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1、Lesson 1 A Material World,Lead in: Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?,Discuss with your partner about the advantages and disadvantages of being a millionaire.,Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?,Discuss with your partner about the advantages and disadvantages of bein

2、g a millionaire.,To buy what you want ( a beautiful house, a nice car, );,To do what you want to do ( study abroad, travel around the world, .);,To help the poor.,Disadvantages of being a millionaire,To worry about your safety( rob you of your money; kidnap you or your family; kill you, );,Advantage

3、s of being a millionaire,To be anxious about your privacy.,Pre-reading:Prediction,“Who wants to be a Millionaire? I dont,” says Charles Gray, an ex-millionaire.,Does he want to be a millionaire?,Is he a rich man?,Why?,Who wants to be a millionaire? I dont,” says Charles Gray (why?)(Para 4 , 5 and 6)

4、,He was tired of being a person who had everything in a world where many people had nothing. He doesnt want to be a millionaire, because he was aware there were many hungry people. He has discovered that having a little money makes him feel free. He feels much happier now.,First reading:contrast : l

5、ife in the past and now,give away money to $2 thousand buy things in charity shops,a small dormitory room; second-hand furniture a small garden,appreciate/ pleased/happier/ feel like Father Christmas feel free,1. What can we infer from the first paragraph?_. A. A lot of people dream of getting rich,

6、 but few can achieve their goals. B. Money brings all the millionaires happiness they want. C. Millionaires care little about money once they get rich. D. Millionaires continue to work hard after they get rich for fear that they might lose their wealth.,Second reading : comprehesion,2. Which of the

7、following is TRUE? _. A. Charles regrets having given all his money away. B. Charles likes his present life. C. Charles owns a five-bedroom house. D. Charles wears the clothes given by kind people.,3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? _. A. Plenty of people spend half their time dreaming up ways o

8、f getting rich. B. Charles was happy to give up the lifestyle of a rich man. C. Charles gave away small bank notes to the local people in poor areas. D. People thought he was drunk when he gave away all his money.,4In the sentence “There are certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man !” the word

9、 “signs” most probably means _. A. movements or sounds that someone makes in order to give out information B. facts that show that something is happening or that something is true C. some pieces of paper in public places D. pictures that have special meaning,5. What is the purpose of the passage? _.

10、 A. To praise Charles for his selfless love for poor people. B. To show money cant buy happiness. C. To show money isnt everything and there are different ways to be happy. D. To persuade millionaires to learn from Charles.,Post reading: What do you know about Grandet?(葛朗台),greedy generous cruel kin

11、d,Money is everything to Mr. Grandet. He is concerned about nothing but gold. He wants gold so badly that he dreams up many ways of getting it. He is determined to keep every penny to himself and never gives away any money. No one can change his mind. He is not pleased with his life. He seldom smiles. The only enjoyable thing for him is to count gold coins. Only then does he feel happy.,money = happiness,?,Discussion:,This is a material world, but money is not everything. Offer help whenever possible, and you will be much happier!,


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