七年级英语上册 Unit 2 School Life(语法篇)试题 (新版)北师大版.doc

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1、Unit 2 语法篇 _ 重点掌握一般现在时及时间介词的用法 重点语法:一、一般现在时1、定义:一般现在时表示习惯性、经常性、反复性的动作或存在的状态。“习惯性、经常性、反复性”是一般现在时的三大特性,它不表示特定时间内发生的事。 A.现在经常性的动作或状态 B.客观事实和真理2、时间状语标志词: always,usually,often, sometimes, never,every day /week /month/year/3、一般现在时的构成:Be动词构成的一般现在时;实义动词构成的一般现在时4、谈谈“主语为三单,其后动词s添” 在一般现在时中,当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三

2、人称单数形式。可以简单叙述为“主语为三单,其后动词s添”。何谓第三人称单数?用一句话概括就是“非你、非我、非复数”,如he, she, it, my father, my mother, my sister, our English teacher, Tom, Mike, Liu Jia, China, my book, etc. Eg: He sometimes goes to school by bike. Eg: My father works in the hospital as a doctor.5、动词第三人称单数变化规则动词第三人称变化的规则与可数名词复数变化的规则相同。(1)规

3、则一、一般在词尾加-s。 如:looks, puts. reads, sees, skis等。(2)规则二、以-o, -s, -x, -sh, -ch结尾的加-es。 如:goes, does, misses, passes, mixes, fixes, pushes, wishes, watches, teaches,等。(3)规则三、以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i,再加-es。注意一定是辅音字母加y才变,若是元音字母加y,则直接加-s。 如:flyflies,trytries,fryfries,copycopies buybuys6、一般现在时的句子转换 (1)当句子中有be动词时,则把b

4、e动词提到主语的前面变成一般疑问句;在be动词后面加not变成否定句.陈述句:She is a student. 一般疑问句 Is she a student? 否定句 She is not a student. (2)当句子中即没有be动词,也没有情态动词时,则在主语前加助动词do (you,以及复数), does(单数she,he,it)变成一般疑问句;在主语后谓语动词前加助动词dont(I,you,以及复数), doesnt(单数she,he,it)变成否定句,助动词后的动词要变成动词原形。例:陈述句:We get up at 7:00 every morning.一般疑问句Do you

5、 get up at 7:00 every morning?否定句We dont get up at 7:00 every morning.陈述句:She has a little brother.一般疑问句 Does she have a little brother? 否定句 She doesnt have a little brother.二、时间介词表示时间的at, in, on 1.at表示片刻的时间,如:at 8 oclock ,常用词组有:at noon, at night, at midnight, at the end of, at that time, at the beg

6、inning of, at the age of, at Christmas, at New Year等。2.in表示一段的时间,如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in October, in 1998, in summer, in the past, in the future等。3.on总是跟日子有关,on Monday, on Christmas morning, on the following, on May Day, on a warm morning等。1. He often _ (have) dinner a

7、t home.2. We _ (not watch) TV on Monday.3. Nick_ (not go) to the zoo on Sunday.4 -What time did you get there this morning? - _ eight. A. In B. On C. At D. From 5.Lyon wanted to be a soldier and his dream came true_ November 25th,2008. A. in B. during C. on D. at解析:1.has.此题主要考查一般现在时的主语是第三人称单数时用动词的单三

8、形式,have 的三单形式是has。2.dont watch. 此题主要考查一般现在时的否定句,当主语是一、二、复数时借助助动词do,在其后加not. We 是我们表复数,所以用dont构成其否定句。 3.doesnt go. 此题主要考查一般现在时的否定句,当主语是第三人称单数时借助助动词does,在其后加not. Nick是三单形式,所以用doesnt构成其否定句,当借助助动词时,动词要还原。4.此题考查学生是否掌握了atin on 表示时间的用法。表示几点用at。 5.此题考查时间介词on的用法用在有具体日期的前面。答案: 1.has 2.dont watch 3.doesnt go 4

9、. .C 5.C基础演练一、写出下列动词第三人称单数的变化形式;be_ have_ come_ go_ stay_ teach_ write_ take_ study_ watch_fly_ play_ run_ do_ like_carry_ guess_ finish_ snow_ wash_二、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空;1.The buses _ (use) a lot of oil.2.Each of us _ (have) strong points and weak points.3.My daughter _ (watch) TV every day. Sometimes

