九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 23 The Giant(Ⅱ)课时训练 (新版)冀教版.doc

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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 23 The Giant(Ⅱ)课时训练 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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1、Lesson 23. 根据句意及提示补全单词。1. Yesterday I k_ at your door, but nobody answered.2. We all know that giraffes have long n_.3. The illness _ (扩展) quickly because of the flood.4. The wind blew _ (温和地) .5. I dont like Tom. He is a _ (自私的) boy. 适当的介词填空。6. Look! Little Mary is sitting _ the tree and picking le

2、aves _ it.7. Grandma stretched out _ his arms when he saw me.8. “What shall I do?” The man said _ himself.9. In the afternoon, Mr. Lin likes to walk _ his neighbourhood.10. I feel comfortable _ the warm wind. 单项选择11. In the accident, an old man was _ by a car.A. knocked intoB. knocked downC. knocked

3、 inD. knocked at12. What _ you _ at this time yesterday?Watching TV.A. do; watchB. did; watchC. were; watchD. were; watching13. Hangzhou is one of _ cities in China.A. the most beautifulB. most beautifulC. more beautifulD. a most beautiful14. Mr. Tang _ in the village ever since he was born.A. lived

4、B. lives C. is living D. has lived. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空stretch out, at once, break out into blossoms, no longer, say to oneself 15. You can feel the rain if you _ your hand.16. The police sent the patient to hospital _.17. Mrs. Lin _ lived here. She has moved away.18. When Kate thinks about something, she likes to _.19. When summer comes, flowers in the garden begin to _.Key:Lesson 231. knocked 2. necks 3. spread 4. gently 5. selfish 6. in; on 7. with 8. to 9. around 10. in 11. B 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. stretch out 16. at once 17. no longer 18. say to herself 19. break out into blossoms 1


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