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1、词汇运用类型一:根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(一)1(2017 云南中考)As a book, Helen volunteers her time to read booksto children at school.(love)2 (2017 云南中考)The Games of China will be held in Tianjing from August 27 to September 8.(thirteen)3 (2015 云南中考 )The little girl is running after a butterfly in the garden.(happy)4

2、(2018 上海中考)My cousin likes to collect in his spare time.(stamp)5 (2018 江苏省宿迁三模)I think it is his moment that he has ever had because he has won the first prize.(proud)(二)1 (2018 甘肃白银中考)You shouldnt be too hard on .(you)2 (2018 湖南邵阳初三调研考试)The population in China is than that in India.(large)3 (2018 上

3、海中考)Look! The lady from the left in the photo is my favorite teacher.(six)4 (2015 云南中考)Soccer is played by so many people all over the world, but only a few are truly great.(play)1 (2013 云南中考 )No matter what difficult problems we meet, please face them .(brave)(三)1 (2018 云南曲靖中考)With a great courage

4、and effort, Liu Chuanjian, a national hero, landed the plane, saving over 100 people.(success)2 (2018 湖南邵阳调研考试)The boy was about playing football.(excite)1 (2013 云 南 中 考 )After coming back from the storm, she felt she was not .(she)1 (2018 上海中考)As we all know, a driver is always a danger to the publ

5、ic.(care)5 (2014 云南中考)A good teacher is a good . A teacher is there to listen to every students and help them out.(listen)(四)1 (2018 江苏南京中考)Thanks for all the hard work! More and more people have learned how to keep kids from danger now.(member)2 (2018 吉林长春中考)Doing homework is a good habit and it he

6、lps a lot.(careful)3 (2018 江苏泰州中考)My uncle often listens to soft music to relaxafter a busy day.(he)4 (2018 甘肃兰州中考)There are many between the twins.One is shy, but the other is outgoing.(different)5 (2018 内蒙古包头中考)This shirt is a little expensive. Can you show me aone?(cheap)(五)1 (2018 甘肃白银靖远靖安中学期中改编

7、 his .(ill)He cant even move because of2(2018 甘肃白银靖远靖安中学期中改编)Two of the students in our class have been to Disneyland.(three)3(2018 江苏徐州模拟)To tell the, I like English on Campus better thanany other magazine for students.(true)4 (2018 上海中考)Jessie cooked a meal for her big family by on New Years Eve.(

8、she)5 (2018 上海中考 )Fortunately, no one was hurt in the earthquake several weeks ago.(serious)(六)1 (2018 江 苏 徐 州 模 拟 改 编 )You should make an apology to her for your .(care)1 (2018 甘肃白银靖远靖安中学期中改编)James, help to some salad. Its just behind you.(you)1 (2018 甘肃白银靖远靖安中学期中改编 )I knew how the event developed

9、gradually.(exact)2 (2018 江 苏 徐 州 模 拟 改 编 )Liu Huan is one of the best in China.(music)2 (2018 江苏南京秦淮一模)Swimming in this lake may be as the water is too deep here.(danger)(七)1 (2018 江苏徐州模拟)I felt a great sense of when I reached the top of the mountain.(achieve)2 (2018 江苏徐州模拟)After dinner, my grandpar

10、ents enjoy walking along the riverside by side .(peace)3 (2018 江苏南京秦淮一模 )I wont mind alone if you dont have time.(go)4 (2018 湖南邵阳初三调研)Mike enjoyed very much at the party.(he)5 (2018 上海闵行二模)Chinese people started to open to the western worldago.(century)(八)1 (2018 上海闵行二模)The recording will be played

11、to make sure you can understand each word.(two)2 (2018 上海闵行二模)A friend of got the first prize for the high jump in the sports meeting.(me)3 (2018 上海闵行二模)Mr. Zhang has a large of stamps since he is a big fan of them.(collect)4 (2018 上海闵行二模)The firemen decided to cut the iron fence so as to save the g

