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1、8 A Unit 5词组Welcome 短语:1. 看上去美味的look delicious 2. 和某人谈话 talk to/with sb 3. 照顾某人look after sb (well)= take (good) care of sb4. 了解更多关于野生动物learn more about wild animals5. 处于危险 / 脱离危险be in danger / out of danger6. 写一篇关于大熊猫的报告write a report on giant pandas7. 同情他们 have pity on themReading 短语:8. 打印出来print

2、out 9. 看上去像白色的老鼠look like a white mouse10. 重100克weigh 100 grams 11. 称她希望call her Xi Wang 12. 在四个月的时候at four months old13. 开始走出她的家start to go outside her home14. 第一次(for) the first time15. 八个月以后eight months later16. 长成为一个健康年轻的大熊猫grow into a healthy young giant panda 17. 在刚刚开始的时候at the very beginning

3、18. 达到一天14个小时for up to fourteen hours a day 19. 吃竹笋和竹叶eat bamboo shoots and leaves20. 在野外生存survive in the wild 21. 在未来in the future 22. 因为它的毛而杀死它kill it for its fur 23. 砍树木和森林cut down the trees and forest 24. 没有地方居住have nowhere to live 25. 两整天two whole days 26. 独自on ones own = by oneself = alone27.

4、把带走,拿走take away 28. 处于危险之中in danger(of) 29. 采取以下的措施来保护大熊猫take the following actions 30. 使大熊猫自然保护区更大make giant panda reserves bigger 31. 建造更多的自然保护区build more reserves 32. 鼓励农民们离开大熊猫自然保护区encourage farmers to leave the giant panda*鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth33. 使某人远离危险keep someone safe from danger 34

5、. 动物的厚厚的毛发thick hair of animals35. 继续做某事 continue to do sth/ doing sth36. 变得对动物很感兴趣become very interested in animals37. 北极熊polar bear句型:38. We called her Xi Wang. It means hope.39. Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.40. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 gra

6、ms.41. At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day.42. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.43. Most often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.44. If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.4

7、5. Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more.46. We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas.Grammar短语:47. 去北非go to North Africa 48. 穿过热带雨林walk through a rainforest 49. 为我的报告获得足够的信息get enough information for my report50. 看动物吃食see the feeding of animals51. 掉头跑run the other w

8、ay52. 寻找他们自己的食物hunt for their own food53. 攻击人们attack people54. 从水里抓鱼catch fish from the water55. 渴的be thirsty 56. 雄性狼male wolves57. 保护他们的家庭protect their families58. 以家庭的方式群居live as a family句型:59. Giant pandas will survive if we protect them.60. I will learn a lot about animals.61. I will get enough

9、information for my report.62. All the people cheered because of the wonderful show.63. Lots of people knew about the show because of the advertisement on TV.64. The dolphins were really tired because of the long performance.65. Some students couldnt go to the show because of the exam next week.Integ

10、rated Skills短语:66. 独自生存live alone67. 团队合作work as a team68. 丧失生存地loss of living areas69. 从老虎的骨头里提炼药make medicine from the tigers bones 70. 吃药take some medicine 71. 黑色的条纹black stripes72. 对彼此友好be friendly towards each other73. 好的听觉、视力和嗅觉good hearing, eyesight and smell74. 为了取乐而杀生kill for fun75. 买由动物毛制成

11、的衣服buy clothes made of animal fur76. 穿在我身上看上去漂亮的look lovely on me77. 感到恐惧feel frightened78. 失去生命lose ones life79. 其他的人someone else80. 把森林中好的区域给他们give them good areas of forest81. 继续修建道路continue to build roads*继续做某事continue to do sth82. 有舒适的家have suitable homes83. 赚许多钱make a lot of money84. 卖象牙sell e

12、lephants tusks85. 训练他们train them句型:86. They are in danger because people like their fur and make medicine from their bones.87. Wolves are in danger because people cut down forests. Soon they will have no home or food.88. We think we should help these animals.89. I dont think thats right.90. If no on

13、e buys furs, then people wont kill wild animals any more.Main task短语:91. 既安静又和平be quiet and peaceful 92. 在一次at a time93. 变得越来越小get smaller and smaller94. 的数量the number of 95. 变得农田 become farmlands96. 坚持占领土地keep taking the land*一直做某事keep doing sth97. 写信给报纸杂志write to newspapers and magazines98. 做一些帮助的

14、事do something to help99. 锋利的爪子sharp paws100. 垂直行走walk upright101. 不采取措施do not take action102. 在白天in the daytime 103. 看海豚表演see a dolphin show句型:104. Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mums milk.105. The number is getting smaller and smaller.106. What action can the club take?107. If we dont protect giant pandas, they will die.108. The wild animals cannot find enough food because of the heavy snow.3


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