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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Section A period 2 Grammar Focus-3c,Mike,This is my friend Mike. These days, he is on a vacation in Urumqi.,Mike,But he is new in Urumqi.,Can you help him?,Wow!You are so friendly!,There are many problems.,hotel,Can you help Mike?,He wants to buy some apples,

2、 so he can go to the _.,Can you help Mike?,supermarket,He wants to send(寄) a postcard of Xinjiang to his friends, so he goes to the _.,post office,Can you help Mike?,(s),He wants to have fun, so he goes to the _.,park,Can you help Mike?,Can you help Mike?,He feels very terrible, so he goes to the _.

3、,hospital,He wants to get some money, so he goes to the_.,Can you help Mike?,bank,His phone isnt working and he wants to call his mom, so he goes to the _.,pay phone,Can you help Mike?,(s),He wants to eat out, so he goes to the _.,restaurant,Can you help Mike?,He carelessly lost all his money, so he

4、 can go to the _.,police station,Can you help Mike?,(s),hospital,post office,park,pay phone,police station,bank,hotel,restaurant,near,across from,next to,betweenand,in front of,behind,在附近,在对面,贴近,紧挨着,在和之间(2者),在前面(外部),在之后,on,在上,Quick eyes 火眼金睛,near,across from,next to,betweenand,in front of,behind,在附近

5、,在对面,贴近,紧挨着,在和之间(2者),在前面(外部),在之后,on,在上,Round 2,Jack,A: Excuse me, is there a . near here? B: Yes, there is. Its on./next to/ between.and./across from 或No, there isnt. A: Thank you very much. B: You are welcome.,Pair work,An American Story for You小镇的故事/There is a Town,There is a town(小镇). And in this

6、 town. There is a street. And on this street. There is a house. And in this house. There is a room. And in this room. There is a box. And in this box.There is a house. And in this house.There is a room. And in this room. There is a box. And in this box. There is a cake. And on this cake. There are s

7、ome words. Words (are) on the cake. Cake (is) in the box. Box (is) in the room. Room (is) in the house. House (is) in the box. Box (is) in the room. Room (is) in the house. House (is) in the street. Street (is) in the town.,An American Story for You小镇的故事/There is a Town,There is a town(小镇). And in t

8、his town. There is a street. And on this street. There is a house. And in this house. There is a room. And in this room. There is a box. And in this box.There is a house. And in this house.There is a room. And in this room. There is a box. And in this box. There is a cake. And on this cake. There ar

9、e some words. Words (are) on the cake. Cake (is) in the box. Box (is) in the room. Room (is) in the house. House (is) in the box. Box (is) in the room. Room (is) in the house. House (is) in the street. Street (is) in the town.,An American Story for You小镇的故事/There is a Town,There is a town(小镇). And i

10、n this town. There is a street. And on this street. There is a house. And in this house. There is a room. And in this room. There is a box. And in this box.There is a house. And in this house.There is a room. And in this room. There is a box. And in this box. There is a cake. And on this cake. There

11、 are some words. Words (are) on the cake. Cake (is) in the box. Box (is) in the room. Room (is) in the house. House (is) in the box. Box (is) in the room. Room (is) in the house. House (is) in the street. Street (is) in the town.,An American Story for You小镇的故事/There is a Town,There is a town(小镇). An

12、d in this town. There is a street. And on this street. There is a house. And in this house. There is a room. And in this room. There is a box. And in this box.There is a house. And in this house.There is a room. And in this room. There is a box. And in this box. There is a cake. And on this cake. Th

13、ere are some words. Words (are) on the cake. Cake (is) in the box. Box (is) in the room. Room (is) in the house. House (is) in the box. Box (is) in the room. Room (is) in the house. House (is) in the street. Street (is) in the town.,观察,发现,探究(group work),1. there be 结构一般用来表示什么含义? there be 结构的句子的主语是什么

14、? 2.含有there be 结构的句子,一般什么时候用is, 什么时候用are? 3. 英文当中如何表达“某物位于某地”?,There be 句型 一、There be .句型表示的是“某处有(存 在) 某人或某物”, 其肯定句式结构: 1. There be (is,are)+名词+地点状语 e.g. 在我的铅笔盒里有两块橡皮。 _ _ two erasers in my pencil box. 在房子前有一棵大树。 _ _ a tall tree in front of the house.,There is,There are,2. 否定句: e.g. 大桥街上没有银行。 _ _ a