12、irl.(immediate)5 (2019 原创)Mid-autumn Festival is a festival in China.(tradition)(九)1 (2018 江苏盐城盐都一模)Peter does well at school and is always polite to others. His parents feel of him.(pride)2 (2018 江苏扬州翠岗中学二模)This chair really makes me . I think I need another one.(comfortable)2 (2018 江苏无锡滨湖一模)It too

13、k from CCTV over a year to shoot(拍 摄) the documentary The Third Polar.(direct)4 (2018 江苏无锡滨湖一模)Now scientists are making study to better understand our universe(宇宙)(far)5 (2018 江苏无锡滨湖一模)Dont be too with your daughter. She is just a little child.(patient)(十)1 (2018 湖南邵阳初三调研 )My mother always keeps me

14、 spoken English in the morning.(practice)1 (2018 上海闵行二模)It is of my mother to lose her purse on the way to the market.(happy) 3 (2018 上海浦东二模 )Steven wants to become an when he leaves college.(art)4 (2018 上海浦东二模改编)I happened to meet a friend of when I was shopping in the mall.(I)5 (2018 上海浦东二模)Mary w

15、as the to give a speech at the meeting last week.(five)(十一)1(2018 甘肃定西模拟改编)Can you see any in the room?(mouse) 2(2018 甘肃定西模拟)There is a computer on the floor.(two)3(2018 甘肃定西模拟)They will lose if they go down that path.(they) 4(2018 甘肃定西模拟)A glass is used for water.(drink)5(2018 甘肃定西模拟)What is the mo

16、st invention in the world?(use)(十二)1(2018 上海浦东二模)Look at the instructions carefully, then you can operate themachine .(proper)2 (2018 上海浦东二模)It was for anyone to get in because no one knew the password.(possible)3 (2018 甘肃定西模拟)I got out of trouble because of your .(kind)4 (2018 江苏扬州翠岗中学二模)I didnt sl

17、eep well and stayed until the early morning.(wake)5 (2018 甘肃定西模拟 )Tomorrow is Toms birthday. Lets give him some presents.(twelve)类型二:将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。(一)1(2017 云南中考)Kevins birthday is coming. His parents are planning to makefor him.(一顿大餐)2 (2017 云南中考)Many children use Internet to get useful

18、information and to relax in their .(空闲时间)2 (2017 云南中考 )Sally is my best friend. We often help with schoolwork.(相互)2 (2017 云南中考)Life isnt about the storm to pass. Its about learning to dance in the rain.(等候)3 (2017 云南中考)The is a bridge of cultures between China and many other countries.(丝绸之路)(二)1(201

19、6 云南中考)The old man is used to playing with his friends in the afternoon.(中国象棋)2 (2016 云南中考 )Scott and his wife usually morning newspapers before breakfast.(浏览)3(2016 云南中考)brings us back to the “good old days” when peoplewere kind to each other and trusted one another.(乡村音乐)4 (2015 云 南 中 考 )I had a b

20、ad cold. The doctor told me to take themedicine(按时)5(2015 云南中考)Children today their parents too much. They should learn how to look after themselves.(依赖、依靠)(三)1 (2015 云南中考)In order to improve her listening skills, Wang Ling often listens to English news and watches .(美国电影)2 (2015 云南中考)China is a gre

21、at country with a of more than 5 ,000 years.(悠久的历史)1 (2014 云 南 中 考 )We can enjoy fresh air when we in the countryside.(去钓鱼)3 (2014 云南中考)Lets build to make our mother earth healthy and clean.(绿色城市)4 (2013 云南中考)Its polite to keep our voice down .(在公共场合)(四)1(2014 云南中考)Im trying to sleep. Would you mind

22、 the music.(调低) 2(2013 云南中考)“ ” is my favorite TV program.(动物世界)3(2013 云南中考)The world is thirsty, so we should in our daily life.(节 约水)4 (2013 云南中考 )Sarah loves her dog very much. She always regards it asher(家庭成员)5 (2013 云南中考 )The great artist his amazing use of colors and shapes.(以而闻名)(五)1 (2019 原创

