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1、大学英语四级模拟题十五Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the endof each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news一二三四五主观题客观题总分核查人report and the questionswill be spoken only once. After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choice

2、s marked A), B), C) andD). Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheetwith a single line through the center.Part I Writing(15)News Report OneDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter toQuestions 1 and 2 are based on the news report youve just heard.express your1.

3、A) 250, 000 at 50 centres. C) 255, 000 at 50 centres.thanks to one of your friendswho helped you most when you were in difficulty.B) 250, 000 at 55 centres. D) 255,000 at 55 centres.You2. A) Electronic detection.should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.B) Telephone call screening.C

4、) Fingerprints identification.D) Sundays dress rehearsal.Part II Listening Comprehension(25)News Report TwoSection A (17 =Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report youve just heard.7)3. A) It called for a quality inspection on Peanut Corp. of America.B) It rejected the business request from Pea

5、nut Corp. of America. C) It decided not to cooperate with Peanut Corp. of America.D) It decided to have a lawsuit with Peanut Corp. of America.4. A) They have so far caused 691 people to be sick.B) They have so far caused 3, 516 people to be sent to hospital. C) They have so far caused 2 plants to b

6、e contaminated.D) They have so far caused 9 foods to be recalled in history.News Report ThreeQuestions 5 to 7 are based on the news report youve just heard. 5. A) Inability to keep turning out novel products.B) Inability to implement their business plans.C) Failure to integrate innovation into their

7、 business.D) Lack of a successful business model of their own.6. A) It is a magic tool to bring big rewards.B) It is the secret to business success.C) It is an essential part of business culture.D) It is the creation of something new.7. A) Its hardworking employees.B) Its innovation culture.C) Its f

8、lexible promotion strategy.D) Its willingness to make investments.Section B (18 =8)Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation,you willhear four questions.Both the conversationand the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question

9、, youmust choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe center.Conversation OneQuestions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation youve just heard.8. A) She has no time to study.B) She is short of m

10、oney.C) She hasnt heard from her parents for a long time.D) She doesnt know where all her money has gone.9. A) 190 dollars. C) 760 dollars.B) 250 dollars. D) 1, 010 dollars.10.A) He is Carinas boyfriend.B) He is Carinas financial consultant.C) He is working in the loan section of a bank.D) He is stu

11、dying economics at a university.11.A) She has a poor head for economics.B) She wants to ask for a loan from Tims bank.C) She earns little but spends far too much money for a student.D) She wants Tim to be her financial consultant.Conversation TwoQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation youve

12、 just heard. 12.A) At a road crossing.B) Near a school.C) In front of a kindergarten.D) Outside a police station.13.A) He did not notice it.B) He drove too fast to read it.C) It says 45 miles an hour.D) It is not clearly visible.14.A) It is not genuine.B) It actually belongs to somebody else.C) It s

13、hould have been renewed two months ago. D) It is no longer valid.15.A) He was fined 35 dollars.B) He had to do two weeks community service. C) He got a ticket.D) He had his drivers license canceled.Section C10)(110=Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 passages. At the end of eachpassage, you

14、 will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and thequestionswill be spokenonly once. After you hear a question,you must choosethe best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then markthe corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.P assage OneQ

15、uestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage youve just heard.16.A) He is short of money.B) He does not think money is everything.C) He works hard for the sake of money.D) He wants to be a successful businessman and has plenty of time for leisure.17.A) People have reasons to seek fame.B) People are ad

16、vised not to seek fame.C) Fame is less important than money.D) Fame is more important than money.18.A) She is not interested in either money or fame.B) She wants to succeed in doing something more inventive.C) She makes a living by doing research.D) She thinks that those who seek fame will end up wi

17、th a poor reputation.P assage TwoQ uestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage youve just heard.19.A) Cheating. C) Road accidents.B) Theft. D) Air crash.20.A) Have the right documents.B) Learn the local customs.C) Book tickets well in advance.D) Make hotel reservations.21.A) Get a lift if possible.B)

18、 Contact your agent.C) Have a friend meet you.D) Use official transport.P assage ThreeQ uestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage youve just heard. 22.A) It covers 97 square kilometers.B) It covers 179 square miles.C) It is only half the size of Spain.D) It is as big as New York City.23.A) It was c

19、ut off from the rest of the world.B) It imported food from foreign countries.C) Its citizens enjoyed a peaceful, comfortable life.D) Its geographic features attracted many visitors.24.A) The increasing investment by developed countries.B) The establishing of diplomatic relations with France and Spai

20、n.C) The building of roads connecting it with neighboring countries.D) The fast development of its neighboring countries.25.A) They work on their farms.B) They work in the tourist industry.C) The make traditional handicrafts.D) They raise domestic animals.Part III Multiple Choice(0.520=10)Directions

21、: There are 20 incompletesentencesin this part. For each sentencethere are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer thatbest completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.26. The knowledge that a rescue team would continue searching for them _ th

22、e trapped miners.A) retained B) attained C) maintained D)sustained27. The committee recommends that the budget _ discussed at the next meeting.A) is B) will be C) be D) are28. Anyone over the age of 18 is _ to vote.A) illegible B) legible C) eligible D)ineligible29. _ of us can do everything, but al

23、l of us can do _.A) None, something C) Some, everythingB) Few, nothing D) Few, nothing30. My father oftentells me that a man should aim _ and never speak _of himself.A) highly, high C) high, highB) high, highly D) highly, highly31. John was _ from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was co

24、nsidered a promotion.A) transformed B) transferred C) delivered D) transmitted32. I don t want to _ his bad temper.A) put up with C) keep up withB) come up with D) come out with33. The film you watched yesterday was _ from a novel by Jane Austen. A) adopted B) based C) adapted D) adept34. If he had

25、made an appointment, he _ the director.A) could see C) can seeB) could have seen D) had seen35. The government s plan is that social security _ about a fifth of the total public spending.A) takes account of B) on account of C) accounts for D) counts on36. Give the message to _ needs it at the table.

