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1、1,Hunan University of Arts and Science,HUMAN ANATOMY,2,Question: How many reference lines in the thorax and abdomen?,Answer: more than 12 reference lines which are listed below: Median lines: Anterior median line and posterior median line Axillary lines: Anterior axillary line, midaxillary line, pos

2、terior axillary line Sternal lines: Lateral sternal line, parasternal line Horizontal line: Subcostal line,transtubercular line Midclavicular line, scapular line, paravertebral line,3,Content,Chapter 5 The Alimentary System,The General Description The Alimentary Canal. The Digestive Glands.,4,The ba

3、sic constituents of the digestive system The main functions of the digestive system,Section 1 The General Description,Content,5, The basic constituents of the digestive system,Digestive canal Accessory organs,The mouth The pharynx The esophagus The stomach The intestine,The teeth The tongue The gall

4、bladder The salivary glands The liver The pancreas,消化系统,6,7,Absorption of the nutrient components (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water) 营养物质的吸收, The main functions of the digestive system,Ingestion of foods 摄入食物,Defecation 排便 : the elimination of indigestible substances from

5、the body via the anus in the form of feces.,8,The oral cavity 口腔 The pharynx 咽 The esophagus 食管 The stomach 胃 The small intestine 小肠 The large intestine 大肠,Section 2 The Digestive Duct,9, The oral cavity 口腔,The oral cavity includes two parts:,The Oral Vestibule 口腔前庭 The Oral Cavity Proper 固有口腔,The o

6、ral cavity,口腔前庭为口腔内牙龈、牙弓外侧部的部分,外界为唇和颊,内界为牙龈和牙齿。,固有口腔上壁为硬腭和软腭,下壁为舌、粘膜和骨骼肌,侧壁为牙弓、牙齿和牙龈。,10,The Oral Vestibule口腔前庭,The Oral Cavity Proper固有口腔,11,The Oral Vestibule 口腔前庭,12,The Oral Cavity Proper 固有口腔,13,It constitutes the roof of the mouth and the floor of the nasal cavity (鼻腔).,The palate (腭),Hard pal

7、ate (硬腭):an anterior 2/3 part Soft palate (软腭): a posterior 1/3 part,The palate,硬腭主要以骨腭为基础,覆盖黏膜而成。,软腭由肌、肌腱和粘膜组成,后部斜向后下,称腭帆。腭帆后缘游离,中央有向下的突起称腭垂。,14,Hard palate (硬腭),Soft palate (软腭),Uvula (悬雍垂),15,The teeth (Dentes牙齿),Two sets,Deciduous teeth 乳牙 Permanent teeth 恒牙,Two sets for the teeth,16,The Deciduo

8、us teeth 乳牙,20 in number, ten teeth in each mandibular and maxillary arch.,中切牙,侧切牙,尖牙,第一磨牙,第二磨牙,17,18,The special points for the deciduous teeth,Eruption萌发: starts at about 6 mouths of age and continues to the beginning of the 3rd year.,Shedding脱落: occurs between the 6th and the 12th years with repl

9、acement by the permanent teeth.,乳牙6个月大时开始萌发,3岁初出全,共20个.,19,The Permanent teeth 恒牙,32 in number, sixteen in each mandibular and maxillary arch.,中切牙,侧切牙,尖牙,第一磨牙,第二磨牙,第三磨牙,第一前磨牙,第二前磨牙,20,Upper jaw,Front,Rear,Lower jaw,incisors,2,2,canines,1,1,premolars,2,2,molars,3,3,The components of the permanent tee

10、th,21,22,The special points for the permanent teeth,The first permanent molar第1恒磨牙: appears at about 6 years of age.,The third molars (wisdom teeth)第3磨牙: many persons erupt at any time after the 12 years of age or not at all.,23,Comparsion between the milk teeth and permanent teeth,2 sets for the hu

11、man teeth,milk teeth (乳齿),permanent teeth (恒齿),Delicate (易受损的) and will gradually fall out,Replace the milk teeth,Will not be replaced by the new teeth if lost,Smaller and whiter than the permanent teeth,24,Gum gm: 牙龈,The parts of a tooth,Crown (齿冠),Neck (齿颈),Root (齿根),the region above the gum,the r

12、egion surrounded by the gum,the region embedded inside the jawbone,25,基本结构 附属结构,The structure of a tooth,Enamel (釉质) Dentine (牙质) Cement (牙骨质) Pulp cavity (髓腔),Periodontal membrane (牙周膜) Jawbone(腭骨) Gingiva(牙龈),Tooth structure,26,Enamel (珐琅质),Enamel (珐琅质),the outermost, non-living, hard layer,mainly

13、 made of calcium phosphate (磷酸钙) and a small amount of organic matter,protects the tooth,27,Dentine (牙本质),Dentine (牙本质),the middle layer,hard and bone-like, but softer than enamel,has strands (丝条) of the living cytoplasm(胞质) running through it,28,Cement (牙骨质),Cement (牙骨质),an unusual form of bone,cov

14、ers the root of the tooth,29,Pulp cavity (髓腔),Pulp cavity (髓腔),the innermost part,contains living cells, blood vessels and nerves,30,Periodontal membrane Jejunum; Ileum The large intestine: Cecum 盲肠 ; Vermiform appendix 阑尾; Colon 结肠; Rectum 直肠 Anal canal 肛管,Question 1: What are the composition of th

15、e digestive duct?,92,Question 2: What are the structure of the liver?,Answer: Hexagonal-shaped liver lobules are the structural and functional units of the liver. The liver lobules are mainly composed of hepatocytes (肝实质细胞) Kupffer cells are distributed in the wall of the hepatic sinusoid (肝血窦),93,Exercise,Requirement: answer every question in English.,Term explanation Hard and soft palate(硬腭和软腭) Deciduous and permanent teeth (乳牙与恒牙) Vermiform appendix(阑尾) Common bile duct(胆总管),Briefly stating the components of the alimentary system and its functions.(简述消化系统的组成与功能),94,95,谢 谢 聆 听! 欢 迎 指 导!,


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