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1、单数名词变复数名词,1、一般情况下加-s,banana bananas pear pears carrot carrots noodle noodles hamburger hamburgers onion onions,2.以 o结尾的词加 -s或-es,photo zoo potato tomato,photos zoos potatoes tomatoes,3、以 s,sh,ch,x 等结尾的词加-es,sandwich dress box class fish,sandwiches dresses boxes classes fishes,“以辅音字母+y”结尾的,y变为i,然后再加e

2、s。如babybabies family-families。 以f或fe结尾的名词把f或fe改为v, 再加es, knife-knives, leaf-leaves 不规则变化 1.含man的名词,一般变man为men。如womanwomen 2.复数以en结尾的有childchildren 3.单复数同形的有sheep, deer, fish,一般现在时动词的变化规律 1.一般情况 加 -s 清辅音后读/s/ 浊辅音和元音后读/z/ swim-swims;help-helps;like- likes 2.以o结尾的词 加 -es 读/z/ go-goes,do-does 3.以s,sh,ch

3、,x等结尾的词 加 -es 读/iz/ teach - teaches guess - guesses wash - washes watch - watches,4.以辅音字母+y结尾的词 变y 为i再加es 读/z/ study-studies try - tries fly - flies 5.不规则变化have 为 has 变be为am,is,are have-has be-am,is,are,1、 Do you often watch TV on the weekend? 2、 They often do homework on Saturdays. 3、 We often read

4、 books on Sundays.,I like Fridays. I have Chinese, maths and PE on Fridays. I like PE very much. I often play ping-pong with my friends. I do homework and watch TV in the evening.,My name is Mike.My favourite day is Monday.We have maths on Monday. My maths teacher is Miss Lan.She is strict and tall.

5、 My favourite food is fish.It is delicious.I am hard-working and helpful . I often do homework on the weekend.,be动词有am,is,are be动词用法 口诀 我用am, 你用are, is紧跟他,她,它, 复数都用are。 I am You are She is He is It is,We are You are They are 这些是固定用法 I am a boy. (你不能说 I is a boy) You are a student. He is a boy. She is a girl. It is a cat. We are funny. You are friendly. They are old.,


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