九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Lesson 31-32随堂基础同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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1、九年级全册Unit6 Lesson31-32 随堂基础同步练习一、单选题1. MybrotherisinvolvedmakingaTV,play()A. ofB. toC. onD. in2. Yourshoesneed_()A. washB. towashC. tobewashedD. tobewashing3. Theanswer_thisquestionisntclear()A. .toB. ofC. .inD. .on4. Lets_thetasks()A. dividebyB. divideupC. divideintoD. dividingup5. ThefilmTangshanE

2、arthquake_by,FengXiaogang()A. wasdirectedB. hasdirectedC. directedD. willbedirected6. Thesmoghasagreateffect_us()A. ofB. toC. onD. in7. Whynot_usmakinganewplayinclass?()A. tojoinB. joinC. joiningD. joinin8. Thereare_studentsinourschool()A. thousandofB. threethousandC. threethousandsofD. threethousan

3、ds9. Makingamoviewill_afewyears()A. costB. takeC. spendD. pay10. -_TVwhiledoingyourhomeworkisnotgood-Iagreewithyou()A. WatchingB. WatchC. SeeingD. Lookingat二、单词造句11. needed,what,is,else_?12. hands,most,their,raise,students_13. movies,kinds,what,different,are,of_?14. movie,Danny,no,in,background,maki

4、ng,has_15. what,for,thats,group,is,work_16. movies,he,action,prefers_17. movie,where,first,the,made,was_?18. money,making,a,costs,of,a,movie,lot_19. theatre,to,why,go,not,the_?20. English,it,learn,is,to,well,hard_三、选词填空task,script,background,direct,get to1. Zhang Yimou is a famous _ 2. Our _ is work

5、ing hard in study3. He has no _ in acting4. These _ were written by Han Zhao5. He _ work as a volunteer in 2008in front of,French,effect,fiction,comedy1. Li Hua has been to _ twice2. The environment has a big _ on your health3. Look! They are acting _ the camera4. This _ was made into a film5. These

6、 _ made by MrBean are very popular around the world四、完成句子1. 让我们着手工作吧Letsget_2. 你曾经拍过电影吗?_youever_amovie?3. 我们需要有人来照看这个婴儿Weneedsomeone_thebaby4. 你对做游戏感兴趣吗?Areyou_playinggames?5. 他们不知道这个问题的答案Theydontknowthe_thisquestion6. 很难相信电脑仅仅有近七十年的历史Itshard_computersareonlynearly70yearsold7. 因特网对我们的生活有如此大的影响Inter

7、nethas_onourlife8. 和故事相比,我更喜欢科幻小说Iprefer_stories9. 喜剧让我们大笑并感到快乐Comediesmakeus_and_happy10. 吃着爆米花看电视是很棒的事_TVwhile_popcornisawonderfulthing答案一、1. D2. C3. A4. B5. A6. C7. B8. B9. B10. A二、11. What else is needed12. Most students raise their hands13. What are different kinds of movies14. Danny has no bac

8、kground in movie making15. Thats what group work is for16. He prefers action movies17. Where was the first movie made18. Making a movie costs a lot of money19. Why not go to the theatre20. It is hard to learn English well三、1. director2. task3. background4. scripts5. got to6. France7. effect8. in front of9. fiction10. comedies四、1. to work2. Have;made3. to take care of4. interested in5. answer to6. to believe7. such a big effect/ so big an effect8. science fiction to9. laugh;feel10. Watching;eating3


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