最新仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit3 Topic3 SectionB教学设计.docx

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1、1Unit 3 Getting TogetherTopic 3 What would you like to drink? 教学设计S ection BS he main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:usually, breakfast, lunch, supper, food, may, take, order, take ones order, sir, something, glass, a glass of, wait, mo

2、ment, wait a moment, let, well2. Talk about having meals and ordering food:(1) What do you usually have for breakfast, Michael?(2) May I take your order, sir?3. Go on talking about offering, accepting and refusing.(1) Its my favorite food. I like Chinese food very much.(1) Would you like something t

3、o drink?Yes. A glass of apple juice, please. / No, thanks. Teaching aids 教具图片/录音机/图钉/小黑板/彩色粉笔/实物/菜单. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 (时间:6 分钟)通过游戏,复习 Section A,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们的观察能力。 (玩游戏,复习已学词汇,培养学生速记能力与观察能力。)(方案一)(少了什么?教师准备若干食物卡片,并将这些卡片一一展示,学生逐一 读出卡片上的食物名称,然后将卡片抽去一张让学生快速辨认,看少了哪

4、一张, 教师可以问 Whats missing?学生只需回答单词。)T: Are you ready? Go! (教师先拿出卡片让学生快速看一眼,然后合卡,抽卡,再 呈现给学生。) Whats missing?S : Chicken.1(重复活动,复习词汇。)(方案二)(找区别:教师准备 A,B 两幅相似的用餐图片,让学生快速看一眼 A 图然后收起来,并出示 B 图,提问学生 Whats the difference?学生可以用 I can see some (a/an ) in Picture A, but I cant see them (it) in Picture B.教师示范。) T

5、: You can begin like this:I can see an apple in Picture A, but I cant see it in Picture B.I can see some fish in Picture A, but I cant see it in Picture B.(对找出最多区别的同学给予表扬。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:12 分钟)设置情境,引出新句型。1. (教师戴上服务生的帽子和领结,手里拿着一支笔和一张菜单,通过对话引出 新词汇。)T: Boys and girls, can you guess what I

6、 do?S s: You are a cook.T : No, Im not a cook. I am a waiter/waitress. (教师解释 waiter 和 waitress 。)(然后教师展示一张饭店菜单。)T: Whats this in English?S : Its an order. (教师帮助学生说出 an order,板书并要求学生掌握。)order2. (情景表演:教师请三位同学扮演顾客,到讲台来。教师在课前将讲台桌装饰 成餐桌,并在上面放一些食品,如鸡蛋、蛋糕、一杯牛奶、一杯苹果汁) T: S , S , S , please come to the front

7、.2 3 4S : OK.2,3,4T: S , would you like some eggs?2S : Yes, please. /No, thanks.2T: S , what would you like to drink?3S : A glass of apple juice, please. ( 学生可能会回答 apple juice ,帮助学生回答 a 3glass of apple juice。解释 glass,板书并要求学生掌握。)glassT: S , would you like something to drink? (板书并解释 something, 要求学生掌 4

8、握。)somethingS : A glass of milk. Thanks.43. (教师另请两名男生,到讲台前。)T: S , S , please come to the front.5 6S : OK.5,6T: May I take your order, sir? (教学 may, take, sir 板书并要求学生掌握。)may ,take, sirS : Some eggs, please.5S : Some cakes, please.6T: Would you like something to drink?S : A glass of apple juice, plea

9、se.5S : A glass of milk, please.6T: OK. Wait a moment, please. (教师讲解 wait a moment,板书并要求学生掌握。) wait a momentStep 3 Consolidation 第三步1. 听 1a, 回答下列问题。巩固(时间:8 分钟)1) Does Michael usually have milk and bread for breakfast ?2) What about his supper ?2. 再听 1a,完成 1b.3. 跟读 1a,然后自读,并找出重要的短语或句子。What do you usu

10、ally have for? What about lunch? And dinner? I usually have 3. 完成 1c。读 1a 填出所缺单词,小组讨论然后展示答案。4. 完成 2。小组合作,调查你的小组成员一日三餐通常吃什么,然后向全班汇 报。5. 学习顾客在饭店点餐时和服务员对话的常用语完成 3a。看图片完成对话,然后朗读。找出重点句型:May I take your order? Would you like something to drink? A glass of apple juice.完成 3b。选用正确句子完成对话,核对答案后两人一组进行表演。Step 4

11、Practice 第四步练习 (时间:11 分钟)学习三餐饮食习惯的表达,进一步巩固所学句型和单词。1. (教师出示三张钟表简图,分别是早上 700,中午 1200,下午 500,内容 都是一家人吃饭的情景。)T: (出示图片 1)It is seven oclock in the morning.(出示图片 2)It is twelve oclock at noon.(出示图片 3)And it is five oclock in the afternoon. Are you clear?S s:Yes.T : (手持图片 1) Do they wait for a bus?Ss:No.(教

12、师解释 wait for ,板书并要求学生掌握。)wait forT: What do they do?S s: (学生会用汉语回答。)T : They have breakfast.(板书,让学生猜测词义,然后领读,要求学生掌握。)breakfastT: (出示图片 2) They have lunch.(板书,让学生猜测词义,然后领读,要求学生掌握。)lunchT: (出示图片 3) They have supper.(板书,让学生猜测词义,然后领读,要求学生掌握。)supper(联系实际,板书学生在校用餐的时间, 并提问。)in the morning / 8:00 at noon /

13、12:00 in the afternoon / 5:30T: (手指 8:00) What do you do at this time?123S s:We have breakfast.T : (手指 12:30) What do you do at this time?S s:We have lunch.T : (手指 5:30) What do you do at this time?Ss:We have supper.(提问一名学生)T: I know, you often have breakfast at eight. What do you usually have for b

14、reakfast? (手拿些食物做吃饭动作,帮助学生理解。)S : I often have for breakfast.(教师板书解释并领读,要求学生掌握 usually。)usually, What do you usually have for breakfast?T: S , what do you usually have for lunch?2S : I usually have for lunch.S : S , what do you usually have for supper?3S : I usually have for supper.(教师总结。)T: Differe

15、nt people like different foods and drinks. I like Jiaozi. Its my favorite food.(板书并解释 food,教学该句并要求掌握。)foodIts my favorite food.Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动 (时间:8 分钟)结合学生用餐习惯,开展探究和讨论活动,提高学生学习和运用语言的能力。 1. (学生分组,调查组内同学的用餐习惯。然后每组选一个代表,汇报调查结果,完成 1b。)T: OK. Now we know what Michael usually have for three meal

16、s. Now please askyour classmates about their three meals and fill out the table in 1b. Then Ill ask some of you to report it like this: X X usually has for breakfast. He /Sheusually has for lunch, and has for supper. You can ask and answer afterthe following example.Example:A : What do you usually h

17、ave for ?A : I usually have .2. (听 3 录音,学唱歌曲,拓展食物和饮料类名词。)3. Homework:(1) 把 Section A,B 中表示建议、接受和拒绝的语句抄在练习本上。(2) 把 Section A,B 中所有食物类名词,按可数名词和不可数名词分类列在练 习本上。板书设计:What would you like to drink?Section BWait a moment, please.have breakfasthave lunchhave supperWhat do you usually have for ?Its my favorite food.May/Can/Could I ?Would you like something to drink? Yes. A glass of , please.


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