26、A) whomever B) whatever C) whosever D) whoever37. He did not realize that the unemployment was all that _in the city.A) critic B) critical C) criticism D) criticize38. _ are usually preferred by children in the hospital.A) Women doctor C) Woman doctorB) Women doctors D) Woman doctors39. We can read

27、worldwide news on the website of The British Broadcasting_.A) Cooperate B) Cooperation C) Corporate D)Corporation40. My doctor _ me to a specialist in heart disease.A) inferred B) preferred C) referred D) differed41. We gave up the house, because of _ considerations.A) economic B) economics C) econo

28、mical D) economy42. The flu is believed _ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A) cause C) to be causedB) being caused D) to have caused43. Thanks to the modern electrical _, housework nowadays has been made easier and easier.A) appliances B) facilities C)

29、tools D) instruments44. Let me see all the official documents _ the sale of this land.A) concerned B) concerning C) concerns D) concernedly45. Great as Newton was, many of his theories_ today and are beingmodified by the work of scientists of our time.A) are to be challenged C) have been challengedB

30、) are challenging D) may be challengedPart IV Reading Comprehension (35)Section A (0.510 =5)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You arerequired to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given ina word bank followingthe passage.Read the passage through care

31、fullybeforemakingyour choices.Each choicein the bank is identifiedby a letter.Pleasewrite the corresponding letter for each item on theAnswer Sheet.You maynot use any of the words in the bank more than once.(请在答题纸上写单词的代号)You have chosen to attend a university that is not only a greateducational inst

32、itution but is also a great research institution. I encourage you to take 46 of that. Take courses and 47 seminars thatexplore the frontiers of fields where new knowledge and understanding arebeing created. For me, participating in research as an undergraduate ledme from my major in 48 engineering t

33、o my major in computer science, andit 49 a passion for being on the leading edge of discovery. This 50sustained me through my PhD and continues to excite me after more than 30years as a Stanford faculty member. Being at the 51 of discovery andtaking part in the creation of new knowledge is an 52 rew

34、arding and life-altering experience.As you begin your time at Stanford and plan your four years here, I would53 you to remember that your undergraduate education is a foundation forlife. It is a once-in-a-lifetime journey. It is much more than your 54to your first job. It is an opportunity to develo

35、p the skills and passionfor being a lifelong learner in areas 55 to and outside of your career. A) participate B) ticket C) transferred D) use E) ignitedF) advantage G) urge H) constructive I) attend J) immenselyK) passion L) forefront M) intellectually N) related O) electricalSection B (1 10 =10)Di

36、rections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statementsattached to it. Each statementcontains informationgiven in oneof the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information isderived.You may choose a paragraphmore than once. Each paragraphis markedwith a letter. A

37、nswer the questions by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.The End of the Book?A Amazon, by far the largest bookseller in the country, reported onMay 19 that it is now selling more books in its electronic Kindle formatthan in the old paper-and-ink format. That is remarkable, conside

38、ring thatthe Kindle has only been around for four years. E-books now account for 14 percent of all book sales in the country and are increasing far faster thanoverall book sales. E-book sales are up 146 percent over last year, whilehardback sales increased 6 percent and paperbacks decreased 8 percen

39、t.B Does this spell the doom of the physical book? Certainly notimmediately, and perhaps not at all. What it does mean is that the bookbusiness will go through a transformation in the next decade or so moreprofound than any it has seen since Gutenberg introduced printing with moveable type in the 14

40、50s.C Physical books will surely become much rarer in the marketplace.Mass market paperbacks, which have been declining for years anyway, willprobably disappear, as will hardbacks for mysteries, thrillers, “romancefiction,” etc. Such books, which only rarely end up in permanent collections,either pr

41、ivate or public, will probably only be available as e-books withina few years. Hardback and trade paperbacks for “serious” nonfiction andfiction will surely last longer. Perhaps it will become the mark of an author to reckon with that he or she is still published in hard copy.D As for childrensbooks

42、, who knows? Childrensbooks are like dogfood in that the purchasers are not the consumers, so the market (and the marketing) is inherently strange.E For clues to the books future, lets look at some examples of technological change and see what happened to the old technology.F One technology replaces

43、 another only because the new technology isbetter, cheaper, or both. The greater the difference, the sooner and morethoroughly the new technology replaces the old. Printing with moveable typeon paper dramatically reduced the cost of producing a book compared withthat of the old-fashioned ones handwr

44、itten on vellum, which comes fromsheepskin. A Bibleto be sure, a long bookrequired vellum made from 300sheepskins and countless man-hours of labor. Before printing arrived, aBible cost more than a middle-class house. There were perhaps 50,000 books in all of Europe in 1450. By 1500 there were 10 mil

45、lion.G But while printing quickly caused the hand written book to die out,handwriting lingered on(继续存在 )well into the 16th century. Very specialbooks are still occasionally produced on vellum, but they are one-of-a-kind show pieces.H Sometimes a new technology doesntdrive the old one out, but onlyparts of it while forcing the rest to evolve. The movies were widely predictedto drive live theater out of the marketplace, but they didnt, because


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