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1、小学英语三下 期中测试Recycle 1听力部分一、听录音,填入所缺的字母。 1. pple 2. og 3. duc 4. oose 5. lio 6. e ephant 7. la p 8. f sh9. c ffee 10. e g 11mous 12. gir ffe二、听朗读,判断所给字母是否与听到的字母一致,用“”和“x”表示 1. ah( ) 2. NE( ) 3.il( ) 4. mg( ) 5. bd( ) 6. CI( )7. BED( ) 8. KFC( ) 9. PRC( )三、听音连线。四、听音,写出下列动物的数量。笔试部分一、把相应的大小写字母连起来。 二、选出不同

2、类的单词,请用“”划出。1. twelve( ) father( ) grandma( )!2. sister ( ) eleven( ) eighteen( )3. apple ( ) giraffe( ) deer( )4. teacher( ) student( ) woman( )5. pink( ) purple( ) colour( )三、 给下列的句子标上正确的序号,使其成为一个意思连贯的小对话。 A. ( )Guess ( )Your teacher? ( )Shes my teacher. ( )Whos that woman? ( )Yes.B. ( )Thirteen.

3、( )How many books do you have? ( )Red. ( )What colour? ( )Sure. ( )May I have a look? 四、从方框的句子中找出正确的答句,并把序号填在括号中。 1( )Where are you from? 2.( )Whos that boy? 3.( )Lets go home. 4.( )How many pens do you have? 5.( )How many books can you see? 6.( )Nice to meet you. 7.( )Look at my bag 8.( )Whos that

4、woman? A Shes my teacher B. OK. C. Oh, its so nice. D. Nice to meet you. E. I can see 14 F. Fifteen. G. Hes Mikes brother. H Were from CAN.五、看情景,读句子,选择合适的表达,把序号填在括号中。 1你想知道爸爸有多少本书,你问:( ) A. How many books do you have? B. How many books can you see? 2你对刚认识的朋友说:( ) A. Where are you from? B. Nice to me

5、et you. 3上课迟到了,你说:( ) A. Come in. B. Im sorry. 4介绍妈妈跟你的老师认识,你说:( ) A. This is my mother. B. Im a teacher. 5你向大家自我介绍,你说:( ) A. My name is Sarah. B. Im fine. 6弟弟想知道你能看见多少个桃子,他问:( ) A. How many peaches can you see? B. I can see fifteen. 7同桌想知道照片里的人是谁,他问你说:( ) A. Shes my grandma. B. Whos that woman? 8同学

6、约你一起画画,他说:( ) A. Great! B. Lets paint.六、按照字母表的顺序,默写出14个已学字母,含大小写。七、写出下列单词的中文意思。 friend student father woman _ _ _ _ man teacher sister fourteen _ _ _ _eleven mother purple hand _ _ _ _ my brother your name_ _twelve girls eleven apples _ _听力材料 Recycle 1 一、听录音,填入所缺的字母。 1. apple 2. dog 3. duck 4. goose

7、 5. lion 6. elephant 7. lamp 8. fish 9. coffee 10. egg 11. mouse 12. giraffe二、听朗读,判断所读字母与所给字母是否一致,用“”和“x”表示) 1ak 2. ME 3il 4. mg 5. bg 6. EI 7. BED 8. KFC 9. PRC三、听音连线 1. My father is from PRC. His mother is from the USA. Her grandpa is from the UK. Your grandma is from Canada. 2. a black elephant a

8、 brown mouse a white pig a green cat 3. thirteen sharpeners five books seventeen rulers eleven crayons三、听音,写出下列动物的数量。 18 ducks 11 monkeys 9 elephants 5 birds 20 cats 17 mice 13 rabbits 12 pigs 答案 Recycle 1听力部分一、1. a 2. d 3. k 4. g 5. n 6. 1 7. m 8. i 9. o 10. g 11. e 12. a二、1.(x)2.(x)3.()4.()5.(x)6.

9、(x)7.() 8.()9. ()三、1. father-PRC mother-USA grandpa-UK grandma-CAN 2. black-elephant brown-mouse white-pig green-cat 3. thirteen-sharpeners five-books seventeen-rulers eleven-crayons四、18 11 9 5 20 17 13 12 笔试部分一、1. An dD mM IL hH Gg 2. fF jJ Kk Ii Bb eE二、l. twelve 2. sister 3. apple 4. woman 5. colour三、A. 2 3 5 1 4 B. 2 1 4 3 6 5四、1. H 2. G 3. B 4. F 5. E 6. D 7. C 8. A五、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B六、Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn七、朋友 学生 父亲 女人 男人 老师 姐妹 14 11母亲 紫色的 手 我的哥哥弟弟 你的名字 12个女孩 11个苹果


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