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1、Unit 7Its raining!短语归纳:1. not bad _2. at the park _3. have a good time / have a great time / have fun / enjoy oneself _1. take a message for _1. call sb. back _2. no problem _3. right now _4. _ 通过电话交谈知识点讲解:1. raining (正在)下雨rain 动词:下雨名词(不可数):雨水,雨9. some of _9. by the pool _10. drink orange juice _ 12

2、. _努力学习13. on a vacation 在度假14. in the mountains 在山里15. call sb. _16. write to sb. _13. right for 适合13. take a photo for._例:There is a lot of rain here in summer.(形容雨大时,用_ adj.) rainy 形容词:下雨的表示下雨时:There is rain in Beijing.It is raining in Beijing.It is rainy in Beijing.2. How is the weather in Shang

3、hai?1 How is the weather today?_?用来询问天气状况。 =_?2 weather 不可数名词:天气3. cloud_词:云,cloudy_词:多云的。1sun_词:太阳,sunny 形容词:_。4. cook 动词 :_名词:厨师,炊事员cooker 名词:厨具5. How is it going?用来询问对方处境或事情进展的习惯语,相当于“近况如何?”, 后接介词短语 with sb./sth.。如:你最近怎么样?_? 同义句:= How is everything?=How are things going?回答:Pretty good!/ Great!/ N

4、ot (too/so) bad!还不错/ Just so so 一般 般/ Terrible.6. Sounds like you are having a good time.sound like :听起来像,后接名词,代词,句子。have a good time=have fun=have a great time=enjoy oneself:_7. Can I take a message for him?要我给他捎个口信吗?当接电话的人发现对方要找的人不在时,常用此句。message 可数名词:消息,信息。如:三条信息:_take a message for sb._leave a m

5、essage._8. Could you just tell him to call me back?could 情态动词:能,可以,表情求许可,在语气上比 can 委婉、客气。回答 时用 can。如:你可以帮助我吗?是的,可以。/ 不,不行。_?_ / _tell 的用法:告诉某人做某事:_2back 副词:回来。call sb. back_come back_ give back _9. no problem 没问题(愉快地接受请求)problem 表示说话着认为难以解决的问题,物理数学难题。have problems (in) doing sth.做某事有困难10. dry 形容词:_,

6、反义词:wet:潮湿的11. _形容词:寒冷的,反义词:_形容词:凉爽的,反义词:_12. _ 及物动词:拜访,探望,后接人的名词或代词。参观,游览,后接地点名词。_ 参观者,游客13. some of:_:of 后接可数名词复数、代词复数和不可数名词。做主 语时,谓语动词单复数由 of 后面的名词决定。如:我们中的一些人 _他们中的一些人 _你们中的一些人 _这些桌椅中的一些 _这些大米其中的一些 _例:Some of these apples _(be) green.Some of the water _(be) not clean.14. be happy to do sth. 高兴做某

7、事同一句型:很高兴见到你:_315. It is afternoon right now,and Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.right now:立即,马上,与 now 同义,常与一般现在时或现在进行时连用。 by 介词:在旁边 by the the table_by 的用法:用某种方法。如:He makes a living by teaching.by+交通工具by the way 顺便16. See you soon._17. hard 副词:_形容词:_18. write to sb.给某人写信=write a le

8、tter to sb.hear from sb.= receive a letter from sb.收到某人来信write back to sb._19. take photos_take a photo of sb./sth._小试牛刀:例 1:Hows the weather in Shanghai?( 同义句转换 )例2. - _-Its sunny today.A. How was the weather yesterday? B.How are you doing?B. What fine weather!例3. Hows the weather there?D.Whats the

9、 weather like today?-Great. Its _.I can make a snowman tomorrow. A. rainy B.sunny C.cloudy D.snowy4例4. 连词成句:is What Beijing like the weather in_例5. 单句改错:1. Howis the weatherlike? ( )_A B C D2. The weatheriswindy and rain. ( ) _A B C D例6. 单句改错:Are hisparentswatch TV? ( )_A B C D例7. -Look at the pictu

10、re! Whats the man doing?-He is _ a camel(骆驼)Aride B. to ride C. rode D.riding例 8. There are come boys_ soccer in the playground.A.play B.playing C. are playing D.plays例 9.用括号括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.-What _ they _(do) over there? -Theyre talking about a movie. 2.My father _(cook) in the kitchen now. Hes a g

11、ood _(cook).注:cook “做饭”“厨师” cooker“炊具”3. It _(snow) in Moscow now.3. Jeff often _(play) computer games.3. Its 6:00 in the evening .The Green family _(have) dinner.3. Vera often_(do) some reading in the morning.常见的打电话用语:1. 打招呼:Hello!/Hi!2. 找某人接电话:May/ Could/ Can I speak to.? 我可以和.通电话吗?Id like to spea

12、k to .我想和.通电话。53. 询问对方是谁及其答语:-Whos that (speaking)? 你是谁?/谁在讲话?-This is .(speaking). 我是.-Is that .(speaking)? 你是.吗?-Yes, this is . (speaking) 是的,我是./4. 请求某人稍等:Hold on for a moment.等一会儿。/ Hold on please.请稍等。 5. 为某人稍口信:Could I take a message? 我可以捎个口信吗?课后练习:一、用所给单间的适当形式填空。1 Its winter in France The weat

