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1、,Unit 5,Good manners,Welcome to the unit,When we have lessons in the classroom,we should work in pairs. we should listen to the teachers carefully. we should take part in class-activities. we should help group members. We should sit well. we shouldnt answer questions without putting up our hands. we

2、 shouldnt sleep , eat, walk around, talk freely . ,Are the people doing the right or wrong things?,What should the boy do when he crosses the road?,Obey traffic rules.,It is right to obey the traffic rules.,be,Look and learn,What is the girl doing?,.,Its not right to pick the flowers in the park,She

3、 is picking the flowers.,Look and learn,What should we do in the library?,keep quiet in the library .,It is right to,Look and learn,drop litter everywhere.,Its not right to,What are the man and the woman doing?,lt(r),Look and learn,They are waiting in a queue,They are queuing for their turn.,t:n,kju

4、:,What are they doing ?,Look and learn,It is right to queue for their turn.,He left the tap running,Its not right to leave the tap running.,tp,What did the boy do ?,Look and learn,e,d,a,c,b,f,a drop litter everywhere b leave the tap running c keep quiet in the library d pick flowers in the park e ob

5、ey traffic rules f queue for your turn,Match the pictures with the phrases,Discussion,What should we pay attention to in other public places?,1 .If we play games on the playground,-?,Have a discussion,2.If we walk on the road,-?,每组选一个情景讨论,写在小白板上,每人至少写出一个的观点,What should we do in the library? What sho

6、uldnt we do in the library?,( )1. A. quite B.noisy C. quiet ( )2. A. return books on time B. keep the books clean C. keep the library clean ( )3. A. write in the books B. forget to renew C. without taking a library card,C,C,A,Work in pairs.,A: Can we ? B: Im afraid not. We should A: Anything else? B

7、: Dont . Always . A: I see. Can we ? B: No, we cant there.A: Can we ? B: No, we shouldnt , and we ,walk on the road,we should obey traffic rules. look at the traffic lights. help the old cross the road. walk on the zebra crossing we shouldnt play on the road. walk side by side(并排走). ,play games on t

8、he playground,we should queue for our turn. we should have team spirit(团队精神). we shouldnt shout loudly. we shouldnt drop litter everywhere. we shouldnt fight with others. ,When we have lessons in the classroom,we should work in pairs. we should listen to the teachers carefully. we should take part i

9、n class-activities. we should help group members. We should sit well. we shouldnt answer questions without putting up our hands. we shouldnt sleep , eat, walk around, talk freely,Homework,1 .Ss make dialogues about good manners in other public, at school,Homework,2.Please collect information as much as you can about different manners between Chinese culture and Western culture in such situationsetc.,at a dinner party,greeting people,receiving a birthday present,paying a visit to a friends house,Thank you!,


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