10、she _(see) a film on Sunday.4.Li Wei _ (have) a daughter. She stays in a nursery.5.Our family _ (be) a happy one.6.Her mother _ (teach) English at a middle school.7.Jack often _ (listen) to the radio.8.He _ (say) that Prof. Li is tired.巩固提高三、句型转换。 1.Does he have a map?(做肯定回答)_2.Do you have classes t

11、oday?(做否定回答)_3.What classes do you have today?(用maths,art,science回答)_4.I have a Chinese dictionary.(改为否定句)_5.He has a map.(对划线部分提问)_6.Peter has his Chinese book in his bag.(改为一般疑问句)_.四、按照要求改写句子。1.DanielwatchesTVeveryevening.(改为否定句) Daniel_ _TVeveryevening.2.Idomyhomeworkeveryday.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _you

12、_homeworkeveryday? No,I_.3.Shelikesmilk.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _she_milk? Yes.,she_.4.Sandyhaslonghairinaponytail.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _Sandy_longhairinaponytail?Yes,.5.SimonandDanielaregoodfriends.(改为否定句) SimonandDaniel_goodfriends.答案:一、1.is 2.has es 4.goes 5.stays 6.teaches 7.writes 8.takes 9.studies 10.watch

13、es 11.flies 12.plays 13.runs 14.does 15.likes 16.carries 17.guesses 18.finishes 19.snows 20.washes二、1. use 2.has 3.watches; sees 4.has 5.is 6.teaches 7.listens 8.says三、1.Yes,he does 2.No, I dont 3.I have maths,art and science. 4.I dont have a Chinese dictionary. 5.What does he have? 6.Does Peter hav

14、e his Chinese book in his bag? 四、1.doesnt; watch 2.Do; do; dont 3.Does; like; does 4.Does; have 5.arent一、用括号内单词的正确形式填空。1._Sara _(have)the car key?2.We_(have)no classes this afternoon.3.She_(have) a little brother and his name is Sam.4.My mother_(not have) a red dress.5. _your friend_(have) a mobile

15、phone?6.He often _(lend) his pen to his friends.7.I can_(borrow) a dictionary from Betty.8.Please_(ask)me some questions.二、完型填空。(10分) What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go 2 a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 .

16、 At the weekend, he always 4 the same thing. On Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a 7 one, but theres always 8 to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their 9 . Jack and his wife help in

17、 the fields . At the end of the day, they are all 10 and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.( )1.A. playB. stayC. live D. enjoy( )2.A. toB. in C. at D. for( )3.A. dayB. timeC. autumn D. weekdays( )4.A. doesB. makeC. borrows D. has( )5.A. watches B. washesC. driving D. sells( )6.A. Monday B. SaturdayC.

18、 Sunday D. Tuesday( )7.A. big B. smallC. hard D. Short( )8.A. littleB. muchC. fast D. far( )9.A. clothesB. places C. food D. balls( )10.A. cleanB. late C. hungry D. friendly 答案:一、1.Does; have 2.have 3.has 4.doesnt have 5.Does; have 6.lends 7.borrow 8.ask二、1-5:BDDAB 6-10:CABCC_一、单选。(2014-2015学年第二学期初一

19、年级英语期中考试试卷 )1.I have a big brother. _ name is Paul. A. His B. Her C. Its D. Your2. What time does your father go to work? He usually goes to work _ eight twenty. A. on B. in C. at D. for3. Koalas are very cute _ kind of lazy. A. or B. but C. so D. also4. What is your father doing now? _. A. He is a

20、teacherB. He usually plays the violin C. He is reading a newspaper D. He is great5. Mr. Green, a famous writer, _ our school every week. A. visit B. is visiting C. visits D. will visit二、用括号内单词的正确形式填空1.LinTaoisagoodstudent.He_(study)veryhard.2.They_ (work)atthebank.3.Ioften_(help)mymotherwithhousewor

21、k.4.UncleWang_(introduce)hisdaughtertous.5.He_(have)musicclassinMondays.6.How_(do)he_(get)there?7._(do)you_(agree)withme?8.Allofus_(study)hard.9.Healways_(forget)toclosethewindow.10.Grandmaoften_(cook)dinnerforourfamily.三、用正确的介词填空。1. I have history_Monday and Wednesday.2.We usually play sports_the a

22、fternoon.3.Class begins_eight oclock.4.School begins_September.5.We are very happy_Childrens Day.6.They got to Beijing_a warm summer morning.7.I was born_2001.8.We play with snow_winter.四、阅读理解A Davids birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friend. His fa

