 “成功 ”;D 项意为 “改善 ”,均与语境不符。故选C 项。16A考查名词辨析。根据上文内容可知,作者的女儿患有血管瘤;由此可推知,为了看病,女儿早些年一定是进进出出于医院。故选A 项。17 A考查动词辨析。根据上文中的“ Finally the tumor was removed 可知,最”后,血管瘤被摘除了,因为它阻碍了她的视力。A 项意为 “阻碍 ”,符合语境。B 项意为 “停止 ”; C项意为 “伤害 ”; D 项意为 “加深 ”,均与语境不

28、符。故选A 项。18B考查词义辨析。根据语境可知,此处指现在,如果不是在明亮的阳光下,她那小小的伤疤一点也不明显。B 项意为 “除了 ”,符合语境。 A 项意为 “不管 ”;C 项意为 “尽管 ”;D 项意为 “因为 ”,均与语境不符。故选B 项。19D考查动词辨析。 根据空格后的 “ many scholarships可知,”此处指女儿得到了许多第 7页 学金。 D 意 “收到,拿到 ”,符合 境。 A 意 “ ”;B 意 “ 明 ”;C 意 “离开”,均与 境不符。故 D 。20B考 名 辨析。 全文可知, 本文作者叙述的是一个关于自己和女儿的故事。故此 表示,那个在商 里遇到的女人 “我

29、 ”成 一个称 的家 。或 , 个故事也能 使其他人成 更好的家 。B 意 “故事 ”,符合 境。 A 意 “ ,教 ”;C 意 “冒险经历 ”; D 意 “ 瘤 ”,均与 境不符。故 B 。 句分析:She said that God must not have wanted my daughter to leave him, as he lefther with a kiss.( 第二段第一句)分析:本句是复合句。that 引 从句,作said 的 ; must not have done 表示 去事 的否定推 ,意 “一定不 ”;as 引 原因状 从句。 文:她 上帝一定是舍不得 我的女

30、儿离开他,因 他留 了她一个吻。 累: tumor n 瘤pregnant adj. 孕的vision n 力, scholarship n 学金* 句改 1 Although defeating in the match, we didnt lose heart._答案: defeating defeated 此 表示在比 中被打 ,故 用 去分 表被 。2When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair, completely absorbing in thenewspaper._答案: absorbing abs

31、orbed(be) absorbed in “全神 注于 ”,此 去分 短 作状 。3 It makes a sense to work on the problem before it gets out of control._答案:去掉amake sense to do sth.做某“事是明智的,合乎情理的”, 固定用法,故去掉 a。4 Neither the teacher nor the students is content with the result._答案: is areneither . nor . 接两主 , 遵循“就近原 ”。5 The plan was put forward at yesterdays meeting, in my opinion, is quite practical.第 8页_答案:去掉was 或 was 前加which/that该句中已有谓语动词is, 故 put forwardatyesterdays meeting 为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰作主语的名词plan;也可用定语从句作定语修饰先行词plan,因此添加定语从句的关系词引出定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,先行词指物,所以在was 前加 which/that 。第 9页


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