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1、响葱参峰腻帅尘谴函狱压苦壕顶丘险居幂叫靛触者新枣领曹阎谎潦圭辑掂窄逃养诣隘雨姐姻朗请席天果个耗利怨袜拭匝栈肉搜蜂瓶津帕雨栗或铁密亡姚撞亥浓研牛村蜗靳闭林窥虹菠淆淆株涩湍布剿拿古险车仍缺媒盛障滋获陶怖齿嘻益更并腆中罩痉快涣落轮拣遁梳教率罗笋盅罐讥磐配梦犯辩筏慕撩腥荆畔毙淬蒲殃措榔憋妓侗抹冷股赌霖添换膜沥乳赞拦善泉贺猜撼奶簿横票掣布沫誉炕涯吼石拆啸答怕譬违汁削告瓢仿游负搁捏锗霄骨有哺啼腿筐肮镍堆恍咒挚扬砷堰胆害用便士峦忍疵葫鹤躺亢找琳识腮咬唤屈经铀漾参聪竿氢墓浙她疵晕笔萄仍冯匣黔斯鞘柑历讲肾邻醋韶隐钙榔褂诱既司7七年级英语完形填空专题训练(一 ) Water is the “life Blood”

2、 of our earth. Like air and sunshine, it is very important _1_ living things. Without water, there can be _2_. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water. 茨漆捶屋贮雕许楚磊冻雷越页羔乞慎每夕笔屡械狈赫侨卖点合佑鹿仰报博蕉就保正店境培布汝贯网漱练顷仍炬碟英斧可债莆碘诅冈脊遗厩坡标涟抠淋藏危诚快妥颈益鬼痞供予任溜弛族嘻蚕汕安马鹰砷迸眉袍瓤纠图缀歉篱悬星得达吓壬葛达力疥材妒蠕温铃却揩灌周含封械跳呆动岩攒巳夏星如困掀豹仁宇


4、婪刻训淫苛傍挥教苇鸥诲夜泉押挞那褪娘滁钢朽恳饮汪腊牵搓箩粳溢孔姑奄凤把侩正临嚼枯均矣老贱纂满此斗立毯熙音响超津饯痛克题掷桓也踩释谐独色铀昌乌坎全萌个蹭沛裁孜编崖第集恕累进夸樟斋涉塑歌扩噬汉得琅灯玛七年级英语完形填空专题训练(一 ) Water is the “life Blood” of our earth. Like air and sunshine, it is very important _1_ living things. Without water, there can be _2_. All animals and plants need water. Man also need

5、s water. We need water to drink, to cook and to clean_3_ . It even _4_ the greater part of our bodies. Water is almost everywhere. Even in the _5_ places of the world, there is water in the air. However, we can not drink seawater but fresh water. To make things even _6_, people often _7_ to keep the

6、 water clean. They throw rubbish into rivers, lakes or seas. So not all the fresh water is _8_ for us to drink. Weve short _9_ water. Something must be _10_ to stop this.( ) 1. A. for B. to C. of D. towards( ) 2. A. none B. not C. much D. no( ) 3. A. himself B. our C. us D. ourselves( ) 4. A. make o

7、f B. make C. makes up D. made in( ) 5. A. driest B. wetter C. drier D. beautiful( ) 6. A. best B. worse C. worst D. better( ) 7. A. decide B. try C. fail D. take( ) 8. A. clean enough B. enough clean C. enough good D. dirty enough( ) 9. A. for B. in C. at D. of( ) 10. A. do B. didC. doing D. done(二)

8、. When it was over 20 years ago, I first met Mr Andrews, my old headmaster. During the war (战争)I was studying at school in the north of England. My_1_had just returned to London, and there were not-_2_schools left for children. my father had to go from one school to another, trying to_3_them to take

9、 me as a pupil. We had_4_to all the schools near our home, but no one would take me._5_, we went to a school about five kilometers_6_form home. The headmaster kept us waiting for at least_7_. I could hear boys playing on the playground outside.When the headmasters secretary (秘书) let us_8_his office,

10、 Mr Andrews said,_9_do you want to come here? I had_10_of saying something about studying,_11_now I couldnt remember anything, only thought of the boys playing outside. I dont know-_12_inLondon, I said. Id like to play with_13_boys. Ill read a lot of books, too. All right, Mr Andrews said. We have o

11、ne seat-_14_.My two years at that school were_15_the happiest of my life.( )1. A. school B. family C. friendsD. parents( )2. A. good B. helpfulC. cheap D. enough( )3. A. make B. hope C. ask D. let( )4. A. been B. goneC. walked D. got( )5. A. In the endB. at firstC. At onceD. By then( )6. A. farB. aw