23、ther and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it. His mother said, There are a lot of funny stories in it, its good for you. Mike, David s best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it. David s sister gave him a round box. It is a birthday cake, he thought But it was a basketball. D

24、avid likes playing basketball. David s brother gave him a big yellow box. David opened it and there was another box in it.The box was green. He opened the small box and saw the third box. This one was blue. There was a short letter in it. Go to your study. You can see three boxes there, a black one,

25、 a gray one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them. David ran to his study and found them on the desk. The black one is bigger than the gray one, and the white one is the smallest. He opened the gray box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to

26、see a model plane in it.根据短文内容选择正确答案。( ) 1. Davids parents put their present in_for his birthday. A. a yellow box B. a lot of boxes C. a black D. a red box( ) 2. Who is Mike ? A. A friend of Davids father B. One of David s best friends C. Davids brother D. David s sister( )3. What color was the bigg

27、est box? _ A. White B. Black C. Grey D. Blue( )4. How many boxes did David s brother give to him? _ A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven( ) 5. What was in the biggest box ?_ A. Book B. A letter C. A model plane D. A small boxB Every evening at six oclock an old man goes to a restaurant near his house. He

28、 eats dinner. After dinner, he drinks coffee and talks to the people at the restaurant. The old mans name is Bill. Bill eats at the restaurant every evening because he is lonely. His wife died and he has no children. Every evening the same waitress brings Bill to his dinner. Her name is Cara. She is

29、 17 years old. Cara is kind to Bill. She knows he is lonely, so she talks to him. If Bill is late for dinner, she calls him on the telephone. “Are you OK?” she asks him. One evening Bill doesnt come to the restaurant. Cara calls him, but he doesnt answer the phone. Cara calls the police. “Please go

30、to Bills house.” Cara tells the police. Later the police call Cara at the restaurant. “Bill died in his sleep,” the police tell her. Bill was 82 years old. A week later, a man comes to the restaurant. “I have something for Cara,” the man says. The man gives Cara a check(支票) for $500000. The money is

31、 from Bill.“This money is for me? From Bill?” Cara asks the man. “Yes,” the man answers.“Butwhy?” Cara asks the man.“Bill liked you,” the man says. “You were kind to him”根据短文内容选择正确答案。( ) 1. An old man goes to a restaurant near his house every evening because_. A. he feels lonely B. he likes coffee C

32、. the food in the restaurant is delicious D. his wife died( )2.Why does Cara often talk to Bill? _. A. Because she has no friends B. Because she knows Bill is lonely C.Because she has nothing to do D. Because she knows Bill is very rich( )3. What does Cara do if Bill is late for dinner? _. A. She ca

33、lls him on the telephone B. She calls the police on the phone C.She brings dinner to Bills house D. She waits for him at the door( )4. Why doesn t Bill come to the restaurant that evening? _. A. Because Cara isnt kind to him B. Because he died in his sleep C. Because he is very tired D. Because he s

34、tays at home for dinner( )5. From whom is the money for Cara? _. A. The police B. The man with glasses in the picture C. Bill D. Caras parentsC Two years ago my husband bought me a bicycle. If you live in a city, it is often faster than a car and you dont have to worry about parking (停车) . You can l

35、eave it anywhere. As it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front, I can take my daughter to school, to the library, to the shops, to anywhere. I use it most in summer when the weather is warm and dry. It can be very unpleasant(不愉快)in winter when it is cold and the rain is heavy. Of course, y

36、ou must be careful on a bicycle. Accidents are not the only problems. One day I went shopping and came back late. I found my front wheel missing. It was a long walk to the bicycle shop. Now I have three strong locks. My husband uses my bicycle sometimes for short journeys. He says it is better than

37、waiting for a bus. He still uses his car for longer journeys. I think that all this sitting down is making him fat and lazy. On my bike I get a lot of exercises and fresh(新鲜的)air, and this makes me feel a lot younger.根据短文内容选择正确答案。( )1. In a city, a bike is better than a car because . A. it is much c

38、heaper B. it is often faster in a city C. you dont have to worry about parking a bike D. Both B and C( )2. Why doesnt the writer like to use the bike in winter? A. Because it is cold in winter and she would be wet when in rains hard. B. Because she has to be very careful. C. Because there are many accidents. D. All of the above.( ) 3. Which of the following is not true? A.The writer is a mother. B. The wheels of her bike were broken. C.She often goes to school with her little daughter. D. Her husband uses her bike at times.( ) 4. Her husband uses her bike f


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