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1、尚志中学高效课堂自主学习英语语法课导学案复习课题:一般现在时,现在进行时,以-ing 与 -ed 结尾的形容词的用法一学习目标:1. 掌握一般现在时,现在进行时,以-ing 与 -ed 结尾的形容词的用法2. 注意各种语法现象中易错混淆的现象二【独立自学 -互动讨论 -展示答疑 -实践巩固 -当堂检测45 分钟】自研自探环节合作探究展示答疑环节自学内容,时间互 动 自 研展示内容内容第一部分:【语境展示】观察下列格局的时态用法,然后加以总结。 ( 15 分钟)(注意自学三部分后在进行对学)1. 一般现在时的用法1. My brother usually goes to school by bi

2、ke, and sometimes takes a bus.2. Jack writes good English but does not speak well.3. The train arrives at 8:30 and leaves 8:45.4.We shall go to the mountains if it doesn train tomorrow morning.5. Actions speak louder than words.6. Please tell me as soon as he comes back.2. 现在进行时用法:观察下列各局的时态用法,然后加以总结

3、。1.Please dontmake so much noise. Im writinga composition.2. How are you getting on with your physics this term?3. You realways finding fault with others.4. I m hoping to hear from you soon.5. Be patient the train is coming.以 -ing 与 -ed 结尾的形容词【语境展示】观察下列各句的动词 -ing 形式与动词 -ed 形式的用法,然后加以总结。1. I want to

4、go to a place which is relaxing.2. Are you interested in this game?3. The boy like up with a pleased expression.4. Seeing the delighting result, we are all delighted.5. He is surprised to see what has happened.6. I found him interested in the story.I found the book interesting.第二部分:聚焦高考,实战实练:做题 实践巩固

5、( 25 分钟)(注意:自学做题后进行群学)【即学即练一】用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。【自我归纳一】1.一般现在时表示-或 习惯性的动作,常与usually,often,always, sometimes,every day/ morning等时间状语连用,如句 1.2.一般现在时表示现1.学生自主在的状态或助于的学 习 后 填特征,如句 - 。写 展 示 环 3.一般现在时表示按节的内容规定,计划,安排要发生的动作,常见 的 这 类 动 词 有go,come,arrive,start, begin 等,如句 - 。4. 在 - 状语从句或- 状语从句中,可用一般现在时表示将来,如句 4,

6、6.2. 对 学 : 5. 一般现在时表示不对 子 间 检受时间限制的客观查答案,解事实,科学真理,决 自 学 时格 言 等 , 如 句遇 到 的 问- 。题。【自我归纳二】1. 现在进行时的构成为 - , 其否 定 形 式为- 。2.现在进行时主要表示说话人说话时刻正在进行的动作或不断重复的动作,如句 - 。1.We -(consider) your suggestion atthe moment.2.We -(consider) him to bevery honest.3.The shirt -(feel) nice and warm.4. I ll go to see Mr. Smit

7、h at once if it- (please) him.5.He -(go) to see the doctor, isn the?6.Look! How well they -(swim) in thelake!7.Japan -(be) to the east of china.8.My train -(leave) at 6:30.9.You -(always say) that sort of thing.10.Here he -(come).【高考链接二】1.My parents -in Hon Hong. They were bornthere and have never l

8、ived anywhere else.( 天津2009)A.live B.livedC.were livingD.will live2. My parents have promised to come to see mebefore I - for Africa.A. have leftB. leaveC. leftD. will leave3. -Have you got any job offers?-No. I -A. waited B. had been waiting C. have waited D. am waiting4.Teenagers - their health be

9、cause they playcomputer games too much.A. have damaged B. are damaging C. damaged D. will damage5. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts. The plan -.A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off6.-What would you do if it - tomorrow?-Wehave to carry iton, since were gotevery

10、thing ready.A.rainB. rains C. will rain D. is raining【即学即练三】 用所给动词的 -ing 形式和 -ed 形式完成句子。1.The situation here is- (encourage) andwe are -(encourage).2.Hearingthe-(excite)news, hejumped and shouted in an -(excite)voice.3.He returned home -(tire). He had never3. 群学:学生 自 学 后填 写 展 示环节,然后四 人 小 组进行讨论,找 出 学

11、 生不 能 解 决的问题。展示 过 程 中有 学 生 解决 学 生 存在的问题。4 学生在自研,互动后 如 仍 有问 题 由 教师解决。3. 现 在 进 行 时 表 将来,主要表示按计划或安排要发生的动 作 , 如 句- 。4. 现在进行时有时可表示满意,称赞,惊讶,厌恶等感情色 彩 , 通 常 与always , forever ,continually等副词连用,如句 - 。5. hope, wonder, want等动词用在进行时表示更加委婉的语气,如句 - 。6. 现在进行时表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但此刻不一定正 在 进 行 , 如 句- 。【自我归纳三】1. 大多数表示情感的使役动

12、词的 -ing 和-ed 形式都可用作- 词,在句中作表语,定语,状语或补语等。常见的此类动词有 excite, discourage, disappoint, encourage, interest,move,please,surprise, worry, tired 等。2. 动词 -ed 形式,一般用 来修 饰 - 或 有生命的东西,意为“ - ”,是主语自己的感觉,如句 2,4,5,6;也可修饰物,多是人的声音或表情, 如句 3。3. 动词 -ing 形式,一般 用 来 修 饰- , 意 为thought thejourney would be so -(tire).4.His -(s

13、atisfy) face suggested that hewas -(satisfy) withthe -(satisfy) boy.5.What seemed most -(surprise) to mewas that no one thought of his own safety.课堂检测:课堂检测: Quiz for GrammarName-“ - ”,是主语给别人的感觉如句 1,4,7.a) Choose the best answer:1. The house could fall down soon if no one - some quick repair works.A.

14、 has doneB. is doingC. doesD. had done2. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he -from the university next year.A. will graduateB. will have graduatedC. graduatesD. is to graduate3. I -Ping-pong quite well, I haven thad time to play since the new year.A. will playB. have playedC.

15、 playedD. play4. My brother - a lot. He - a new novel at the moment.A. reads; readsB. reads; is readingC. is reading; is readingD. is reading; read5. Can I join the club, Dad?-You can when you - a bit older.A. getB. will getC. are gettingD. will have got6. A new cinema - here. They hope to finish it

16、 next month.A. will be builtB .is built C. has been builtD. is being built7. I ve won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. I - my mum.A. am takingB. have takenC. takeD. will have taken8. Just look at the room. My roommate - up his clothes.A. is never hangingB. will never hangC. never hangsD. never ha

17、nged9. He - for money. I think he will be spoiled( 惯坏的 ) finally.A. always asks B. is always asking C. has askedD. will ask10. Do you like the material(材料) ? -Yes. It - very soft.A. is feelingB. feltC. feelsD. is felt二 用所给出词的正确形式填空。1. The - trip made all the tourists rather -.(tire)2. He has never s

18、pent a more - day.(worry)3. She took a deep breath to calm herself, but her voice still sounded-.(excite)4. All of us were - when we heard the - news that we couldntgo climbing the next day. (disappoint)5. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them - in his lectures.(interest)


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