23、)Nowadays, people on mobile phone than their friends and family.(花更多时间)2 (2019 原创)They the tents and had great fun.(搭起)3 (2019 原创) weather! Lets go hiking!(多么好)4(2019 原创)Since China is becoming, Chinese is widely used bypeople all over the world.(越来越强大)5(2018 云南曲靖马龙通泉镇中学模拟)Parents should encourage t

24、heir childrenthrowing cold water on them.(而不是;代替)(六)1(2019 原创)Lets watch TV.That(听起来很无聊)2 (2019 原创)Please your homework tomorrow.(交上来)3 (2019 原创)Now China is rich and strong. We our country.(感到骄傲)4 (2019 原创)The notebook must Mary because it has her name on it.(属 于)5 (2019 原创) to your pronunciation,

25、please.(注意)(七)1(2019 原创)Its our duty to the old man.(好好照顾)2(2019 原创)We can learn how to pressure from players.(处理) 3(2019 原创)He failed many times, but he didnt .(放弃)4 (2019 原创)He insisted that he the case.(无关)5 (2019 原创) does it take you to go to school?(多长)(八)1(2019 原创)Those who give up easily wont

26、 make their dreams(实现)2(2019 原创)Do you know when the plane will?(起飞)3(2019 原创)All the lights must be when we leave the room.(关掉) 4(2019 原创)Im looking forward to you.(收到你的信)5(2019 原创) the pages in this book is five hundred.(数量)(九)1 (2019 原创)Dont when you are bullied.(保持沉默)2 (2019 原创)Please bring it n

27、earer I may see it better.(以便)3 (2019 原创)Have you ever Africa?(去过)4 (2019 原创)The more careful you are on the road, accidents there will be.(越少)5 (2019 原创)Since the reform and opening-up, great changes have in our hometown.(发生)(十)1(2019 原创)If you want to learn English well, dont be afraid of(犯错)2(201

28、9 原创)He stay at home and watch TV than go shopping.(宁愿) 3(2019 原创)I dont climbing mountains for whole week.(想)4(2019 原创)We should think about introduce Chinese culture to theworld.(怎样)5(2019原创), wed better finish the work today.(依我看)参考答案类型一(一)1lover 2.thirteenth 3.happily 4.stamps 5.proudest(二)1your

29、self 2.larger 3.sixth 4.players 5.bravely(三)1successfully 2.excited 3.herself 4.careless 5.listener(四)1members 2.carefully 3.himself 4.differences 5.cheaper(五)1illness 2.thirds 3.truth 4.herself 5.seriously(六)1carelessness 2.yourself 3.exactly 4.musicians 5dangerous(七)1achievement 2.peacefully 3.goi

30、ng 4.himself5centuries(八)1twice 2.mine 3.collection 4.immediately 5.traditional(九)1proud 2.uncomfortable 3.directly 4.further5impatient(十)1practicing 2.unhappy 3.artist 4.mine 5.fifth(十一)1mice 2.second 3.themselves 4.drinking 5.useful(十二)1properly 2.impossible 3.kindness 4.awake 5.twelfth 类型二(一)1a b

31、ig meal/dinner 2.free/spare time 3.each other4waiting for 5.Silk Road(二)1Chinese chess 2.look through 3.Country music4on time 5.depend on(三)1American movies/American films 2.long history3go fishing 4.green cities 5.in public(四)1turning down 2.Animal World 3.save water4family member 5.is famous for/i

32、s known for(五)1spend more time 2.put up 3.What fine/good4stronger and stronger 5.instead of(六)1sounds boring 2.hand in 3.are proud of 4.belong to 5Pay attention(七)1take good care of 2.deal with 3.give up4had nothing to do with 5.How long(八)1come true 2.take off 3.turned off 4.hearing from 5The number of(九)1keep silent 2.so that 3.been to4the fewer 5.taken place(十)1making mistakes 2.would rather3feel like 4.how to 5.In my opinion/view


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