2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 23 The Corner Store练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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1、Unit 4 Food and RestaurantsLesson 23The Corner Store单词闯关1.钱mn _2冰箱frd _3二十twent _4.传递;经过;路过ps _5角;角落kn _6clerkklk_短语互译1.取下;拿下 _2分发;传送 _3在冰箱里 _4.便利店 _5many bottles of coke _句型在线1.这是一些钱。_ _ some money.2你想要点什么?/需要帮忙吗?_ I _ you?3我想要一杯茶。Id like _ _ _ tea.1pass v. 传递;经过;路过 观察 Take one down. Pass it around

2、. 拿下来一个。把它传递下去。Please pass the book to me. 请把这本书递给我。Pass me the salt, please. 请把盐递给我。探究 pass 作动词,意为“传递;经过;路过”。当其作“传递”讲时,常构成短语pass sb. sth.或pass sth. to sb.,意为“把某物传递给某人”。活学活用(1)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词请把这些面包递给你的弟弟。Please _ the bread _ your brother.(2)同义句转换Can you pass me the newspaper?Can you pass _ _ _?1Here

3、 is some money. 这是一些钱。探究 此句为倒装句,here引导倒装句的结构:(1)“Herebe主语”该句中主语为名词,be 动词的数由后面主语的单复数形式决定。(2)“Here主语be.”其中主语为人称代词,be 动词在数上与_保持一致。例如:Here it is.它在这儿。活学活用1(1)这是四瓶牛奶。_ _ four bottles of milk.(2)我们在这儿。Here _ _2Can I help you? 你想要点儿什么?/需要帮忙吗?探究 “Can I help you?”是商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所的服务人员对顾客的招呼语。类似的表达还有“What

4、can I do for you?/May I help you?”“Is there anything I can do for you?”。在不同的语境中可以表示不同的意思。在商店可译为“你想买/要点什么?”在饭店,可译为“你想吃点儿什么?”在售票处,可译为“你想要去哪里的票?”拓展 常用的答语:(1)肯定回答:Yes, please. Im looking for/I want to buy/Id like to buy(2)否定回答:No, thanks. Im just looking around./I just have a look.活学活用2Can I help you?_.

5、 I want to buy some Tshirts for my children.A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thanks C. It doesnt matterD. Of course I can详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关 1.money2.fridge3.twenty4pass5.corner6店员;办事员短语互译1take down2.pass around3.in the fridge4corner stores5.许多瓶可乐句型在线1Here is2.Can; help3.a cup of【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛 (1)pass; to(2)the newspaper to me句型透视1 主语(1)Here are(2)we are2 A5


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