2018年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching Period 2 Reading练习 (新版)牛津版.doc

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1、Unit 6 BirdwatchingPeriod 2Reading单词闯关1.提供vt. _2.cover n. _3.极好的,完美的 adj._极好地,完美地 adv._4.周围,绕一整圈;转过来adv. _5.然而conj. _6.停留,逗留n. _7.cent n. _8.空间n. _9.政府n. _ 10.记录 vt._记录 n_11.改变,变化 n_改变 vt.& vi._12.计算(或清点)总数;数数vt. & vi. _13.理解,明白vt. & vi. _14.大自然,自然界n. _自然的,天然的adj._15.容易地,不费力地adv. _ 容易的adj._ 16.协会;社会

2、n. _社会的adj._ 17.旅行者,观光者n. _旅游n._ 18.描述vt. _描述n._19.领导,带领vi. & vt. _领导 n_20.捕鱼;钓鱼vi. _渔民,钓鱼的人n._短语互译1.为提供 _2.一年到头 _3.作短暂停留 _4.in the daytime_5.in order to_ 6.lead to_7.less and less_8.have enough food to eat _句型在线1.扎龙自然保护区位于中国东北部黑龙江省。Zhalong Nature Reserve is in Heilongjiang Province _.2.该地区为大量野生生物提供

3、食物和栖息地。The area _ a lot of wildlife.3.许多鸟长年生活在扎龙,然而有些鸟仅去那里作短暂停留。Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only _ _.4.世界上的鹤所剩不多,其中40%生活在扎龙。There are not many cranes left in the world, and_ them live in Zhalong.5.一些人为了开垦农田和建造楼房想把湿地变得更小。Some people want to make the wetlands smaller

4、 _ have more space for farms and buildings.6.这将导致野生生物的空间越来越少。This will _ space for wildlife.7.我们希望这将帮助人们明白湿地的重要性。We hope this will help people _ the wetlands.课文初探判断正误:()1.Zhalong is in Heilongjiang Province.()2.All the birds live in Zhalong all year round.()3.The government has made laws to prevent

5、the fisherman from keeping fishing in Zhalong.()4.The members of the Birdwatching Society go to study the birds twice a year.()5.Many visitors go to Zhalong to watch the birds every year.1nature n大自然,自然界观察 Zhalong Nature Reserve is in Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China.扎龙自然保护区位于中国东北部黑龙江省。You c

6、annot go against nature.你不能违背自然。探究 nature意为“大自然,自然界”,是_名词,其前不用定冠词_。拓展 _ adj. 自然界的,天生的,自然的;_ adv. 自然地This feeling seems to be natural. 这种感触似乎是自然的。Plants grow naturally. 植物自然地生长。活学活用1. (1)自然界中有各种各样的动物和植物。There are _animals and plants _.(2)2017上海Scientists often suggest that farmers use _(nature) ways

7、to grow fruits. 2provide vt.提供观察 The government will provide food and drinks for the poor.政府将为穷人提供食物和饮料。探究 provide是_动词,意为“_”,其后可直接跟_作宾语,即provide sth,意为“_”。拓展 provide sth _ sbprovide sb _ sthoffer sb sthoffer sth _ sb为某人提供某物22017连云港The newlyopened company _ the local people with more chances to work.

8、Agives BprovidesCoffers Dshows 3space n空间观察 Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.一些人为了开垦农田和建造楼房想把湿地变得更小。When the old man got on the bus, she made space for him.那位老人上车时,她给他让出了空间。探究 space作“空间,太空”讲时,为_名词,且其前通常不用_。搭配 _ 为让出一些空间;_ 在太空拓展 room意为“空

9、间”时,是_名词,相当于_; room意为“_”时,是_名词。3(1)2017大连In North America, you cannot stand too close to people. Give them more personal _. AfunBspaceCtimeDinformation (2)2017杭州Yang Liwei was the first Chinese astronaut in s_4change n改变,变化观察 Great changes have taken place in this area.这个地区已经发生了巨大的变化。探究 change意为“改变,

10、变化”,为_名词。拓展 change作_名词,意为“零钱;找头”。change还可以用作_,意为“改变;更换”。4(1)2017苏州这几年苏州发生了很大的变化。_(2)2017枣庄My life has _(改变) a lot in the last few years. 5count vt.& vi. 计算(或清点)总数;数数观察 We need more people to count and describe the birds.我们需要更多的人来数鸟并对其进行描述。The little boy cant count yet.这个小男孩还不会数数。探究 count既可作_动词,也可作_动

11、词。搭配 _ 从数到5. Dont forget to _ (数一数) the mo6describe vt.描述观察 Can you describe your Chinese teacher?你能描述一下你的语文老师吗?探究 describe为_动词,后面必须跟_。搭配 _ 向某人描述某人/物;_ 把某人/物描述为6. 杰克,向我描述一下你的新朋友吧!_ your new friend _ me, Jack!7importance n. 重要性观察 You must understand the importance of learning English.你必须明白学习英语的重要性。探究

12、 importance是_名词; _ 意为“的重要性”。拓展 _ adj.重要的_ adj.不重要的72017长春Nothing is _ than keeping trying if you want to achieve your dream.Avery importantBmore importantCthe most importantDas important as1Zhalong Nature Reserve is in Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China.扎龙自然保护区位于中国东北部黑龙江省。探究 in Northeast China

13、意为“_”。辨析 in, on与to这三个词都可接表示地点的名词,区别如下:in表示在某个范围之_。on表示在某个范围之_,两地_。to表示在某个范围之_,两地_。活学活用12017恩施Taiwan is an important part of China.Yes, it lies _ the southeast of China.AinBonCto2Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.许多鸟长年生活在扎龙,然而有些鸟仅去那里作短暂停留。探究 (1)_意为“一

