最新仁爱版英语七年级下册Unit 5 Topic 1教学设计(Section C):I usually come to school by subway.docx

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1、Unit 5 Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway.(Section C )教学设计I. Material analysis本节课是第五单元话题一的第三课时,主要活动是 1a 和 2。通过介绍 Jane 的一天,进一步学习用一般现在时的第三人称单数表达日常活动,巩固有关交通 方式和频率的表达。还将通过用方框中的单词和短语编对话的方式练习一般现在 时的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答,复习日常活动和频度副词 seldom 和 never 等。同时学习对频率提问的句型“How often.?”和表示具体频率的副词,如 once a week, twice

2、 a week, three times a week 等。语音部分主要是复习本话题所学字母及 字母组合发音规律以及句子的升降调。但是,在本课中,由于学生词汇、语法积 累的不同,在将阅读输入信息转化为口头的输出时可能会出现语言组织或语法运 用的障碍。因此教师可结合图片展示、借助关键词、优生示范等活动,帮助培养 学生说和复述课文的能力。II. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读和拼写下列词汇:begin, at school, after, bed, basketball, swim, listen, music, library

3、, week, once, twice在 Section A 和 Section B 的语法基础上,能熟练运用 usually, often, always 等频度副词和两种交通方式的表达,能用一般现在时第三人称单数表达日常活 动,能对频率进行提问与回答;在 Section A 已学的语音基础上,能结合图片和音标拼写单词,并能尝试结 合语音发音规律拼读新单词,并了解句子的重音和升降调;能结合话题,运用“谈论日常生活、询问和回答某项活动的频度”等交际功 能的用法,进行口头和笔头的信息输出,如:(1) I usually get up at . in the morning.(2) At . oc

4、lock I have breakfast.(3)How often do you come to the library?Three times a week.2. Skill aims能听懂有关表达日常生活的叙述;能听懂简单的课堂用语,并作出反应;能根据图文就交通方式和日常活动的频度等进行交流;能在阅读训练中进行读前猜测、读中验证的活动;能根据图文理解相关话题,抓住大意和具体信息并根据要求进行学习活动; 能准确写出黑体单词和词组;能写出表达交通方式和频度的简单句子。3. Emotional aims在学习过程中,结合小组竞赛、同伴互助等活动,培养互相帮助、共同进步 的合作精神;采用角色扮演

5、等灵活多样的学习方式,激发学习英语的兴趣;通过了解他人的校园生活培养关心他人的意识。III. The key points and difficult points1. 能熟练运用 usually, often, always 等频度副词和两种交通方式的表达,能用 一般现在时的第三人称单数表达日常活动,能对频率进行提问与回答;2. 培养在阅读训练中进行读前猜测、读中验证的阅读能力;3. 结合话题,运用“谈论日常活动、提问频度”等进行口头和笔头的信息输出。IV. Learning strategies1. 读前猜测,根据图片预测文章内容;2. 在学习过程中与同伴合作,互相帮助;3. 学生能够清楚

6、、大声地朗读有关交通方式和频度表达的对话;4. 培养学生借助图片、表格等非文字信息帮助理解的习惯。V. Teaching aids录音机、多媒体、黑板和教学挂图VI. Teaching proceduresStep InteractionpatternStudent activity Teacher activityIntroduction 1. The whole(5 minutes) class work.2. Individual1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Do duty report. Talk1. Get students r

7、eadyfor learning.2. Help the studentswork.about your survey result of to revise adverbs ofyour group membersactivities.e.g.In my survey, A usuallyfrequency and twoways of expressingmeans oftransportation.gets up at about 6 oclock. He usually comes to schoolon foot, but sometimes bybus. He seldom wat

8、ches TVon weekdays. But he oftenplays soccer on Sundays.Sometimes he sees movieswith his parents onweekends.And B .Presentation 1. Individual(10 minutes) work.1. Do 1a. Answer theteachers questions. Learnsome new words whileanswering.(1)What time do you usually get up/have breakfast on1. Ask the stu

9、dentssome questions torevise the expressionsin Section B andpresent some newwords and phrases2. Individualwork and pairweekdays?(2) How do you usually go to school?(3) Do you often see a movie/play soccer/watchTV/play basketball/swim/ listen to music/go to the library?2. Look at the pictures in 1a.