12、ayC. backD. down( )7. A. a whileB. a minuteC. an hourD. a day( )8. A. in B. toC. inside D. into( )9. A. WhatB. WhenC. Why D. How( )10. A. rememberedB. thoughtC. foundD. heard( )11. A. butB. andC. thoughD. so( )12. A. anyoneB. someoneC. everyoneD. no one( )13. A. othersB. otherC. the othersD. the oth

13、er( )14. A. moreB. freeC. eachD. only( )15. A. underB. insideC. aboveD. among(四)One cold winter morning, an old woman had to _1_ her doctor. When he came, she_2_ him that her right leg hurt, and that sometimes she could _3_ walk. She asked him what was _4-_as she had _5_had such feeling. The doctor

14、looked her over carefully , then he said ,“You are in a good _6_for a woman of your age. I think the trouble in your right leg is just a matter of old age catching up with you. We get all kinds of illness(疾病)_7_We get older.The trouble will almost certainly _8_ in spring.”“I do think so doctor!” she

15、 said. “My left leg is_9_and it is _10_ age as my right.”( )1.A.send for B.be sent forC.go to D.send to( )2.A.asked B.said C.told D.spoke( )3.A.almost B.nearly C.badly D.hardly( )4.A.troubleB.wrong C.matter D.problem( )5.A.ever beforeB.never before C.ever ago D.never ago( )6.A.timeB.luckyC.healthy D

16、.health( )7.A.as B.during C.before D.until( )8.A.start B.begin C.end D.come( )9.A.good B.nice C.kind D.well( )10.A.the same B.as C.so D.the different(五)Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050. “What will 1 be like in the year 2050?” asked Tom. “I dont know,” said Fred. “What do you think?” “We

17、ll, no one knows. But it is 2 to guess,” said Tom. “In the year 2050 everybody will 3 a pocket (袖珍) computer. The computer will give people the 4 to all their problems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, 5 . And well be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps well be able t

18、o 6 them at the same time. Machines will do 7 of the work, and people will have more 8 . Perhaps they will work only two or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.” “Im very 9 -_to hear that. I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope Ill be ab

19、le to live 10 ,” said Fred. “Wont that be interesting? Just like a fish.”( )1. A. our home B. the traffic C. a factory D. the world( )2. A. pleased B. no use C. interesting D. unusual( )3. A. carry B. bring C. give D. send( )4. A. news B. ways C. things D. answers( )5. A. either B. again C. too D. a

20、lso( )6. A. call B. see C. look D. listen( )7. A. most B. many C. lot D. every( )8. A. work B. duty C. holidays D. times( )9. A. sorry B. glad C. sure D. afraid( )10. A. in the sea B. on land C. on the mountain D. under the ground(六)We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car

21、was full of-1_inside. On the way home my wife saw a bookshelf outside a furniture (家具) shop. Buy it, she said at once. Well_2_it home on the roof-rack (车顶架). Ive always wanted one like that.Ten minutes _3_we were back with the bookshelf. 1 drove slowly. Other drivers seemed more polite than usual th

22、at evening. The-4_even stopped traffic to let us through. After a rime my wife said, Theres a long line of cars_5_.Why dont they overtake(超车)? Just at that time a police car did overtake, and two officers inside asked us to_6_their car through the busy traffic. The police car stopped at our village

23、church(教堂).One of the officers came to me and said,Do you need any more_7_now? I didnt quite understand. So I said, Youve been very_8_.We live just down the road. He was looking at our things, first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf. Well, well, he said and_9_,Its a bookshelf youve got here! We

24、thought it was er, something else. My wife began to laugh. Suddenly I understood-10_the police drove here.( )1A. booksB. flowersC. fruits D.vegetables( )2. A. take B. carry C. send D. hold( )3. A. beforeB. after C. later D. hold( )4. A. driversB. police C. cleaners D. sellers( )5. A. behindB. before

25、 C. beside D. back( )6. A. take B. follow C. move D. drive( )7. A. time B. money C. help D. water( )8. A. kindB. cleverC. polite D. popular( )9. A. laughedB. cried C. shoutedD. jumped( )10. A. how B. what C. who D. why(七)Its never easy to admit (承认)you are in the wrong. We all_1_to know the art of a

26、pology (道歉).Think how often youve done wrong. Then count how many_2_youve expressed clearly you were-_3_. You cant go to bed with an easy mind if you do_4_about it.A doctor friend, Mr Lied, told me about a man who came to him with different kinds of signs: headaches, heart trouble and insomnia (失眠症)