15、bank on Bridge Street. 教室里没有篮球。 _ _ any basketballs in the classroom.,There isnt,There arent,There isnt / arent,3. 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: e.g. 这附近有餐馆吗? _ _ a restaurant near here? 教室里有学生吗? _ _ any students in the classroom?,Is there,Are there,Is/ Are + there +?,Yes, there is/are.,No, there isnt/arent.,用

16、什么提问,用什么回答!,二、There be 句型中的主谓一致原则 (1) 如果句子的主语是 或是 , be动词用“is”。 e.g. 靠近邮局有一个付费电话。 _ _ a pay phone next to the post office. 杯子里面有大量的水。 a lot of water in the cup.,There is,There is,单数可数名词,不可数名词,(2) 如果句子的主语是 ,be动 词用“are”。 e.g. 公园里很多树。 _ _ many trees in the park.,There are,复数名词,(3) 如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主 语,be动词

17、要和最靠近它的那个主语 在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的 “就近原则”。 e.g. 在桌子上有一个桔子和几根香蕉。 _ _ an orange and some bananas on the table. 在桌子上有几根香蕉和一个桔子。 _ _ some bananas and an orange on the table.,There is,There are,There be 句型有特点,主语放在be后面变否定,很简单,be后要把not添。 变疑问,也不难,把be提到there前。 肯定句中有some,否定/疑问要用any换。,There be 句型用法歌诀,1. where是特殊疑问词,

18、 含有“哪里, 某地”的意思。 一般用来询问地点。 2. where 引导疑问句时, 主谓要求倒装。 eg: -Wheres the park ? -Its on Center Street. 公园在哪? 它在中心大街上。 -Where are the pay phones ? -Theyre behind the police station. 付费电话在哪里?在警察局后面。,语法专讲: where 引导的特殊疑问句,语法专讲: 方位介词的使用,1. 方位介词的介绍:on 在.上 behind 在.后 in front of 在.前 near 在.附近 next to 挨着. across

19、from 在.对面 between. and.在.和.间 2. 方位介词的使用:主语+系动词+方位介词+其他 (某物位于某地) eg: The park is across from the bank. 公园在银行对面。 The bank is between the hotel and the hospital. 银行在酒店和医院之间。,Look at the map and answer the questions.,3a,1. Where is the bank? _ 2. Is there a restaurant on North Street? _ 3. Wheres the pa

20、y phone? _ 4. Wheres the post office? _ 5. Is there a hospital near the pay phone? _,Yes, there is.,Its between the hospital and the post office.,Its on North Street next to the police station.,Its on New Street next to the bank.,No, there isnt.,More Exercises,用be 动词的正确形式填空。 1.There _ a pen near the

21、 ruler. 2. There _ two books on the table 3. There _ a pen and two books on the table. 4. There _ two books and a pen on the table.,are,is,is,are,用have/has, there be填空:,1. I_ a good father and a good mother. 2. _some books on the desk. 3. He_ a basketball. 4. _a bank on Long Street. 6. They_ a nice

22、garden. 7. What do you _? 8. _ a classroom in this building? 9. What does Mike_?,Is there,There are,have,have,have,has,have,There is,1. 火车站在公园对面。(某物位于某地) _ 餐馆紧挨着邮局。(某物位于某地) _ 3. 在银行前有一个投币电话。(某处有某人/某物) _ 4. 在医院后面有一个公园。(某处有某人/某物) _ 5. 在公安局附近有一个超市吗?(某处有某人/某物) _,The train station is across from the park

23、.,The restaurant is next to the post office.,There is a pay phone in front of the bank.,There is a park behind the hospital.,Is there a supermarket near the police station?,Memory Challenge 一、there be句型的用法 1 肯定句: 2. 否定句: 3. 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 二、where引导的特殊疑问句对地点进行提问 where isare +地点名词?(bank、pay phones) 回答:,There be (is,are)+其他.,There isnt / arent+其他.,Is/ Are + there +其他?,Yes, there is/are.,No, there isnt/arent.,Itstheyre + 方位介词+其他.,一、Read all the sentences in Grammar Focus three times carefully. 二、Dictation,Homework,


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