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1、新课标高二版.选修七,Unit 2,Robots,Using language-reading,1. Know something about Isaac Asimov. 2. Understand the details of the reading.,1. Understand the passage. 2. Develop the skills in reading.,1. Do you know who he is? 2. Have you ever the film from his works? 3. What do you know about him?,Isaac Asimov

2、 ( 1920-1992),Introduction,About Isaac Asimov,Isaac Asimov,American Jew, an American scientist and one of the most great science fiction writers. He wrote so many works which are known as interesting, creative, imaginative, describe events and people that do not exist.,Isaac Asimov,Isaac Asimov ( 19

3、20-1992) 艾萨克阿西莫夫是美籍犹太人,为本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖。 以他的名字为号召的艾西莫夫科幻杂志是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。 基地、机器人等系列是艾西莫夫最脍炙人口的代表作。艾西莫夫通过宏观视野使他的作品处处闪动著关怀人类未来的笔触,超越一般科幻作品的局限。,Isaac Asimov ( 1920-1992) 阿西莫夫不仅是哥伦比亚大学的化学博士,更是世闻名的全能作家,一生著书达四百八十余本,内容广及科学类的数理化、天文、生物、医学,还旁涉人文类的文学、宗教、史地等。如此渊博的学识使他的笔下世界具备了奇幻的想像与高度的

4、预言性。几乎每一本有关机器人发展史的书籍都提到他、他的小说与他发明的“机器人三定律”。他的“机器人三定律” 几乎成了以后科幻作家创作有关机器人的作品时必须遵循的法则。,Asimovs laws for robots,艾萨克 阿西莫夫的“机器人三定律”: 一、机器人不能害人,也不能坐视人类被害。 二、在不违反定律一的前提下,机器人要听人的话。 三、在不违反定律一、二的前提下,机器人要尽量保住自己。,first law : A robot must not injure human being or allow them to be injured. Second law : A robot mu

5、st obey the others given to it by human beings (as long as human beings are not injured). Third law : A robot must protect its own existence (as long as human being are not injured; and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings).,Isaac Asimov was an amazing writer who had finished more

6、than 300 works since the beginning of1950.,About his work,His most famous works,The Foundation Trilogy,I, Robot (我是机器人),the foundation (1951),the second foundation (1952),the foundation and Empire (1953),Enjoy the pictures,1. Whats the passage mainly about? 2. What did Isaac Asimov do? 3. How many b

7、ooks did he wrote?,Now, lets listen to the passage. A Biography of Isaac Asimov And then answer the following questions.,Reading and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings).,Do you think it is necessary for human beings to set laws for robots? Why or why not?,Which law is the story “

8、Satisfaction Guaranteed” based on?,What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimovs three laws did not exist?,Discuss in groups,Group Work,I think it is necessary for human beings to set laws for robots. Otherwise, robots will hurt human beings. Robots must obey the instructions given

9、 by human beings, and ensure human beings are not injured. If Asimovs three laws did not exist, we may have the difficulties to distinguish robots and human beings, and maybe, robots will damage the environment on the earth, even destroy human beings.,The Sample,1. Isaac Asimov was an American scien

10、tist and writer 当and所连接的两个名词表示一个人的两种身份,而实际上指的是一个人时,只在第一个名词前加冠词,第二个名词前不加。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。例如:,A clerk and secretary is enough for such a small office. He is a poet and novelist. The teacher and writer is her friend. The singer and dancer comes from Guangxi.,Language Points,2. which he searched for explan

11、ations of everything, search + 地方 / 人 表示在某地/某人身上寻找/搜寻。 search for :寻找某物 in search of:寻找,作状语,表示目的。例如:,The enemies _the Red Army man everywhere . They have _ the whole city _the missing boy . The boy has been to many places _his lost cat .,searched,searched,in search of,for,3. he started to take himse

12、lf seriously as a writer take seriously :严肃对待/认真对待,例如: You cant take her promises seriously, she never keeps her word. He takes things too seriously.,反义短语: take for granted:想当然 You should _ (重视我的话) , it is good for you. She _ (想当然的认为) that her parents should give her everything.,take what I said ser

13、iously,takes it for granted,4. He is also well known for his collection of short stories be known for = be famous for 因而著名 be known as 作为而著名 be known to 为所知,He is known _ his honesty. Its known _ the most dangerous part of the city. He is known _ everyone _ a good actor.,for,介词填空:,(as, for, to),as,t

14、o,as,5. From 1942 to 1948 he worked as a junior chemist junior :younger , lower in rank: 较年轻的,职位稍低的 senior : older , higher in rank 较年长的,职位稍高的,He is the junior employee in the firm . He is two years junior to me. He is two years senior to me. senior citizens 老人,6. Soon after his divorce in 1973, div

15、orce:n. legal ending of a marriage:离婚,脱离 vt. put an end to a marriage by law 使离婚,与.脱离 ask for a divorce get divorced divorce from,His wife asked for a divorce. They got divorced last year. They are divorcing each other. She divorced her husband two years ago. We shouldnt divorce theory from practice

16、.,7. Asimov received many awards, both for his science books and his science books. award :奖,奖赏,He won the _for the best student of year . It s an _to hear you speak so highly of me . He won the Nobel _for literature . He got a _of $ 100 for helping them.,award,填空:,(prize ,reward, honor),honor,Prize,reward,1. Finish the exercise 4 on page 18. 2. Surf on net to get more information about Isaac Asimov. 3. Complete the biography of your own.,Homework,


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