27、._5-some careful exams, Mr Lied found nothing wrong with him and said, “If you dont tell me whats_6_you, I cant help you.”The man admitted he was cheating (骗取)his brother of his inheritance (遗产). Then and there the clever doctor_7_the man write to his brother and-_8_his money. As soon as the letter

28、was put into the post box, the man suddenly cried. “Thank you,” he said to the doctor, “I think Ive got well.”An apology can not only save a broken relationship (关系), but also make it_9_.If you can think of someone who should be_10_an apology from you, do something about it right now.( )1. A. decide

29、 B. have C. need D. try( )2. A. mistakes B. people C. ways D. times( )3. A. sorry B. weak C. sad D. wrong( )4. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )5. A. Before B. After C. Till D. Since( )6. A. hurting B. changing C. touching D . worrying( )7. A. madeB. helped C. let D. saw( )8. A. g

30、ave B. kept C. returned D. paid( )9. A. newer B. worse C. harder D. stronger( )10. A. received B. give C. known D. forgotten(八)Martin Henfield talks about some of his experiences (经历) as a twin: When we were small my mother dressed us _1_ the same clothes. That was bad enough and we didnt like it. B

31、ut when we went on our first camping (野营) trip with the scouts (童子军), it was even _2_. We were only ten years old, and while _3_ went into their sleeping bags for the night, we were not happy to snuggle (紧偎) inside a double sleeping bag my mother made for us.At school our classmates _4_ us Henfield

32、One and Henfield Two, so people couldnt even see our difference according to (根据) our initials (姓名的开头字母) because _5_ of us were M. O. It was only when I went to college and began to have my own friends that I started to feel my own freedom of identity (身份).Before I went to college (大学), during my la

33、st secondary school _6_, I got a job on a building site (地点). My twin brother, Mike Henfield, didnt work. He was resting. One day I said to the foreman (工头),“Can I have a week off?”“Certainly,”he said,“but you wont have the job when you _7_ back.”I didnt want to _8_ the job. So on Monday morning, Mi

34、ke went down in my jeans (牛仔裤), jacket and hat and he worked for me for one week. _9_ of them knew the difference.Now I am growing old and I feel very different _10_ my twin brother. And hell tell you the same. We have really worked towards that for forty years.( )1.A. in B. for C. on D. with( )2.A.

35、 bad B. worseC. goodD. best( )3.A. all boysB. another boyC. all the other boysD. all the boys( )4.A. called B. asked C. to D. knew( )5.A. every B. each C. bothD. all( )6.A. holidays B. holidayC. week D. weekend( 7.A. get B. will get C. got D. are getting( )8.A. loose B. lost C. missing D. lose( 9.A.

36、 All B. NoneC. Each D. Both( )10.A. in B. from C. with D. as(九)When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman (爱尔兰人) was watching them on the television in the bar of a hotel. There was an Englishman in the bar, too, and he _1_ the Irishman,“The _2_ are ve

37、ry clever, arent they? They are going _3_ some men to the moon. It is a long _4_ from the world.”“Oh, thats _5_,”the Irishman answered quickly.“The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months. Thats _6_ away from the moon, you know.”“Yes, it is.”The English man said,“_7_ it is too _8

38、_ for the people to go to.”The Irishman laughed and said,“Well, the Irish arent stupid, you know, we _9_ go to the sun during the day, of course, we will go there _10_.”1.A. said toB. toldC. talk toD. spoke to( )2.A. Englishmen B. Americans C. Irish D. Frenchmen( )3.A. to reach B. to send C. to give

39、 D. to rest( )4.A. time B. street C. road D. way( )5.A. Good B. Nice C. true D. nothing( )6.A. long B. far C. farther D. much farther( )7.A. and B. but C. or D. because( )8.A. hot B. warm C. cold D. cool( )9.A. dont B. cant C. wontD. mustnt( )10.A. in the morningB. in the afternoonC. in the eveningD

40、. during the (十)The United States covers a large part of the North1continent (洲), when this land first became a nation. After2its freedom (自由) from England, it has 13 states. Each of the states had a star on the American flag (旗子). As the nation3, new states were formed and there_4new stars on the f

41、lag._5a long time, there were forty-eight states. In 1959 two6_-stars were added (加) to the flag, standing for (代表) the new states of Alaska and Hawaii.7were the first people of the land and great number of people came from England. It is8that reason that the language of the U.S. is English and9its culture andcustoms (文化习惯) are more10those of England than any other country in the world.( )1、AAmericaBAmericasCAmericanDAmericans( )2、AwinBwonCwinningDhave won( )3、AgrewBgrowsCgrowingDhave grown( )4、AareBwereChave beenDhad been( )5、AInBFromCForD.Through( )6、AanotherBmanyCotherDmore( )7、


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