14、年到头”, 相当于_。(2)句中的while是_,表示“_”。辨析 while与butwhile作并列连词时,意为“而,然而”,表示_;而but表示_,语气较强烈。2I was writing a diary _ my brother was watching TV yesterday evening.Aafter BbeforeCwhile Duntil3There are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong. 世界上的鹤所剩不多,其中40%生活在扎龙。探究 per cent是_

15、,意为“百分之”,也可写作_。表示占某事物的_时,用“数值per centof”结构。拓展 “数值per cent of名词”作主语时,_的单复数形式取决于of后面_的性质。即:of后面的名词是可数名词_时,谓语动词用_;of后面的名词是可数名词_或_名词时,谓语动词用_。3The number of the volunteers in our city _ 2,000. And sixty percent of them _ teachers and students.Ais; is Bis; areCare; is Dare; are4Some people want to make th

16、e wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. 一些人为了开垦农田和建造楼房想把湿地变得更小。探究 in order to do sth意为“_”,常作_状语,其否定形式为“_”。拓展 in order to常与in order that, so as to, so that或不定式to do进行同义句转换。42017贺州We should study hard _ we can get much knowledge.AwhenBso thatCunless Din order to5This wi

17、ll lead to less and less space for wildlife. 这将导致野生生物的空间越来越少。探究 (1)lead to意为“导致,通向”,后接名词或动名词。(2)less and less意为“越来越少的”,后接不可数名词。 拓展 (1)lead还可作_动词,意为“_”。常用短语为_,意为“引导/带领某人到某地”。(2)_ 意为“越来越少的”,修饰可数名词_。_和fewer and fewer的反义词组均为_。(3)“形容词比较级and(相同的)形容词比较级”表示“_”。若是多音节词或部分双音节形容词,则常用“_”,表示“越来越”。5.(1)食用过多的盐可能导致高

18、血压。Eating too much salt may _ high blood pressure.(2)_ parents complain that they have _ time chatting with their children every day.AMore and more; fewer and fewerBLess and less; more and moreCMore and more; less and lessDFewer and fewer; more and more(3)地球上的水越来越少。There is _ water on the earth.详解详析

19、Period 2Reading 【课前自主预习】单词闯关1provide2.庇护所3.perfect; perfectly4.round5.while6.stay7.分;分币8space9.government10.record; record11.change; change12.count13.understand14nature; natural15.easily; easy16society; social17.tourist; tour18describe; description19.lead; leader20fish; fisherman短语互译1providefor2all

20、year round3.for a short stay4在白天5.以便,为的是6导致7.越来越少8.有足够的食物吃句型在线1in Northeast China2provides food and cover for3for a short stay440 per cent of 5in order to 6lead to less and less7understand the importance of课文初探15TFTFT【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 不可数; the; natural; naturally(1)all kinds of; in nature(2)natural2 及物;

21、 提供; 名词; 提供某物; for; with; toB考查动词辨析。根据句意“那个新开业的公司给当地的人们提供更多的就业机会”及句中的介词with可知此题考查动词短语provide sb with sth,意为“提供某人某物”。故选B。3 不可数; 冠词; make some space for; in space; 不可数; space; 房间; 可数(1)B考查名词辨析。根据句意“在北美洲,你不能站得太靠近人,要给他们更多的私人_”可知答案为B。(2)space4 可数; 不可数; 动词(1)Great changes have taken place in Suzhou over t

22、he years.(2)changed5 及物; 不及物; count fromtocount6 及物; 宾语; describe sb/sth to sb; describe sb/sth asDescribe; to7 不可数; the importance of; important; unimportantB考查形容词比较级。根据句意“如果你想实现你的梦想,没什么比坚持尝试更重要”可知此题考查形容词important的比较级。important为多音节形容词,其比较级为more important。故选B。句型透视1 在中国东北部; 内; 外; 接壤; 外; 不接壤A考查介词表示位置时

23、的用法。句意:“台湾是中国的一部分。”“是的,它在中国的东南。”此题考查介词in表示“在某个范围之内”。故选A。2 all year round; the whole year; 连词; 然而; 对比; 转折C考查状语从句中连词的辨析。句意:昨晚我在写日记的时候,我哥哥在看电视。after意为“在之后”;before意为“在之前”;while意为“当时”;until意为“直到”。两句均为过去进行时态,强调两个动作同时进行,也含有对比之意。故选C。3 名词; percent; 百分比; 谓语动词; 名词; 复数; 复数; 单数; 不可数; 单数B考查主谓一致。the number of意为“的数

24、量”,后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用单数;“基数词per cent of可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。根据句意“我们城市的志愿者数目为2000,并且他们当中60%是老师和学生”可知答案为B。4 为了做某事; 目的; in order not to do sthB考查连词。when意为“当时”,引导时间状语从句;so that意为“以便,为了”,引导目的状语从句;unless意为“除非”,引导条件状语从句;in order to也是“为了”之意,不能引导从句。根据句意“我们应该好好学习,_我们能够得到更多知识”可知此题考查目的状语从句。故选B。5 及物; 引导; lead sb

25、to sp; fewer and fewer; 复数; less and less; more and more; 越来越; more and more形容词原级(1)lead to(2)C考查形容词比较级的用法。“比较级and比较级”意为“越来越”。time意为“时间”,为不可数名词,故可排除选项A;parents意为“家长”,为可数名词复数,故可排除选项B;根据句意“越来越多的家长抱怨他们和孩子聊天的时间越来越少”可排除选项D。故答案为C。(3)less and less课文回顾1provides2.while3.order4government5.prevent6.Society7Record8.Tourists9.Count10describe14


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