13、her is_( wind)2 They _ (clean) the classroom now3 Today is_(sun)and we can go for a walk4 Im having a great time_(see)the movies5 There are many animals In the_(mountain)二、句型转换。It is cloudy in Shanghai now.(对画线部分提问)_the weather in Shanghai now?2 There is much rain this year.=It _ very _ this year.3

14、Tom studies math every evening.(变为现在进行时)Tom_ _math now.4 It often snows here in winter.= Theres_ _here in winter.5 It is cold in Changsha now.(对画线部分提问)_ the weather _ in Shangsha now?My parents are cooking.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _parents_?She went to the mountains on vacation.(对画线部分提问)_ _she _on vacation?6三、完

15、成句子。1. They are having a good time on_(假日).2. It is_(潮湿的)in the south of China in summer.3. The weather in Beijing is cold and _(有风的) in winter. 4. Its_(晴朗的)today. Lets go fishing.5. The people here are very (放松)_.6. It often s _ in winter.7. Its cold outside. You must put on w _ clothes.8. H_ is yo

16、ur study going?9. It is a t_ day. Its windy and cold.10. Im very s_ to hear the news.5 It often s_ in the north of our country in winter6 Its so h_ . Lets go swimming7 Look ! My mother is c_ in the kitchen(厨房)8 Its c_ outsidePut on your coat,please9 He is listening to light musicHe is really r_.能力提升

17、训练:一、补全对话,每空一词。A :1._are you from?B :I am from England.A :Whats the weather 2._in England?B :Its very nice now. The weather is never too3._or too cold.A:Oh, its very nice. But in China its often too coldin winter and its too hot in 4._.B:Yes, I like winter in China because I can skate (滑冰)on real ic

18、e in winter.A:But I like summer. I can swim in 5._poolsin summer.7二、阅读理解。The seasons in Australia are not like ours. When it is winter in China, it is summer there. Australia is a southern country; it is in the south of the world. June, July and August are the winter months; September, October and N

19、ovember are spring; the summer is in January, February and December, and March, April and May are the autumn months. The north of the country is hotter than the south.A very large part of this country has no rain at all. The east coast ( 海岸地区)has rain all year, and there are no dry months there. The

20、 southeast winds blow( 吹) here all the year. They bring rain from the sea. There is not much rain on the west side. The southeastern part of Australia has summer rain from the southeast winds. They only blow here in summer.The southwestern part of Australia has winter rain. The west winds blow over

21、the southwest in winter only. In summer, the southwest of the country has no rain. In the north of Australia, there is no rain in winter. The rain comes in summer. The northwest winds bring it.( )1. In October, it is _ in Australia.A. spring B. summerC. autumn D. winter( )2.It is _ in the south than

22、 in the north inAustralia.A. warmer B. hotter C. colder D. cooler( )3.The _ part of Australia has the most rain.A. eastern B. southeastern C. southern D. northern( )4.The west winds only come over the _ of the country in winter.A. east B. west C. northwest D. southwest( )5. There is _ rain in winter

23、 in the north of Australia.A. enough B. a heavy C. more D. no8三、补全对话。A :Hello, .A :Hi,Rick.Its Steve.A :Not bad,thanks.A :Oh, Its sunny and cool in Beijing now.A :A :Im going on a picnic with some friends.Its cool. A:Oh, Im just watching TV.Its boring.四、完成句子。1. Sounds like you are2. Can I (捎口信)for h

24、im?3. Could you just tell him to4. She (在电话里交谈)for three hours every day!5. Is Julie studying English(现在)?6. Imnow .(正拜访我的祖父母)五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(注意时态和人称)?.(过得很愉快)?(给我回电话)visit study a also they orange by sunny see in havefriendsright to goDear Jane,Hows it1? Im 2 a great time3my aunt 4Canada. She is wo

25、rking here and Im going to summer school. Im 5English and Im learning6lot. Im7visiting some of my old8Im so happy9see10again.Its afternoon 11now,and Im sitting 12the pool and drinking13juice.Its warm and14here.15you soon.Su lin.how be fun have in be to work it for weather right9Dear Jane,1 is your s

26、ummer vacation going?2 you studying hard,or areyou having3?Im4a great time5 Europe! My family and I6 on a vacation on mountains.I want7call you, but my phone isnt8so Im 9to you.Its hot in your country now, isnt10 ?The11here is cool and cloudy, just right12 walking.See you next month.Dave六、写作。 假如你叫 R

27、ick,你和你的家人在度假,你的朋友小盼想了解你们度 假的情况,请用大约 70 个单词介绍一下度假的情况。地点:夏威夷(Hawaii);这里的天气:晴朗而又凉爽(Its sunny and cool); 你正在做的事情:swimming in the sea;你的感受: Its great;你的妹妹 Linda 呢?她正在:taking photos on the beach;她的感受:Its cool; 你的父母亲(parents)正在: 沐日光浴(bathing in the sun);他们的的感受:Its relaxing.Dear Xiao Pan,(注意书写以及句子的衔接)Hows it going? My family are in Hawaii now. We are having a good time.See you soon.Rick10


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