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1、读后续写训练,阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。,I stood under the mistletoe (槲寄生). The green, leafy clusters (团,簇) spotted with waxy-white berries hung from the branches of every apple tree. Thats the same stuff they sell in the stores for Christmas decorations, I said to myself. Why cant I sell mistletoe too

2、? It would be a perfect way to earn money to buy a Christmas gift for my brother, Derek. I took a few steps back, ran, leaped, and reached as high as I could. But the lowest mistletoe cluster was too high. Frustrated, I had started for home, when something strange caught my eye. At the edge of the a

3、pple orchard (果园), one tree stood bare. All the mistletoe had fallen off the branches. Delighted, I carefully picked out the best clusters and put them in my lunch box. When it was full, I rushed across the cornfield to go home. I entered the door, listening. Yes, a guitar was playing. I pounded on

4、the door. The guitar stopped. A moment later the door was open. My brother stood there wearing his brown leather jacket. “Where are you going?” I asked. “None of your business,” he murmured, sailing past me. It wasnt easy sharing that small bedroom with my older brother.,With Derek out of the room,

5、I emptied the contents of my lunch box onto my bed. As I looked for something to put the mistletoe in, I saw Dereks guitar on his bed, wrapped in an old towel. That guitar was the only beautiful thing Derek owned, and I knew what to buy with the mistletoe money: a case for that guitar. Even if Derek

6、 was bad-tempered sometimes, he is still my brother, and I loved him. Obviously I needed more mistletoe. The next day, I cut through the apple orchard again. A surprise awaited me-two more trees were bare and more mistletoe! I came across the orchards owner who said he paid a guy to cut all that mis

7、tletoe out of his apple trees. He was happy I collected the mistletoe. As I raced for home, I saw Derek, in his leather jacket, was crossing the cornfield. But he ignored me. That night I picked more mistletoe. With all mistletoe sold out, I hurried over to the music store. In the front display wind

8、ow lay a row of wooden recorders. I had learned to play a plastic one at school, and I wanted one of those wooden ones. Each year that was at the top of my Christmas list. But each year there wasnt enough money.,Tip 1: Try to learn more about the cross-cultural communication and put yourself into ot

9、hers shoes.,古代北欧神话中,和平之神伯德 (Balder) 被邪恶之神罗奇 (Loki) 以槲寄生所制成的箭射死,槲寄生是世上唯一可以伤害伯德的东西。伯德的母亲-爱神傅丽佳 (Frigga) 得知后痛不欲生,于是她和众神想尽办法挽救伯德的生命,最后终于救活了他。傅丽佳非常感激,因此承诺无论谁站在槲寄生下,便赐给那个人一个亲吻,于是造成圣诞节槲寄生下的亲吻习俗。而且也将槲寄生象征的涵义、爱、和平与宽恕永远保存下来,这三者也是圣诞节的精神本质。,注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 应使用至少5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你

10、写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词。 Paragraph 1: I was calculating how much more money Id need to buy a recorder when I saw the towers of guitar cases in the back of the store. _ Paragraph 2: I reached the orchard again, overhearing a familiar voice talking with the orchard owner. _,Analysis of the Text,L

11、iterary Genre Narrative (记叙文) The whole story is set in the days before Christmas, during which people are busy preparing gifts to their family and friends.,Synopsis Christmas is approaching. I want to buy a case for my older brothers guitar by selling mistletoe. But however hard I worked, I still h

12、ave not enough momey. Therefore, I come back to the garden to pick up more mistletoe when I overhear a familiar voice talking with the orchard owner.,Tip 2: An analysis of the features of main characters helps give us a better understanding of the story.,smart,care for my older brother,gentle,I,bad-

13、tempered,cold outside,always dressed in his leather jacket,Derek,no enough information from the text,the orchard owner,Analysis of the Main characters,Tip 4: Analyse the development of the story to predict what will happen.,I want to sell mistletoe to buy Christmas gift for Derek, my older brother.,

14、When I came back home, Derek in his leather jacket stood there but he refused to tell me where he had been.,I decided to buy Derek a guitar case. So the next day, I went to collect the mistletoe from day to night.,Having sold the mistletoe, I hurried to the music store, but also saw my dream wooden

15、recorders.,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 1,Describe the guitar case I saw in the shop.,My mental activities when I chose a guitar case for Derek.,The reason why I chose xxx for Derek.,What to write,Due to my insufficient money, I went back to the orchard again in order to gain more mistletoe for

16、 the gift. But I overheard a familiar voice talking with the orchard owner.,Tip 5: It is wise to point out the theme of a passage at the end of it.,Paragraph 2,What can be inferred from the text may help us with the continuous writing.,1. Where did Derek go and what had he done? 2. Why were there mo

17、re bare trees? 3. Who was employed by the orchard owner? 4. Why did I meet Derek in his leather jacket on my way back home? 5. Had Derek known what had always been at the top of my Christmas gift?,Theme: Brothers Love Hard Work for Money,Paragraph 1: I was calculating how much more money Id need to

18、buy a recorder when I saw the towers of guitar cases in the back of the store. As much as I wanted a recorder, I wanted to buy Derek a guitar case more. Even if he had been annoying lately, he was a pretty neat brother. Going inside the store, I found the perfect case for Derek, a brown one with gol

19、d buttons. It cost a lot, though. Much more than I had. I hoped that there would be lots more mistletoe in the orchard when I got there. Paragraph 2: I reached the orchard again, overhearing a familiar voice talking with the orchard owner. It was Derek on the branches! He didnt see me in the shadows

20、. “So what are you doing with all the money Im paying you? Are you going out and having a good time?” asked the owner. “No,” said Derek, getting off the apple tree, “I am saving up to buy my kid brother something for Christmas. Hes been wanting a wooden recorder for ages. He can play pretty well. And you know how it is-he is my brother.”,One possible version,


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