10、Try to predict the timeat the same time.Get the studentsready for the nextactivity. Lead to 1a.2. Lead thestudents to learn towork.and activities in Janespredictday.before reading.Then read the passagecarefully and complete the table in 1a. Check theHelp the studentsunderstand thereading material.Co

11、nsolidationanswers with your partner. Tell the students tofind the right answersin the passage. Makethem check andhelp each other inpair work.Group work. Do 1b. Look at the pictures Make the students(10 minutes)in 1b. Write down the activities. Then work in groups of three. Try to retell the passage

12、 with the help of the pictures and the form in 1a. Then some groups retell the passage to the whole class.learn to retell thepassage with thehelp of the picturesand forms.Practice1.The wholee.g.Jane usually gets up at6:20 a.m. She has breakfastat 7:00. Then she goes toschool at 7:30 a.m. Classesbegi

13、n at 8:00.1. Do 2. Look at the pictures 1. Show the pictures(10 minutes)class work.of 2. Talk about what theof 2. Get the studentspeople usually do. Consolidateready for the nextthe new words.activity.2. Ask and answer questions 2. Help the students2. Pair work.with the information in 2 after the ex

14、ample in pairs. Then some pairs act out the dialogs.e.g.A : What does Wen Wei usually do after school?B : He usually goes swimming, but he doesnt go fishing.to express correctly.3. The whole3. Do 3. Answer the teachers 3. Help the studentsclass work andpair work.questions after the teachers presenta

15、tion.T: I like watching TV. I watch TV on Friday,Saturday and Sunday. Howlearn to ask and answerquestions with “Howoften.?”and “once,twice, three times aweek”. Then make4. Individualwork and pairwork.often do I watch TV?S: You watch TV three times a week.Then work in pairs. Make up new conversations

16、 with the words and phrases in the box after the example. Some pairs act out your new conversations to thewhole class.e.g.A : Do you often listen to music?B : Yes, I do.A : How often do you listen to music?B : Three times a week. .4. Do 4a. Look at the pictures in 4a. Try to read the sounds. Then sp

17、ell the words with the rules you have learned in Section A. Check your answers withyour partner.them practice theseexpressions in newconversations.4. Make the studentsuse the rules theyhave learned to readand spell the wordsby themselves.5. Group work. 5. Have a group competition. 5. Organize a grou

18、pThe teacher shows theflashcards of these petition to helpthe students spellThe students try to spell the the words. words correctly as quicklyas you can. The groupwhich can spell the mostcorrect words in theshortest time will be thewinner in this groupcompetition.6.The wholeclass work andindividual

19、work.6. Do 4b. Look at the pictures in 4b. Guess what kind of words may appear. Then try to read the sentences in 4b byyourselves. After that, listen to the tape, check and repeat. Pay attention to the rising tone and the falling tone. The wholeclass practice together.6. Play the taperecorder. Help

20、thestudents learn toread correctly. Correcttheir sentence tone.ProductionIndividual Do 1c. Draw your daily 1. Help the students(10 minutes)work and group activities form similar to work. 1a. Then talk with yourto express their dailyactivities correctly.group members about yourday with the help of th

21、eform. Some students reportyour passages to the class.e.g.I usually get up at 6:30a.m. At 7:00, I havebreakfast.is my partner. He/Sheusually gets up at 6:20 inthe morning. 2.Assign thehomework:Read 1a aloud andfluently;Review the wordsand expressions inthis section;Preview Section D;Make a survey. A

22、skyour classmates somequestions and thenfill in the followingform. Report it tothe whole class thenext day.activity frequencyWatchTVListentomusicPlaysoccerReadbooksin thelibraryCookGo tothezooMeetfriendsTeaching reflection:在本课中,学生在学习了 Jane 的一天之后,学会了描述自己以及同学的一 天的活动。此外,学生还学会了用 how often 来提问活动频率及其回答。语音

23、部 分是对 Section A 的再现和巩固。但是本节课活动量较大,容量较多,有阅读活 动、两两调查活动、单词拼读、句子重音等,因此,由于时间的关系可能无法在 一个课时完成,老师们可以自行按照教学实际安排进度。VII. Blackboard designTopic1 I usually come to school by subway.Section C1. What does Han Qing usually do after school? begin at school He usually plays soccer, but he doesnt play basketball. after bed2. How often do you come to the library? basketball swim Three times a week. /Once a week./ Twice a week. listen musiclibrary weekonce twice


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